经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|ECON204 The state of land and agriculture

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发展经济学Development Economics涉及到理论和方法的创建,这些理论和方法有助于政策和实践的确定,可以在国内或国际层面上实施。这可能涉及到重组市场激励机制或使用数学方法,如跨时优化进行项目分析,也可能涉及到定量和定性方法的混合。常见的主题包括增长理论、贫困和不平等、人力资本和机构。与许多其他经济学领域不同的是,发展经济学的方法可能会纳入社会和政治因素来制定特定的计划。[5] 同样与许多其他经济学领域不同的是,对于学生应该知道什么并没有共识。

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经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|ECON204 The state of land and agriculture

经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|The state of land and agriculture

Historically the Middle East was not only self-sufficient in most foodstuffs, but there was a substantial grain surplus for export. The region contained some of the oldest areas of settled agriculture in the world. The highlands of Yemen had elaborate terracing for its agriculture, and the Nile and Tigris-Euphrates valleys had complex irrigation systems dating back to the fourth millennium B.C. Crop rotation to prevent soil exhaustion was pioneered in the region. North Africa was the granary for much of the Roman Empire, and the Mediterranean littoral of the region was one of the first areas in the world to support fruit and vegetable production on a significant scale. The order established by the Ottomans enabled agriculture to flourish, and the security of tenure which land registration brought encouraged landowners to invest in farm improvement.

Over the last four decades the Middle East has become a substantial net importer of food, partly because of population growth and the consequent increase in demand. There have been significant rises in agricultural output, with both increased yields per acre and an expansion in the cultivated area, but
Growth and structural change 41 the additional supply has been insufficient to overcome shortfalls. Egypt’s population continues to increase by over a million every nine months, and has reached almost 100 million. In Iran the population has risen from 38 million before the Islamic revolution to over 80 million in four decades. In these circumstances it is hardly surprising that both countries need to import a large proportion of their foodstuffs, despite the efforts to encourage higher levels of domestic agricultural production.

It is evident that agricultural self sufficiency is not a realistic prospect for most economies in the Middle East. Such a goal is questionable in any case. Self sufficiency can be virtually guaranteed at a price, but given the land resource base of the Middle East the opportunity cost may be considerable. Funds spent on land improvement reduce the budget for industrial infrastructure. Water used in agriculture could be used by manufacturing establishments. There may also be pricing distortions internally. Saudi Arabia has been able to produce a substantial grain surplus for export, but only by pricing domestically produced grain at five times the world level. ${ }^9$

经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|Industrialisation and development

Since the reign of Muhammad Ali in the first half of the nineteenth century in Egypt, there has been an interest in the Middle East in establishing modern industries. Muhammad Ali was very conscious of the successful experience of industrialisation in northern Europe and the United Kingdom in particular, and wanted his country to follow the same path. Egypt was an increasingly important producer of cotton, but most of the raw produce was sent to Lancashire in England for manufacture into textiles rather than being processed locally. It seemed ironic that cotton textiles were actually imported into Egypt, from a country which could not itself grow cotton. Muhammad Ali thought a modest step forward would be to establish textile factories in Egypt to produce substitutes for these imports, but it was realised that the “infant industry” would need tariff protection until it became properly established. ${ }^{13}$

Many development economists see industrialisation as the key to development, as manufacturing can act as a leading sector and serve as a stimulus to growth through linkages to other parts of an economy. ${ }^{14}$ Development may involve structural transformation as the share of primary extractive and agricultural activity declines in relation to gross domestic product and the share of secondary manufacturing rises. At the same time industrialisation not only involves physical investment, but perhaps more importantly, human capital formation. The acquisition of industrial skills can be a crucial learning process, which may be a prerequisite for development. Often the Japanese experience is cited as proof of just how significant the human skill element can be.

经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|ECON204 The state of land and agriculture


经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|The state of land and agriculture


在过去的 40 年里,中东已成为一个重要的粮食净进口国,部分原因是人口增长和随之而来的需求增加。农业产量显着增加,每英亩产量增加,耕地面积扩大,但
增长和结构变化 41 额外供应不足以克服短缺。埃及的人口每九个月持续增加一百万以上,目前已接近一亿。在伊朗,人口已从伊斯兰革命前的 3800 万增加到 40 年的 8000 万以上。在这种情况下,尽管努力鼓励更高水平的国内农业生产,两国都需要进口大部分食品也就不足为奇了。


经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考|Industrialisation and development

自 19 世纪上半叶穆罕默德·阿里在埃及统治以来,中东地区一直对建立现代工业感兴趣。穆罕默德·阿里非常清楚北欧特别是英国工业化的成功经验,希望他的国家也能走上同样的道路。埃及是一个日益重要的棉花生产国,但大部分原材料被送往英格兰的兰开夏郡,用于制造纺织品,而不是在当地加工。具有讽刺意味的是,棉纺织品实际上是从一个本身无法种植棉花的国家进口到埃及的。穆罕默德·阿里认为向前迈出的一小步是在埃及建立纺织工厂,生产这些进口产品的替代品,13


经济代写|发展经济学代写Development Economics代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


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