如果你也在 怎样代写网络分析Network Analysis SYA7357这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。网络分析Network Analysis是一套综合技术,用于描述行为者之间的关系,并分析从这些关系的重复出现中产生的社会结构。其基本假设是,通过分析实体之间的关系,可以对社会现象做出更好的解释。这种分析是通过收集以矩阵形式组织的关系数据进行的。如果行动者被描述为节点,而他们的关系被描述为节点对之间的线,那么社会网络的概念就从一个隐喻变成了一个可操作的分析工具,它利用了图论和矩阵及关系代数的数学语言。
网络分析Network Analysis是科学地理学的一个重要组成部分,这一事实导致其迅速被引入GIS,因为分析工具被添加到GIS软件不断增长的功能套件中。鉴于可以利用网络结构的应用领域异常广泛,网络在GIS中的应用也越来越多,而且在可预见的未来,网络可能仍然是一个主要的空间分析平台。虽然地理学中分析的网络种类繁多(道路网络、河流网络、公共设施网络等等),但真正为研究和实践提供价值的是结构上的相似性,而不是应用上的多样性。网络代表了一个基本的空间领域,许多现象都可以在上面找到,许多活动也在上面进行。
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统计代写|网络分析代写Network Analysis代考|Small-World Phenomenon
It is a fundamental statement regarding the abundance of short routes in a graph whose nodes are people, with connections linking pairs of individuals who are familiar with one another, which is a significant subject in social networks. It is also a topic on which the feedback between social, mathematical, and computational problems has been very fluid, as a side note.
To trace short paths through the United States’ social network, Milgram conducted a series of experiments in the $1960 \mathrm{~s}$ in which he gave participants the option of forwarding an unsolicited letter to a “target person” in the Boston area. The only restriction was that each participant could advance the letter only by forwarding it to a single acquaintance. Milgram found that the average length of a completed chain was six links long on average, according to Milgram’s research.
We are baffled as to why a social networking site would have so short paths. More recently, applied mathematicians Duncan Watts and Steve Strogatz proposed thinking about networks with this small-world property as a superposition: a highly clustered subnetwork consisting of the “local acquaintances” of nodes combined with a collection of random long-range shortcuts that aid in the production of short paths to help with the production of short paths.
Watts and Strogatz investigated the following fundamental model system as a supplement to empirical studies of social, technological, and biological networks:
Construct an ad-dimensional lattice network and link it to a restricted number of long-range connections that originate at each node and end at destinations that are selected evenly at random to get started.
Similar to how many real-world networks are characterized by local clustering and short routes, a network created using this superposition will be characterized by local clustering and short pathways as well [5].
The structure of the small-world phenomenon is an excellent illustration of what occurs during social media, which results in the formation of massive networks that must be managed by massive components and scientific software tools. Providing models that are used as a small type, or more precisely, a sample of that massive network in a smaller size is one method of analyzing and obtaining approximate data from the network.
Whereas this reasoning is mathematically sound, how much it reveals about actual social networks is unknown. There are mathematical methods for approximating the relationship and possibilities between nodes. The clustering coefficient indicates the possibility of a relationship between two nodes in a model. The clustering coefficient values fall within the range $[0,1]$. If the clustering coefficient indicates that the probability of a relation existing between nodes is $1 \%$ or $100 \%$, this indicates that connections exist between all nodes in the model; otherwise, the other values in the interval are used to explain the rate of probabilities of connection exists between nodes. For example, a rectangle with three vertices has the clustering coefficient of one that means all the three vertices while being neighbors of each other they have a direct connection to one another [6].
统计代写|网络分析代写Network Analysis代考|Scale-Free Network
Scale-Free Network or real-world network is an alternative to traditional network models, which provide the setting to simulate large networks. One of the main differences between a scale-free network and the small-world network is the two models have different fundamental properties, where the latter model has two critical properties:
- The network grows over time (Figure 3.5).
- Vertices and edges are willing to join other vertices and edges (preferential attachment) (Figure 3.6).
Scale-Free Network (Figure 3.7) contains a large number of nodes with a high degree of the neighborhood, which is the so-called hub node, as well as some nodes with a low degree of the neighborhood, where the higher number is with the nodes with the lower degree or neighborhood rate. Small-world network modeling would be unable to replicate the particular behavior when it is situated under certain circumstances, and SFN simulation will be used as a result.
The researchers studied the network to see which of the aforementioned factors are significant in describing the characteristics of the small-world network. The number of theories, Watts-Strogatz model, Newman-Watts model, Highly Connected Extra Vertex Model (HCV), and Dorogovtsev-MendesSamukhin model, Barabasi-Albert model, Krapivsky-Rodgers-Redner model, Vazquez model, Davidson Ebel Bornholdt model, concerning the small-world phenomenon consists of numerous models. However, in SFN, the only model is the Barabasi-Albert model, Dorogovtsev-Mendes-Samukhin model, Krapivsky-Rodgers-Redner model, Vazquez model, Davidson Ebel Bornholdt model. These models have different functionalities, yet they are all employed for different network behaviors.
In other words, in the real world, email systems could serve as an example of this type of network model. To begin, each email address is a node in the system, and when an email is sent from the sender and received by the second person, an edge is produced. Because of the existence of the graph of emails, the scale-free network will be formed, which, because of the peculiarities of this model, can pass both the graphical representation of emails and the algorithm that governs how many emails are in each user’s inbox.
As far as large-scale-free networks are concerned, there is no risk of random attacks on the nodes. Because they are reliant on the few highly linked nodes, they are especially vulnerable to targeted assault. However, the network’s connection is unlikely to be impacted even if a single hub fails since more hubs exist. Think of it this way: Being linked means that each node is connected to every other node. You would guess that the network structure is an essential problem when it comes to the study of cybersecurity [9].
统计代写|网络分析代写Network Analysis代考|Small-World Phenomenon
为了追踪美国社交网络中的短路径,米尔格拉姆在美国社会网络中进行了一系列实验。1960 s其中,他让参与者可以选择将一封不请自来的信件转发给波士顿地区的“目标人”。唯一的限制是每个参与者只能通过将其转发给一个熟人来推进这封信。根据 Milgram 的研究,Milgram 发现一条完整链条的平均长度平均为 6 个链节。
我们对为什么社交网站的路径如此之短感到困惑。最近,应用数学家 Duncan Watts 和 Steve Strogatz 提出将具有这种小世界属性的网络视为叠加:一个高度聚集的子网络,由节点的“本地熟人”和一组随机的远程快捷方式组成,这些快捷方式有助于生成短路径以帮助生成短路径。
Watts 和 Strogatz 研究了以下基本模型系统,作为对社会、技术和生物网络的实证研究的补充:
虽然这种推理在数学上是合理的,但它揭示了多少关于实际社交网络的信息是未知的。有一些数学方法可以近似计算节点之间的关系和可能性。聚类系数表示模型中两个节点之间存在关系的可能性。聚类系数值在范围内[0,1]. 如果聚类系数表明节点之间存在关系的概率为1%或者100%,这表明模型中所有节点之间存在连接;否则,区间中的其他值用于解释节点之间存在连接概率的比率。例如,一个具有三个顶点的矩形的聚类系数为 1,这意味着所有三个顶点虽然是彼此的邻居,但它们彼此之间具有直接连接 [6]。
统计代写|网络分析代写Network Analysis代考|Scale-Free Network
- 网络随着时间的推移而增长(图 3.5)。
- 顶点和边愿意加入其他顶点和边(优先连接)(图 3.6)。
无标度网络(图 3.7)包含大量邻域度高的节点,即所谓的中心节点,以及一些邻域度低的节点,其中数量较大的与度或邻域率较低的节点。小世界网络建模在特定情况下无法复制特定行为,因此将使用 SFN 模拟。
研究人员对网络进行了研究,以了解上述哪些因素在描述小世界网络的特征方面具有重要意义。理论数量、Watts-Strogatz 模型、Newman-Watts 模型、高度连通的额外顶点模型 (HCV)、Dorogovtsev-MendesSamukhin 模型、Barabasi-Albert 模型、Krapivsky-Rodgers-Redner 模型、Vazquez 模型、Davidson Ebel Bornholdt 模型、关于小世界现象的模型由许多模型组成。然而,在SFN中,唯一的模型是Barabasi-Albert模型、Dorogovtsev-Mendes-Samukhin模型、Krapivsky-Rodgers-Redner模型、Vazquez模型、Davidson Ebel Bornholdt模型。这些模型具有不同的功能,但它们都用于不同的网络行为。
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