经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|EC1B1 Suspension of Convertibility

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宏观经济学Macroeconomics(来自希腊语前缀makro-,意思是 “大 “+经济学)是经济学的一个分支,处理整个经济体的表现、结构、行为和决策。例如,使用利率、税收和政府支出来调节经济的增长和稳定。这包括区域、国家和全球经济。根据经济学家Emi Nakamura和Jón Steinsson在2018年的评估,经济 “关于不同宏观经济政策的后果的证据仍然非常不完善,并受到严重批评。宏观经济学家研究的主题包括GDP(国内生产总值)、失业(包括失业率)、国民收入、价格指数、产出、消费、通货膨胀、储蓄、投资、能源、国际贸易和国际金融。


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经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|EC1B1 Suspension of Convertibility

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Suspension of Convertibility

During the financial panics of the of the Great Depression, banks would often close their doors when faced with a bank run. Remember that in those days deposits were entirely uninsured, so depositors were desperate to realize any part of their deposits. As more and more banks refused to honor their deposits, the Federal government declared several bank holidays, during which no banks (solvent or insolvent) could open their doors. The banks were, in effect, suspending the ability of their depositors to convert their deposits to cash.
Diamond and Dybvig’s model provides us a way to think about how suspension of convertibility works. It turns out to be an effective deterrent against bank runs only if $\theta$ is known in advance.

The complete derivation of this result is beyond the scope of this section, but we can sketch it out here. Imagine that $\theta$ is known with certainty. The bank announces that only the first $\theta$ depositors in line in period $t=1$ will be served. A type-2 agent faces no penalty for staying at home in period $t=1$ even if other type-2 agents are going to the bank. He is secure that there will be no excessive liquidation, and that his deposits will mature as expected in the next period. Indeed, it is to his benefit to have other type-2 agents withdraw early, in period $t=1$, since the total number of withdrawals is capped at $\theta$, the more type-2 agents who withdraw early, the fewer type-2 agents will be left in period $t=2$ to share the value of the remaining deposits.

What if $\theta$ is not known with certainty? The first thing to establish that, in principal, nothing is different. Imagine that are two possible values of $\theta$ : high, with $\theta=\theta_1$ and low, with $\theta=\theta_0$. Say that the high- $\theta$ outcome occurs with probability $\zeta .^3$ Then the expected utility of an agent who consumes $c^1$ if type 1 and $c^2$ if type 2 , is:
\zeta\left[\theta_1 u\left(c^1\right)+\left(1-\theta_1\right) Q u\left(c^2\right)\right]+(1-\zeta)\left[\theta_0 u\left(c^1\right)+\left(1-\theta_0\right) Q u\left(c^2\right)\right] .
This can be rearranged as:
\left[\zeta \theta_1+(1-\zeta) \theta_0\right] u\left(c^1\right)+\left[\zeta\left(1-\theta_1\right)+(1-\zeta)\left(1-\theta_0\right)\right] Q u\left(c^2\right)

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Deposit Insurance

Deposit insurance will completely cure bank runs, even if $\theta$ is not known. In this model, deposit insurance is more than a promise by the government to honor all deposits. Since the stock of turnips is limited, the government must also tax agents to honor deposits. Deposit insurance works like this: in period $t=1$ a certain number of agents apply to withdraw their deposits and realize $1+r_1$. If the banks can honor these deposits and still invest enough between $t=1$ and $t=2$ to honor the remaining deposits, the government does nothing. If there is excess demand for withdrawals, the government begins taxing depositors to honor all the demand deposits in $t=1$ and to ensure that deposits are honored in period $t=2$. Agents (of both types) who withdraw their deposits in $t=1$ will, if there is a bank run, consume less than $1+r_1$, because of the taxes used to finance the deposit insurance.

From the point of view of a type-2 agent, even if other type- 2 agents are running to withdraw in period $t=1$, he is assured that there will be enough invested to honor his deposit in period $t=2$. Thus there is no benefit to joining in the run. Indeed, because of the excess demand for withdrawals in period $t=1$ precipitated by a bank run, all agents (type 1 and type 2) who rush to cash out their deposits in period $t=1$ will realize less than the $1+r_1$ they are owed because they are taxed by the government.

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|EC1B1 Suspension of Convertibility


经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Suspension of Convertibility

在大萧条时期的金融恐慌期间, 银行往往会在面临银行挤兑时关门大吉。请记住, 在那 些日子里, 存款是完全没有保险的, 所以存款人迫切莃望变现他们存款的任何部分。随 着越来越多的银行拒绝兑现他们的存款, 联邦政府宣布了几个银行假期, 在此期间没有 银行 (有偿付能力或资不抵债) 可以开门营业。实际上, 银行暂停了储户将存款转换为 现金的能力。
Diamond 和 Dybvig 的模型为我们提供了一种思考暂停兑换如何运作的方法。只有当 $\theta$ 是事先知道的。
这个结果的完整推导超出了本节的范围, 但我们可以在这里勾勒出来。想象一下 $\theta$ 可以 肯定地知道。银行宣布, 只有第一 $\theta$ 存款人按期排队 $t=1$ 将送达。 2 类特工在这段时间 呆在家里不会受到处罚 $t=1$ 即使其他 2 类代理人要去银行。他确信不会有过度清算, 他的存款将在下一期按预期到期。事实上, 让其他 2 型特工及时退出对他有利 $t=1$, 因为提款总数上限为 $\theta$, 提前退出的 2 型代理人越多, 周期内留下的 2 型代理人越少 $t=2$ 分享剩余存款的价值。
如果什么 $\theta$ 不知道有把握吗? 首先要确定的是, 原则上没有什么不同。假设有两个可能 的值 $\theta$ : 高, 有 $\theta=\theta_1$ 和低, 与 $\theta=\theta_0$. 说是高 $\theta$ 结果发生概率 $\zeta{ }^3$ 那么消费代理人的期望 效用 $c^1$ 如果类型 1 和 $c^2$ 如果类型 2 是:
\zeta\left[\theta_1 u\left(c^1\right)+\left(1-\theta_1\right) Q u\left(c^2\right)\right]+(1-\zeta)\left[\theta_0 u\left(c^1\right)+\left(1-\theta_0\right) Q u\left(c^2\right)\right]
\left[\zeta \theta_1+(1-\zeta) \theta_0\right] u\left(c^1\right)+\left[\zeta\left(1-\theta_1\right)+(1-\zeta)\left(1-\theta_0\right)\right] Q u\left(c^2\right)

经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Deposit Insurance

存款保险将完全治愈银行挤兑, 即使 $\theta$ 不知道。在这个模型中, 存款保险不仅仅是政府 兑现所有存款的承诺。由于夢卜的存量有限, 政府还必须向代理人征税以兑现存款。存 款保险是这样运作的: 在期间 $t=1$ 一定数量的代理人申请提现并变现 $1+r_1$. 如果银行 能够兑现这些存款并且仍然在两者之间进行足够的投资 $t=1$ 和 $t=2$ 为了兑现乘余的存 款, 政府什么都不做。如果提款需求过多, 政府开始向存款人征税以兑现所有活期存款 $t=1$ 并确保按时兑现存款 $t=2$. 提取存款的代理人 (两种类型) $t=1$ 如果发生银行 挤兑, 消费将少于 $1+r_1$, 因为用于资助存款保险的税收。
从一个 2 类代理的角度来看, 即使其他 2 类代理在周期内运行退出 $t=1$, 他确信会有足 够的投资来兑现他的存款 $t=2$. 因此加入跑步没有任何好处。确实, 由于期间提款需求 过剩 $t=1$ 由银行挤兑促成, 所有代理人 (类型 1 和类型 2 ) 在期间急于兑现存款 $t=1$ 将实现小于 $1+r_1$ 他们被欠是因为他们被政府征税。


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