数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|CS/ECE407 Another Betrayal

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数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|CS/ECE407 Another Betrayal

数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|Another Betrayal

Another person joined the list of infamous individuals in Section $12.9$ after the first edition of this book went to the printer, namely Edward Snowden. In May 2013, he left his job as a contractor at NSA Hawaii for Hong Kong, and the following month newspaper articles relating classified material he had stolen began appearing. He soon made his way to Russia, where he remains, as of this writing. Snowden is considered by some to be a patriotic whistle-blower. Chris Inglis, former Deputy Director, NSA, explained why this appellation is inappropriate.
I do find it curious that Snowden, who is now kind of in the protective embrace of Russia and who once enjoyed the protective embrace of China, has said nothing about those legal regimes which most independent observers would say runs roughshod over civil liberties, human rights. I find it curious he would not say a word about that. But it’s consistent actually with what he said while he was in the United States. Nothing. He made no complaint to anyone about what he now observes, what’s, in his view, a violation of US person privacy, said nary a word the whole time he was at the National Security Agency, nary a word the whole time he was with the CIA. When asked about that by Jim Bamford, I believe two years ago, the spring of 2014, he said he had at one time raised a question to an NSA lawyer. When we went back and took a look at that it turns out the question that he asked was “Are the priorities that were kind of articulated to me in a class that I took on the protection of US person privacies, the US constitution, an equal priority between law and executive order, and then policies, regulations, and the like?” Lawyer came back the same day answering that question for Mr. Snowden, saying “No, that’s not exactly right. Turns out that a statute, a law, trumps an executive order. They’re only on the same line in the priorities table because, in the absence of a law, an executive order stands in.” If that’s a complaint about the protection of US person privacy in the United States of America. I’m hard pressed to see it. I’m hard pressed to understand it. Having raised not one question about that issue while he was here in the United States, my assumption is that Snowden doesn’t have the courage of his convictions when he thinks he might be held personally accountable for standing up and defending those convictions. It’s not an official position, but that’s how I feel. ${ }^{84}$

He [Snowden] said he was worried about the violation of US person privacy. Most of the information he released has nothing to do with that. He said that he could prove that the United States violated US person privacy beyond the reach of law, beyond the constitutional norms that are established. There’s been no proof of that. Now we as a matter of policy might decide that we’re uncomfortable with collecting telephone metadata. That doesn’t make it illegal. Bad policy or a different choice about policy doesn’t make it illegal or unconstitutional. ${ }^{85}$

数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|NSA and the Media

As an example of how misleading Snowden’s “revelations” can be, a particular newspaper piece is examined in some detail. On August 15, 2013, The Washington Post ran an article by Barton Gellman titled “NSA broke privacy rules thousands of times per year, audit finds.” ${ }^{\text {” }}$ It was based on an internal (classified) NSA study Snowden leaked and it sounds alarming. We should care deeply about our right to privacy, but we should also look closely at the details before drawing conclusions. Fortunately, in January 2014, NSA Deputy Director Chris Inglis, shortly before his retirement, took the time to explain what happened in an interview he did with Steve Inskeep of NPR. The relevant portions are reproduced below. ${ }^{92}$
INSKEEP: I want to ask about mistakes, errors, violations of privacy. You gave a fascinating talk late last year at the University of Pennsylvania in which you referred to a document that had been disclosed that referred to something like 2,700 errors by the NSA. You argued that about 2,000 of those were not really relevant, set them aside. And then acknowledged there were 711 actual errors where you violated someone’s privacy in a way that was not authorized. What happened on those 711 times in one year?

INGLIS: Yeah, so if I could clarify that. The report, first and foremost, was written in the early part of 2012 . We wrote it ourselves. And we generate these reports essentially to take a hard look at how all the various things that we do to collect a communication of interest, store the communication of interest, query the communication of interest, we want to make sure we do that exactly right. And we determined in that report that on an annualized basis, we extrapolated the numbers that we had essentially had about 2,776 situations that didn’t go exactly according to plan. That was immediately interpreted by some press outlets when that was released – again, it was another unauthorized release – but when it was released, some number of press outlets immediately equated that to 2,776 privacy violations and went so far as to say that they were either willful or kind of attributable to the gross lack of conscientious actions on the side of NSA.

Which is why I went then to some pains to explain what that really was. It turned out in 2,065 of those cases, so about 75 percent of those cases, the situation was that the individual, the organization that we were authorized to understand something about, whose communications we were trying to collect, had moved, right. Either they had physically moved or their services had moved and they were in a different location. Our authorities essentially asked the question up front of where is the party of interest? You know, where is the communication of interest? And where is the collection taking place? And if any of those change, we’re probably using the wrong authority. And so, 2,065 we notified ourselves that that had changed. They don’t consult with us before they change their location.

数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|CS/ECE407 Another Betrayal


数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|Another Betrayal

又一个人加入了科室臭名昭著的人物名单12.9这本书的第一版交给了印刷商,即爱德华斯诺登。2013 年 5 月,他辞去了美国国家安全局夏威夷分包商的工作,前往香港,随后一个月报纸上开始出现有关他窃取的机密材料的文章。他很快就去了俄罗斯,在撰写本文时他仍然住在那里。斯诺登被一些人认为是爱国告密者。美国国家安全局前副局长 Chris Inglis 解释了为什么这个称呼是不合适的。
我确实感到奇怪的是,斯诺登现在受到俄罗斯的保护,曾经受到中国的保护,他对大多数独立观察家认为粗暴对待公民自由、人权的法律制度只字不提. 我觉得很好奇,他对此只字未提。但这和他在美国时说的其实是一致的。没有什么。他没有向任何人抱怨他现在所观察到的,在他看来,这是对美国人隐私的侵犯,他在国家安全局的整个过程中一言不发,他在国家安全局的整个过程中一言不发中央情报局。当吉姆·班福德 (Jim Bamford) 问起这个问题时,我相信是在两年前,也就是 2014 年春天,他说他曾经向一名国家安全局律师提出过一个问题。当我们回头看时,发现他问的问题是“在我参加的关于保护美国人隐私、美国宪法、平等权利的课程中,向我阐明的优先事项是什么?”优先于法律和行政命令,然后是政策、法规等?” 律师当天回来为斯诺登先生回答了这个问题,他说:“不,这不完全正确。事实证明,法令、法律胜过行政命令。它们只是在优先级表中处于同一行,因为在没有法律的情况下,行政命令就可以代替。” 如果那是关于在美利坚合众国保护美国人隐私的投诉。我很难看到它。我很难理解它。斯诺登在美国期间没有就这个问题提出任何问题,我的假设是,当斯诺登认为他可能因站出来捍卫这些信念而被追究个人责任时,他没有勇气坚持自己的信念。这不是官方立场,但这就是我的感受。84


数学代写|密码学代写Cryptography Theory代考|NSA and the Media

作为说明斯诺登的“揭露”可能具有多大误导性的一个例子,我们对一篇特定的报纸文章进行了较为详细的审查。2013 年 8 月 15 日,《华盛顿邮报》刊登了巴顿·盖尔曼 (Barton Gellman) 的一篇文章,题为“审计发现,美国国家安全局每年违反隐私规则数千次”。” 它基于斯诺登泄露的美国国家安全局内部(机密)研究,听起来令人震惊。我们应该非常关心我们的隐私权,但我们也应该在下结论之前仔细观察细节。幸运的是,2014 年 1 月,美国国家安全局副局长克里斯·英格利斯在退休前不久接受美国国家公共电台的史蒂夫·英斯基普采访时,花时间解释了发生的事情。相关部分转载如下。92
INSKEEP:我想问一下错误、错误、侵犯隐私的问题。去年年底,您在宾夕法尼亚大学发表了一次精彩的演讲,其中您提到了一份已披露的文件,其中提到了美国国家安全局的 2,700 处错误。你认为其中大约 2,000 个不是真正相关的,把它们放在一边。然后承认有 711 个实际错误,您以未经授权的方式侵犯了某人的隐私。一年内那711次发生了什么?

INGLIS:是的,所以如果我能澄清一下。该报告首先是在 2012 年初撰写的。我们自己写的。我们生成这些报告本质上是为了认真审视我们为收集感兴趣的通信、存储感兴趣的通信、查询感兴趣的通信所做的所有各种事情,我们希望确保我们做的完全正确。我们在该报告中确定,在年度化的基础上,我们推断出我们基本上有大约 2,776 种情况没有完全按照计划进行的数字。一些新闻媒体在发布时立即对此进行了解读——同样,这是另一个未经授权的发布——但当它发布时,一些新闻媒体立即将其等同于 2,

这就是为什么我当时煞费苦心地解释那到底是什么。事实证明,在这些案例中有 2,065 起,所以大约 75% 的案例,情况是我们被授权了解一些事情的个人,组织,我们试图收集他们的通信,已经搬家了,对吧。他们要么身体搬家了,要么他们的服务搬家了,他们在不同的地方。我们的当局本质上是在问利益相关方在哪里?你知道,利益的交流在哪里?收集地点在哪里?如果这些发生任何变化,我们可能使用了错误的权限。因此,2,065 我们通知自己情况已经改变。他们在改变位置之前不会与我们协商。


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