如果你也在 怎样代写运动学Kinesiology KIN312这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。运动学Kinesiology通过应用细胞生物学、分子生物学、化学、生物化学、生物物理学、生物力学、生物数学、生物统计学、生理学、运动生理学、解剖学、神经科学和营养学等基础科学,研究人类运动、表现和功能的科学。运动学学士学位可以为生物医学研究的研究生学习以及专业课程,如医学、牙科、物理治疗和职业治疗提供强有力的准备。
运动学Kinesiology源自古希腊语κίνησις(kínēsis)”运动”,和-λογία-logía “研究”)是对人体运动的科学研究。运动学涉及生理学、解剖学、生物力学、病理学、神经心理学原理和运动机制。运动学在人类健康方面的应用包括生物力学和矫形学;力量和调节;运动心理学;运动控制;技能获得和运动学习;康复方法,如物理和职业治疗;以及运动和锻炼生理学。对人类和动物运动的研究包括来自运动跟踪系统的测量,肌肉和大脑活动的电生理学,各种监测生理功能的方法,以及其他行为和认知研究技术。
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物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|Occupational Physical Activity and Coronary Heart Disease
In the 1950 s, Dr. Jeremy Morris pioneered the study of physical activity and cardiovascular disease (Morris \& Crawford, 1958; Morris et al., 1953). The original approach used to study the relationship between physical activity and health was to compare sedentary individuals with those who were more physically active. Physical activity was characterized through basic classifications related to occupation (e.g., active bus conductors compared to inactive bus drivers). Heart disease rates were compared between workers who held more physically active jobs and those who had sedentary jobs. The general conclusion from these studies was that individuals who had the most physically demanding jobs suffered fewer fatal heart attacks than their sedentary counterparts. For example, conductors who walked up and down the stairs of double-decker buses in London had fewer heart attacks than the more sedentary bus drivers (Morris et al., 1953).
Morris not only demonstrated the health benefits of movement (in the bus conductors), but also the health risks of sedentariness (in the bus drivers who sat for prolonged periods). Recent research on the negative health effects of sedentary behavior, independent of the health benefits of physical activity, suggests that public health initiatives need to focus on both promoting physical activity and limiting sedentary behavior.
Another classic study about the relationship between occupational physical activity and heart disease was conducted by researchers from the University of Minnesota (Taylor et al., 1962). They studied more than 191,000 American railroad workers. Because of union rules and benefits, railroad workers had excellent medical records, which provided the data for the study. In addition, union rules discouraged shifting from one occupation class to another. A 55-year-old person with 20 years of service was likely to have spent all 20 years at the same job.
The occupational groups studied were clerks, switchmen, and section men. The clerks represented men in jobs requiring little physical activity; the work of the section men was the most physically demanding; and the work demands of the switchmen were moderate. Death rates ascribed to coronary heart disease demonstrated that the most physically active workers (section men) had the lowest heart disease rate, whereas the least physically active (clerks) had the highest heart disease rate. The heart disease rate for the switchmen fell between the two extremes. These data suggested that physical activity reduced the risk of heart disease.
物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|Harvard Alumni Studies
The Harvard Alumni studies were surveys of the health and physical activity of nearly 17,000 Harvard alumni. Questionnaire data were used to quantify physical activity in terms of caloric expenditure. The forms of physical activity included various types of sports, stair climbing, and walking. The researchers showed that caloric expenditure was related to heart attack rate (Paffenbarger, Hyde, Wing, \& Steinmetz, 1984) and allcause mortality (Paffenbarger, Hyde, Wing, \& Hsieh, 1986).
Harvard alumni who consistently exercised during their lifetimes had lower heart attack and mortality rates than their sedentary classmates. Walking regularly, climbing stairs, and playing either light or vigorous sports provided health benefits. The total amount of energy expended through all forms of exercise was highly related to heart disease and mortality rates. As total caloric expenditure increased, heart disease and mortality rates moved progressively lower. The highest heart disease and mortality rates were found in alumni who expended fewer than $500 \mathrm{kcal}$ per week through physical activity. Heart disease and mortality rates dropped steadily as caloric expenditure increased up to about $2000 \mathrm{kcal}$ per week expended through physical activity and then leveled off. Paffenbarger et al. (1984) also demonstrated that being a college athlete did not reduce risk of cardiovascular disease unless former athletes remained physically active after leaving college. The alumni at highest risk of a heart attack were the former athletes who were not physically active after college.
The key conclusion of the Harvard Alumni studies was that physical activity is a major determinant of public health. This was examined by calculating what public health researchers call community-attributable risk, an estimate of the potential reduction of heart attacks in the population if the risk factor were not present. This calculation considers the prevalence of the risk factor in the population. Prevalence in this context refers to the percentage of people in the group who have the risk factor. The higher the prevalence of the risk factor, the greater the potential improvement in public health if the risk factor is eliminated.

在20世纪50年代,杰里米·莫里斯博士开创了体育活动和心血管疾病的研究(Morris &克劳福德,1958年;莫里斯等人,1953年)。最初用来研究体育活动与健康之间关系的方法是将久坐不动的人与体育活动较多的人进行比较。身体活动是通过与职业相关的基本分类来描述的(例如,活跃的公交售票员与不活跃的公交司机的比较)。研究人员比较了从事更多体力活动的工作人员和从事久坐工作的人员的心脏病发病率。这些研究得出的总体结论是,从事体力要求最高的工作的人比久坐不动的人患致命心脏病的几率更低。例如,在伦敦,在双层公共汽车上上下楼梯的售票员比久坐不动的公共汽车司机心脏病发作的几率更低(Morris et al., 1953)
另一项关于职业体育活动和心脏病之间关系的经典研究是由明尼苏达大学的研究人员进行的(Taylor et al., 1962)。他们研究了191,000多名美国铁路工人。由于工会的规定和福利,铁路工人有良好的医疗记录,这为研究提供了数据。此外,工会规定不鼓励人们从一个职业阶层转到另一个职业阶层。一个55岁、工作20年的人很可能在整个20年里都在做同一份工作
哈佛校友研究是对近17000名哈佛校友的健康和体育活动的调查。问卷调查数据被用来量化体育活动的热量消耗。身体活动的形式包括各种类型的运动、爬楼梯和散步。研究人员表明,热量消耗与心脏病发作率有关(Paffenbarger, Hyde, Wing, &Steinmetz, 1984)和全因死亡率(Paffenbarger, Hyde, Wing, &Hsieh, 1986)。
终生坚持锻炼的哈佛校友心脏病发作和死亡率比那些久坐不动的同学要低。经常散步、爬楼梯、进行轻微或剧烈的运动都对健康有益。通过各种形式的运动消耗的总能量与心脏病和死亡率高度相关。随着总热量消耗的增加,心脏病和死亡率逐渐下降。心脏病和死亡率最高的是每周体育活动支出低于$500 \mathrm{kcal}$的校友。心脏病和死亡率稳步下降,随着热量消耗增加到每周通过体育活动消耗约$2000 \mathrm{kcal}$,然后趋于平稳。Paffenbarger等人(1984)也证明,成为大学运动员并不会降低心血管疾病的风险,除非前运动员在离开大学后仍保持体育锻炼。患心脏病风险最高的校友是那些大学毕业后没有进行体育锻炼的前运动员。哈佛校友研究的关键结论是,体育活动是公共健康的一个主要决定因素。这是通过计算公共卫生研究人员所说的“社区归因风险”(community- attribution risk)来检验的。社区归因风险是指在不存在风险因素的情况下,估计人群中心脏病发作的潜在减少率。这一计算考虑了风险因素在人群中的流行程度。在这种情况下,患病率是指人群中有危险因素的人的百分比。风险因素的流行率越高,如果消除风险因素,公共健康的改善潜力就越大

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