数学代写|数学建模代写Mathematical Modeling代考|TMA4195 Modelling Analysis

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数学建模Mathematical Modeling可以有很多形式,包括动态系统、统计模型、微分方程或博弈论模型。这些和其他类型的模型可以重叠,一个特定的模型涉及各种抽象结构。一般来说,数学模型可能包括逻辑模型。在许多情况下,一个科学领域的质量取决于在理论方面开发的数学模型与可重复的实验结果的吻合程度。理论上的数学模型和实验测量结果之间缺乏一致性,往往导致更好的理论被开发出来,从而取得重要进展。

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数学代写|数学建模代写Mathematical Modeling代考|TMA4195 Modelling Analysis

数学代写|数学建模代写Mathematical Modeling代考|Modelling Analysis

Amy and Angela’s modelling behavior can be charted through Borromeo Ferri’s (2006) modelling cycle (see Fig. 16). This begins when they identified the parking lot as something ambiguous, as no information was provided other than that it needs to fit 30 vehicles (real situation $\left(\mathrm{RS}^3\right.$ ). Drawing from her EMK, Amy identified the length and width of vehicles as important factors in the designs (MRS2) but were not certain what to make of these measurements within their design. These actions helped reduce some ambiguity, but were not sufficient to help them move forward.

Instead of spending more time on the parking lot, Amy and Angela put it on hold and worked on other aspects of the problem.

As the girls re-read the instructions they focused on the distance between the buildings and the property lines (RS3). They interpreted this as a restriction to the “usable space” on the grid (MRS4), made plans to create an outline on the grid (RM5), drew from the instructions the information they needed, and applied their mathematical skills to convert the distance away from the property line into number of squares on the grid (MM6, MS7). They interpreted their solution as an outline on the grid and used it to represent the space they could use (RSoln8). This is Amy and Angela’s first complete modelling cycle (MC1, steps 3-8).

After the outline, the girls moved on to the soccer field (MC2, steps 9-14) and the two tennis courts (MC3, steps 15-20). They took a similar approach to the usable space and outlined these structures on the grid. One thing that is worth mentioning here is Amy and Angela’s rotation of the soccer field after they generated a real solution for the tennis courts, as they recognized the overall relationships between the locations and placements of the buildings, and that the rotation allows them to have a better use of space.

Moving on to the parking lot (MC4, steps 21-26), the girls re-read the instructions (RS 21), and focused on creating a 30 car parking lot (MRS22). They drew some sketches of parking spaces based on the measurements they took, but experienced difficulties in visualizing the relationship between the vehicles and the parking spaces and the relationship between the parking spaces and the parking lot (RM23). Although they have both visited various parking lots as passengers, neither had reached the legal driving age at the time of the study, and had never experienced parking lots from a driver’s perspective. Their lack of EMK became a hindrance to their modelling process. A discussion with the teacher led them to deepen their understanding of parking lots, to update their real model, and eventually to generate their mathematical model (MM24), mathematical solution (MS25), and real solution (RSoln26). Unfortunately, despite all their hard work, the students failed to create a reasonable parking lot design: there was no indication of an entrance or an exit to the parking lot in this design; they did not include any driveways that connect the edge of the school property line with the parking lot; and their driveway inside the parking lot is too narrow for most if not all vehicles. It seems that their discussion with the teacher and with each other was not sufficient to expand their EMK for the purpose to generate a reasonable parking lot design.

Finally, the girls proceeded to work on the school building (MC5, steps 27-32). They re-read the instructions (RS27) and aimed to determine the amount of floor space the school building needed on the grid (MRS28). They proceeded to make decisions about the shape of the school building (RM29), built a mathematical model by looking for the factors of 11,000 , converted these into number of squares (MM30, MS31), and interpreted 11 and 10 as the length and width of the school in terms of squares (RSoln32). This is when they got stuck, as they could not find the space they needed on the grid.

数学代写|数学建模代写Mathematical Modeling代考|Flow Analysis

Amy and Angela’s progress through the Design the New School task can also be analyzed through the lens of flow. More specifically, their progress on the task can be charted on Liljedahl’s (2018) modified flow diagram (see Fig. 17).

Amy and Angela began the task as presented in Fig. 9 (1). Their first choice was to work on designing the parking lot (2). Although this proved to be too challenging for them at the time they did make some immediate progress around how big a single car could be (3). From here they decided to shift to what they thought was the easiest of the aspects to work on – determining the usable space around the perimeter of the lot (4). This was easily achieved so they used the same strategy to determine the size and placement of the soccer field (5). This shift from the boundary to the soccer field did not represent an increase in challenge, but allowed for the sequential development of the skill of scaling dimensions in the problem into the diagram (6).

Amy and Angela then moved onto trying to figure out how to place the tennis courts (7). This proved to be a little bit more challenging as they needed to reposition the soccer field and scale and place the tennis courts (8). After this they shifted back to figuring out the needed dimensions and placement of the parking lot (9). As before, this was a significant increase in challenge for the two girls requiring them to, for the first time in the task, make estimates based on Amy’s earlier measurements (10).

The only aspect left for them to consider was the dimensions and placement of the actual school building. At first, this seemed like it was going to only be a matter of doing some scaling (11), but it actually turned out to be much more challenging (12) and was not resolved until they realized that they could make a two story structure (13). At this point they needed only to figure out how to divide up the area of the two floors (14).

Once they had satisfied all of the requirements of the task they then challenged themselves to make it more aesthetically pleasing (15) which resulted in the recalculation of the area of the two floors of the school and adding some realistic elements (16).

The overall time that Amy and Angela spent on the task was $75 \mathrm{~min}$, during which they were highly engaged the whole time. When looking at the flow analysis of their activity it is easy to see why. Although they got off to a rough start by deciding to first solve the parking lot issue, their perseverance provided a buffer until they autonomously opted for something more manageable. From there, they progressed in a staircase fashion wisely selecting, in turn, progressively more challenging aspects of the task to work on as their abilities increased (4-12). At that point, they got stuck. But, again, their perseverance kept them working until they had their break through. From there it was routine work until they placed the school (12-14). At that they again exercised their autonomy and chose to increase the challenge by improving the aesthetics of their solution.

数学代写|数学建模代写Mathematical Modeling代考|TMA4195 Modelling Analysis


数学代写|数学建模代写Mathematical Modeling代考|Modelling Analysis

Amy 和 Angela 的建模行为可以通过 Borromeo Ferri (2006) 的建模周期绘制出来(见图 16)。这开始于他们将停车场确定为模棱两可的东西,因为除了需要容纳 30 辆车(真实情况)外,没有提供任何信息(R小号3). 根据她的 EMK,Amy 将车辆的长度和宽度确定为设计中的重要因素 (MRS2),但不确定在他们的设计中如何使用这些测量值。这些行动有助于减少一些歧义,但不足以帮助他们向前迈进。


当女孩们重新阅读说明时,她们将注意力集中在建筑物和财产界线 (RS3) 之间的距离上。他们将此解释为对网格(MRS4)上“可用空间”的限制,计划在网格上创建轮廓(RM5),从说明中提取他们需要的信息,并运用他们的数学技能来转换距离远离属性线进入网格上的多个正方形(MM6,MS7)。他们将他们的解决方案解释为网格上的轮廓,并用它来表示他们可以使用的空间 (RSoln8)。这是 Amy 和 Angela 的第一个完整建模周期(MC1,步骤 3-8)。

大纲之后,女孩们继续前往足球场(MC2,第 9-14 步)和两个网球场(MC3,第 15-20 步)。他们对可用空间采取了类似的方法,并在网格上勾勒出这些结构。这里值得一提的是艾米和安吉拉在为网球场制定了一个真正的解决方案后对足球场的轮换,因为他们认识到建筑物的位置和布局之间的整体关系,并且这种轮换使他们能够拥有更好地利用空间。

继续前往停车场(MC4,步骤 21-26),女孩们重新阅读说明(RS 21),并专注于创建一个 30 个车位的停车场(MRS22)。他们根据所测量的数据绘制了一些停车位草图,但在可视化车辆与停车位之间的关系以及停车位与停车场之间的关系时遇到了困难(RM23)。虽然他们都以乘客的身份参观过各种停车场,但在研究时都没有达到法定驾驶年龄,也从未从司机的角度体验过停车场。他们缺乏 EMK 成为他们建模过程的障碍。与老师的讨论使他们加深了对停车场的理解,更新了他们的真实模型,并最终生成了他们的数学模型(MM24),数学解 (MS25) 和实解 (RSoln26)。不幸的是,尽管付出了所有的努力,学生们还是未能做出合理的停车场设计:这个设计中没有指示停车场的入口或出口;他们不包括任何连接学校财产线边缘和停车场的车道;他们在停车场内的车道对于大多数(如果不是全部)车辆来说太窄了。似乎他们与老师和彼此之间的讨论不足以扩展他们的 EMK 以生成合理的停车场设计。他们不包括任何连接学校财产线边缘和停车场的车道;他们在停车场内的车道对于大多数(如果不是全部)车辆来说太窄了。似乎他们与老师和彼此之间的讨论不足以扩展他们的 EMK 以生成合理的停车场设计。他们不包括任何连接学校财产线边缘和停车场的车道;他们在停车场内的车道对于大多数(如果不是全部)车辆来说太窄了。似乎他们与老师和彼此之间的讨论不足以扩展他们的 EMK 以生成合理的停车场设计。

最后,女孩们继续在学校建筑上工作(MC5,步骤 27-32)。他们重新阅读说明 (RS27) 并旨在确定学校建筑在网格上所需的建筑面积 (MRS28)。他们着手决定校舍的形状(RM29),通过寻找 11,000 的因数建立数学模型,将其转换为正方形的数量(MM30、MS31),并将 11 和 10 解释为长度和宽度学校的正方形 (RSoln32)。这是他们陷入困境的时候,因为他们无法在网格上找到所需的空间。

数学代写|数学建模代写Mathematical Modeling代考|Flow Analysis

艾米和安吉拉在设计新学校任务中​​的进展也可以通过流动的镜头进行分析。更具体地说,他们在任务上的进展可以绘制在 Liljedahl (2018) 修改后的流程图上(见图 17)。

艾米和安吉拉开始了如图 9 (1) 所示的任务。他们的第一选择是设计停车场 (2)。尽管这在当时被证明对他们来说太具有挑战性,但他们确实在一辆汽车的尺寸方面取得了一些直接进展 (3)。从这里开始,他们决定转向他们认为最容易处理的方面——确定地块周边的可用空间 (4)。这很容易实现,因此他们使用相同的策略来确定足球场 (5) 的大小和位置。这种从边界到足球场的转变并不代表挑战的增加,但允许将问题中的缩放维度的技能顺序发展到图表 (6) 中。

然后艾米和安吉拉开始尝试弄清楚如何放置网球场 (7)。事实证明这更具挑战性,因为他们需要重新定位足球场并缩放和放置网球场 (8)。在此之后,他们转回确定停车场 (9) 所需的尺寸和位置。和以前一样,这对两个女孩来说是一个显着增加的挑战,要求她们在任务中第一次根据艾米的早期测量结果进行估计 (10)。

留给他们考虑的唯一方面是实际校舍的尺寸和位置。起初,这似乎只是做一些缩放的问题 (11),但事实证明它更具挑战性 (12),直到他们意识到可以制作两层结构时才解决(13). 此时他们只需要弄清楚如何划分两层楼的面积(14)。

一旦他们满足了任务的所有要求,他们就会挑战自己,使其更美观 (15),这导致重新计算学校两层楼的面积并添加一些现实元素 (16)。

Amy 和 Angela 在任务上花费的总时间是75 米我n,在此期间,他们一直高度投入。当查看他们活动的流量分析时,很容易看出原因。尽管他们决定首先解决停车场问题,但一开始并不顺利,但他们的毅力为他们提供了缓冲,直到他们自主选择了更易于管理的事情。从那里开始,他们以阶梯式的方式明智地选择,随着他们能力的提高,他们逐渐选择任务中更具挑战性的方面来处理 (4-12)。就在那时,他们陷入了困境。但是,他们的毅力再次让他们努力工作,直到他们取得突破。从那里开始,这是例行工作,直到他们安置学校 (12-14)。那时他们再次行使自主权,并选择通过改进解决方案的美学来增加挑战。

数学代写|数学建模代写Mathematical Modeling代考

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