物理代写|量子力学代写Quantum Mechanics代考|PHYS420 Time-Dependent Potentials: The Interaction Picture

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量子力学Quantum mechanics是从解释那些无法与经典物理学相协调的观察结果的理论中逐渐产生的,例如马克斯-普朗克在1900年对黑体辐射问题的解决方案,以及爱因斯坦在1905年解释光电效应的论文中提出的能量和频率之间的对应。这些早期理解微观现象的尝试,现在被称为 “旧量子理论”,导致尼尔斯-玻尔、埃尔温-薛定谔、维尔纳-海森堡、马克斯-伯恩、保罗-狄拉克等人在1920年代中期全面发展量子力学。现代理论是用各种专门开发的数学形式来表述的。在其中一个中,一个被称为波函数的数学实体以概率振幅的形式提供了关于对一个粒子的能量、动量和其他物理特性的测量可能产生的信息。

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物理代写|量子力学代写Quantum Mechanics代考|PHYS420 Time-Dependent Potentials: The Interaction Picture

物理代写|量子力学代写Quantum mechanics代考|Statement of the Problem

So far in this book we have been concerned with Hamiltonians that do not contain time explicitly. In nature, however, there are many quantum-mechanical systems of importance with time dependence. In the remaining part of this chapter we show how to deal with situations with time-dependent potentials.
We consider a Hamiltonian $H$ such that it can be split into two parts,
where $H_{0}$ does not contain time explicitly. The problem $V(t)=0$ is assumed to be solved in the sense that the energy eigenkets $|n\rangle$ and the energy eigenvalues $E_{n}$ defined by
are completely known. ${ }^{4}$ We may be interested in situations where initially only one of the energy eigenstates of $H_{0}$, for example, $|i\rangle$ is populated. As time goes on, however, states other than $|i\rangle$ are populated because with $V(t) \neq 0$ we are no longer dealing with “stationary” problems; the time-evolution operator is no longer as simple as $e^{-i H t / \hbar}$ when $H$ itself involves time. Quite generally the time-dependent potential $V(t)$ can cause transitions to states other than $|i\rangle$. The basic question we address is, what is the probability as a function of time for the system to be found in $|n\rangle$, with $n \neq i$ ?

More generally, we may be interested in how an arbitrary state ket changes as time goes on, where the total Hamiltonian is the sum of $H_{0}$ and $V(t)$. Suppose at $t=0$, the state ket of a physical system is given by
|\alpha\rangle=\sum_{n} c_{n}(0)|n\rangle .
We wish to find $c_{n}(t)$ for $t>0$ such that
\left|\alpha, t_{0}=0 ; t\right\rangle=\sum_{n} c_{n}(t) e^{-i E_{n} t / \hbar}|n\rangle
where the ket on the left side stands for the state ket in the Schrödinger picture at $t$ of a physical system whose state ket at $t=0$ was found to be $|\alpha\rangle$.

The astute reader may have noticed the manner in which we have separated the time dependence of the coefficient of $|n\rangle$ in (5.176). The factor $e^{-i E_{n} t / \hbar}$ is present even if $V$ is absent. This way of writing the time dependence makes it clear that the time evolution of $c_{n}(t)$ is due solely to the presence of $V(t) ; c_{n}(t)$ would be identically equal to $c_{n}(0)$ and hence independent of $t$ if $V$ were zero. As we shall see in a moment, this separation is convenient because $c_{n}(t)$ satisfies a relatively simple differential equation. The probability of finding $|n\rangle$ is found by evaluating $\left|c_{n}(t)\right|^{2}$.

物理代写|量子力学代写Quantum mechanics代考|The Interaction Picture

Before we discuss the differential equation for $c_{n}(t)$, we discuss the interaction picture. Suppose we have a physical system such that its state ket coincides with $|\alpha\rangle$ at $t=t_{0}$, where $t_{0}$ is often taken to be zero. At a later time, we denote the state ket in the Schrödinger picture by $\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{S}$, where the subscript $S$ reminds us that we are dealing with the state ket of the Schrödinger picture.
We now define
\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{I}=e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar}\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{S},
where |\rangle$_{I}$ stands for a state ket that represents the same physical situation in the interaction picture. At $t=0,|\rangle_{I}$ evidently coincides with |\rangle$_{S}$. For operators (representing observables) we define observables in the interaction picture as
A_{I} \equiv e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar} A_{S} e^{-i H_{0} t / \hbar} .
In particular,
V_{I}=e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar} V e^{-i H_{0} t / \hbar}
where $V$ without a subscript is understood to be the time-dependent potential in the Schrödinger picture. The reader may recall here the connection between the Schrödinger picture and the Heisenberg picture:
|\alpha\rangle_{H}=e^{+i H t / \hbar}\left|\alpha, t_{0}=0 ; t\right\rangle_{S} \
A_{H}=e^{i H t / \hbar} A_{S} e^{-i H t / \hbar} .
The basic difference between (5.180) and (5.181) on the one hand and (5.177) and (5.178) on the other is that $H$ rather than $H_{0}$ appears in the exponential.

We now derive the fundamental differential equation that characterizes the time evolution of a state ket in the interaction picture. Let us take the time derivative of (5.177) with the full $H$ given by (5.173):
i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{I} &=i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left(e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar}\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{S}\right) \
&=-H_{0} e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar}\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{S}+e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar}\left(H_{0}+V\right)\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{S} \
&=e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar} V e^{-i H_{0} t / \hbar} e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar}\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{S}

物理代写|量子力学代写Quantum Mechanics代考|PHYS420 Time-Dependent Potentials: The Interaction Picture


物理代写|量子力学代写Quantum mechanics代考|Statement of the Problem

到目前为止, 在本书中, 我们一直关注不明确包含时间的哈密顿量。然而, 在自然界中, 存在许多具有时间 依赖性的重要量子力学系统。在本章的剩余部分中, 我们将展示如何处理具有时间相关电位的情况。 我们考虑一个哈密顿量 $H$ 这样它就可以分成两部分,
在哪里 $H_{0}$ 不明确包含时间。问题 $V(t)=0$ 假设在能量本征函数的意义上已解决 $|n\rangle$ 和能荲特征值 $E_{n}$ 被定 Q为
是完全已知的。 ${ }^{4}$ 我们可能对最初只有一种能荲本征态的情况感兴㻓 $H_{0}$, 例如, $|i\rangle$ 被填充。然而, 随着时 间的推移, 除了 $|i\rangle$ 被填充, 因为 $V(t) \neq 0$ 我们不再处理“固定”问题; 时间演化算子不再像 $e^{-i H t / \hbar}$ 什么时 候 $H$ 本身涉及时间。相当普遍的时间依赖性潜力 $V(t)$ 可能会导致转换到其他状态 $|i\rangle$. 我们要解决的基本问题 是, 作为时间函数的系统在 $|n\rangle$, 和 $n \neq i$ ?
更一般地说, 我们可能对任意状态 ket 如何随时间变化感兴趣, 其中总哈密顿量是 $H_{0}$ 和 $V(t)$. 假设在 $t=0$, 物理系统的状态 ket 由下式给出
|\alpha\rangle=\sum_{n} c_{n}(0)|n\rangle .
㧴们希望找到 $c_{n}(t)$ 为了 $t>0$ 这样
\left|\alpha, t_{0}=0 ; t\right\rangle=\sum_{n} c_{n}(t) e^{-i E_{n} t / \hbar}|n\rangle
其中左侧的 ket 代表薛定谔图片中的状态 kett一个物理系统的状态 ket 在 $t=0$ 被发现是 $|\alpha\rangle$.
精明的读者可能已经注意到我们分离系数的时间依赖性的方式 $|n\rangle$ 在(5.176)中。因素 $e^{-i E_{n} t / \hbar}$ 存在, 即使 $V$ 缺席。这种写时间依赖性的方式清楚地表明了 $c_{n}(t)$ 仅仅是由于存在 $V(t) ; c_{n}(t)$ 将完全等于 $c_{n}(0)$ 因此独 立于 $t$ 如果 $V$ 为零。稍后我们将看到, 这种分离很方便, 因为 $c_{n}(t)$ 满足一个相对简单的微分方程。找到的概 率 $|n\rangle$ 通过评估叐现 $\left|c_{n}(t)\right|^{2}$.

物理代写|量子力学代写Quantum mechanics代考|The Interaction Picture

在我们讨论微分方程之前 $c_{n}(t)$, 我们讨论交互图。假设找们有一个物理系统, 它的状态 $k e t$ 与 $|\alpha\rangle$ 在 $t=t_{0}$, 在哪里 $t_{0}$ 通常被认为是零。稍后, 我们将薛定谔图中的状态 ket 表示为 $\left|\alpha, t_{0} ;\right\rangle_{S}$, 其中下标 $S$ 提 酲我们, 我们正在处理薛定谔图的状态。 我们现在定义
\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{I}=e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar}\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{S},
$$ 于操作符 (表示可观察对象), 我们将交互图中的可观察对象定义为
A_{I} \equiv e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar} A_{S} e^{-i H_{0} t / \hbar} .
V_{I}=e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar} V e^{-i H_{0} t / \hbar}
在哪里 $V$ 没有下标的被理解为薛定谔图像中的时间相关势。读者可以在这里回忆一下薛定谔图和海森堡图之 间的联系:
|\alpha\rangle_{H}=e^{+i H t / \hbar}\left|\alpha, t_{0}=0 ; t\right\rangle_{S} A_{H}=e^{i H t / \hbar} A_{S} e^{-i H t / \hbar} .
一方面 (5.180) 和 (5.181) 与另一方面 (5.177) 和 (5.178) 之间的基本区别在于 $H$ 而不是 $H_{0}$ 出现在指 数中。
我们现在推导出描述交互图中状态 ket时间演化的基本微分方程。让我们取 (5.177) 的时间导数 $H$ 由 (5.173) 给出:
i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{I}=i \hbar \frac{\partial}{\partial t}\left(e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar}\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{S}\right) \quad=-H_{0} e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar}\left|\alpha, t_{0} ; t\right\rangle_{S}+e^{i H_{0} t / \hbar}\left(H_{0}+V\right) \mid \alpha,

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