如果你也在 怎样代写费曼图Feynman Diagram PHYS622这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。费曼图Feynman Diagram是对量子力学或统计场理论的过渡振幅或相关函数的微扰贡献的图形表示。在量子场论的经典表述中,费曼图表示微扰S矩阵的威克展开中的一个项。另外,量子场论的路径积分表述将过渡振幅表示为系统从初始状态到最终状态的所有可能历史的加权和,以粒子或场为单位。然后,过渡振幅被赋予量子系统的初始状态和最终状态之间的S矩阵元素。
费曼图Feynman Diagram在理论物理学中,是描述亚原子粒子行为和相互作用的数学表达式的图解。该方案以美国物理学家理查德-费曼的名字命名,他在1948年引入了该图。亚原子粒子的相互作用可能是复杂和难以理解的;费曼图为本来是神秘和抽象的公式提供了一个简单的可视化。据大卫-凯泽说:”自20世纪中期以来,理论物理学家越来越多地转向这一工具,以帮助他们进行关键的计算。费曼图几乎彻底改变了理论物理学的每一个方面。”虽然该图主要应用于量子场理论,但也可用于其他领域,如固态理论。弗兰克-威尔切克写道,为他赢得2004年诺贝尔物理学奖的计算 “如果没有费曼图,简直无法想象,正如[威尔切克]的计算建立了一条生产和观测希格斯粒子的路线一样” 。
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物理代写|费曼图代写Feynman Diagram代考|The Main Difficulties of QED
In the early $1940 \mathrm{~s}$, when Feynman was a graduate student, one of the most pressing problems facing theoretical physicists of the time was the fact that infinite and, therefore, uninterpretable quantities arose from some of the principles of electrodynamics – in both classical electrodynamics as well as in the early attempts to establish a quantum theory. ${ }^{1}$ Roughly, the problem was as follows: an extended electron could not be stable because the charges distributed over its volume would repel each other. On the other hand, a point-like electron would imply that the energy contained in the electron’s electrostatic field would be infinite, since the field energy $e / r$ diverges in the limit of vanishing radius $r$ of the spatial distribution of the charge $e^{2}$ In classical electrodynamics, the difficulties of divergences had been known for some time, and it had been hoped that quantizing the theory would eliminate them. The other strategy was that one should first remove the infinite quantities in the classical theory before one should even attempt to quantize the theory. ${ }^{3}$
It is in this context that Feynman wrote his $\mathrm{PhD}$ thesis, with the removal of the divergences in electrodynamics being his superordinate objective. ${ }^{4}{ }^{\text {In }}$ his thesis, he adopts the second strategy mentioned above of first trying to establish a divergencefree classical theory of electrodynamics and then proceeding to quantize it. Indeed, together with his supervisor John A. Wheeler, Feynman had already developed an alternative theory of electrodynamics with the desired feature that awaited quantization by the time he had started working on his thesis. ${ }^{5}$
The standard procedure for quantizing a classical theory was to interpret the classical Hamiltonian function as an operator in a Hilbert space of state vectors. This operator would then determine the time evolution of the quantized system described by a certain state vector. The problem with quantizing the Wheeler-Feynman theory of electrodynamics was that it could not be formulated by specifying a Hamiltonian function. Therefore, a method was needed to quantize physical systems, the classical description of which could not be given by a Hamiltonian function. ${ }^{6}$
物理代写|费曼图代写Feynman Diagram代考|How the Classical Action Constructs the Quantum Theory
Feynman bases his quantization procedure on Paul Dirac’s considerations on how to construct a quantum theory out of the Lagrangian formulation of classical mechanics, rather than out of the Hamiltonian formulation. Systems that can be described by a Lagrangian can also be described by a Hamiltonian: the two descriptions are related by so-called Legendre transformations. This also means that a system that has no Hamiltonian has no Lagrangian either: if it did have one, one could construct a Hamiltonian of the system using Legendre transformations, which contradicts the hypothesis that the system has no Hamiltonian. Therefore, Dirac’s quantization of a Lagrangian formulation does not solve Feynman’s problem of how to quantize a system without a Hamiltonian. However, it does enable him, as we will see in a moment, to generalize to systems without a Hamiltonian.
In his thesis, Feynman quotes from Dirac’s 1935 The Principles of Quantum Mechanics, ${ }^{7}$ over almost two pages, starting with:
From the analogy between classical and quantum contact transformation … we see that $\left(q_{t}^{\prime} \mid q_{T}^{\prime}\right)$ corresponds in the classical theory to $e^{i S / \hbar}$ where $S$ is Hamilton’s principal function [i. e. the action] for the time interval $T$ to $t$, equal to the time-integral of the Lagrangian $L$,
S=\int_{T}^{t} L d t
Taking an infinitesimal time interval $t$ to $t+\delta t$, we see that $\left(q_{t+\delta t}^{\prime} \mid q_{t}^{\prime}\right)$ corresponds to $e^{\frac{i L \delta t}{h}}$. This result gives probably the most fundamental quantum analogue for the classical Lagrangian function. ${ }^{8}$
In these passages, Dirac is rather vague about the exact nature of the relationship between the exponential $e^{\frac{i L \delta t}{h}}$ of the Lagrange function and the function $\left(q_{t+\delta t}^{\prime} \mid q_{t}^{\prime}\right)$ that relates the state descriptions in terms of the coordinates $q$ at two different times. In his thesis, Feynman shows that $\left(q_{t+\delta t} \mid q_{t}\right)$ not only “corresponds to” $e^{\frac{i L \delta t}{h}}$ but that it is actually proportional to it. According to Feynman’s reminiscences, he discovered this after a beer party in Princeton, when Herbert Jehle, a visiting scholar, called Feynman’s attention to Dirac’s work on the role of the Lagrangian in quantum mechanics. Feynman, so the story goes, was convinced that Dirac just meant “is proportional to” when he wrote “corresponds to”, but Jehle insisted that Feynman had stumbled upon something that nobody else knew: “I [Feynman] didn’t realize-I was only trying to interpret Dirac-but he [Jehle] realized that I had discovered something that wasn’t known. He said, ‘You Americans, always trying to find a use [for] something! That is a way [to] discover new things.” 9

物理代写|费曼图代写Feynman Diagram代考|The Main Difficulties of QED
在早期的 $1940 \mathrm{~s}$, 当费曼还是一名研究生时, 当时理论物理学家面临的最紧迫的问题之一是, 无穷大, 因
此, 无法解释的量是从一些电动力学原理中产生的一一无论是在经典电动力学中还是在早期试图建立量子理 试黑化理论之前, 首先应该去除经典理论中的无限量。
费曼正是在这样的背景下写下了他的 $\mathrm{PhD}$ 论文, 消除电动力学中的分歧是他的最高目标。 $4 \mathrm{In}$ 在他的论文
中, 他采用了上述第二种策略, 即首先尝试建立一个无散度的经典电动力学理论, 然后对其进行量化。事实
上, 费曼与他的导师约翰 A. 惠勒一起, 已经开发了一种替代的电动力学理论, 该理论具有在他开始撰写论
量化经典理论的标准程序是将经典哈密顿函数解释为状态向量希尔伯特空间中的算子。然后,该算子将确定 由某个状态问量描述的量化系统的时间演化。荲化惠勒-费曼电动力学理论的问题在于它不能通过指定哈密 顿函数来表述。因此,需要一种方法来量化物理系统, 其经典描述不能由哈密顿函数给出。
物理代写|费曼图代写Feynman Diagram代考|How the Classical Action Constructs the Quantum Theory
费曼的䵣子化过程基于保罗狄拉克关于如何从经典力学的拉格朗日公式而不是哈密顿公式构建量子理论的考 虑。可以用拉格朗日荲描述的系统也可以用哈密顿量描述:这两种描述通过所谓的勒让德变换相关联。这也 化没有哈密顿量的系统的问题。然而, 它确实使他能够, 正如我们稍后将看到的,
在他的论文中, 费曼引用了狄拉克 1935 年的《囯子力学原理》, 7 将近两页, 开头是:
从经典和量子接触变换之间的类比…..我们看到 $\left(q_{t}^{\prime} \mid q_{T}^{\prime}\right)$ 对应于经典理论 $e^{i S / \hbar}$ 在哪里 $S$ 是时间间隔的汉密尔 顿主函数 [即动作 $] T$ 至 $t$, 等于拉格朗日的时间积分 $L$,
S=\int_{T}^{t} L d t
取一个无穷小的时间间隔 $t$ 至 $t+\delta t$, 我们看到 $\left(q_{t+\delta t}^{\prime} \mid q_{t}^{\prime}\right)$ 对应于 $e^{\frac{i L \text { Lt }}{h}}$. 这个结果可能给出了经典拉格朗日 函数最基本的疃子模拟。 8
在这些段落中, 狄拉克对指数之间关系的确切性质相当模楼 $e^{\frac{i L \text { st }}{\hbar}}$ 拉格朗日函数和函数 $\left(q_{t+\delta t}^{\prime} \mid q_{t}^{\prime}\right)$ 根据坐标
关联状态描述 $q$ 在两个不同的时间。费曼在他的论文中表明 $\left(q_{t+\delta t} \mid q_{t}\right)$ 不仅“对应” $e^{\frac{i L i t}{h}}$ 但它实际上与它成正
比。根据费曼的回忆, 他在普林斯顿的一次啤酒派对后发现了这一点, 当时访问学者赫伯特·耶勒 (Herbert Jehle)呼吁费曼关注狄拉克关于拉格朗日在量子力学中的作用的工作。故事是这样的, 费曼确信狄拉克在 国人, 总是想为某事寻找用途!这是发现新事物的一种方式。”9

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。
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它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。
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