如果你也在 怎样代写计算机网络Computer Networking CSEE4119这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。计算机网络Computer Networking是一组共享位于网络节点上或由网络节点提供的资源的计算机。这些计算机通过数字互连使用共同的通信协议来相互通信。这些互连是由电信网络技术组成的,基于物理有线、光学和无线射频方法,可以安排在各种网络拓扑结构中。
计算机网络Computer Networking的节点可以包括个人计算机、服务器、网络硬件或其他专用或通用的主机。它们由网络地址识别,也可以有主机名。主机名作为节点的记忆性标签,在最初分配后很少改变。网络地址用于通过通信协议(如互联网协议)来定位和识别节点。计算机网络可按许多标准进行分类,包括用于传输信号的传输介质、带宽、组织网络流量的通信协议、网络规模、拓扑结构、流量控制机制和组织意图。
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CS代写|计算机网络代写Computer Networking代考|Global Sampling in Whole Graph
When $\left|V_{a u b}\right|$ and $h$ increase, the chance that a random node selected from the whole graph is in $V_{a u b}^h$ also increases. In this situation, we can simply sample nodes uniformly in the whole graph and the obtained nodes which are within $V_{a u b}^h$ can be regarded as a uniform sample from $V_{a u b}^h$. We use an iterative process to harvest reference nodes: (i) First a node is chosen uniformly from the whole graph; (ii) test whether the selected node is within $V_{a u b}^h$; (iii) if it is in $V_{a u b}^h$, keep it. (iv) Another node is selected uniformly from the remaining nodes and we go to step 2. This process continues until $n$ reference nodes are collected. For completeness, the Whole graph-sampling algorithm is shown in Algorithm 2.4. The major cost is incurred by one $h$-hop BFS search in each iteration (line 5), where the purpose is to examine whether $v$ is an eligible reference node.
Complexity Analysis
The major space cost is $O(|E|)$, for storing the graph as adjacency lists. Regarding time complexity, we have mainly three phases: Reference node sampling, event density computation (Eq. (2.12) ), and measure computation ( $z$-score, Eq. (2.17) ). Let $c_B$ be the average cost of one $h$-hop BFS search on graph $G$, which is linear in the average size of node $h$-vicinities, that is, average $\left|V_v^h\right|+\left|E_v^h\right|$. Let $n$ be the number of sample reference nodes. The event density computation for a reference node has time complexity $O\left(c_B\right)$. The cost of $z$-score computation is $O\left(n^2\right)$. Fortunately, we do not need to select too many reference nodes, as discussed in Section We will demonstrate the efficiency of the earlier two phases in the experiments.
For reference node sampling, we have three methods. The time complexity of Batch_BFS is $O\left(\left|V_{a u b}^h\right|+\left|E_{a u b}^h\right|\right)$ where $\left|V_{a u b}^h\right|=N$. The cost of Importance sampling is $O\left(n c_B\right)$. For Whole-graph sampling, the time cost is $O\left(n_f c_B\right)$, where $n_f$ is the number of nodes examined, which are not in $V_{a u b}^h$. The cost incurred by examined nodes which are in $V_{a \cup b}^h$ is counted in the event density computation phase. $n_f$ is a random variable. Treating Whole graph sampling as sampling with replacement, the probability of selecting a node in $V_{a \cup b}^h$ in each iteration is $N /|V|$. The expected total number of iterations is $n|V| / N$ and therefore $E\left(n_f\right)=n|V| / N-n$. When $N$ is small, Batch_BFS can be used. For large $N$, Importance sampling and Whole-graph sampling are better candidates. We will empirically analyze their efficiency in the experiments.
CS代写|计算机网络代写Computer Networking代考|Experiments
This section presents the experimental results of applying our proposed TESC testing framework on several real-world graph datasets. First, we verify the efficacy of the proposed TESC testing framework by event simulation on the DBLP graph. Then, we examine the efficiency and scalability of the framework with a Twitter network. The third part of the experiments, concentrates on analyzing highly correlated real-event pairs discovered by our measure in real-graph datasets. All experiments are run on a PC with Intel Core i7 CPU and 12GB memory. The source code of our TESC estimation framework can be downloaded at http://grafia.cs.ucsb.edu/strucorrl.
Graph Datasets
We use three datasets to evaluate our TESC testing framework: DBLP, Intrusion, and Twitter.
DBLP The DBLP dataset was downloaded on Oct. 16th, 2010 (http://www. informatik.unitrier.de/ ley/db). Its paper records were parsed to obtain the coauthor social network. Keywords in the paper titles are treated as events associated with nodes (authors) on the graph. The DBLP graph contains 964677 nodes and 3547014 edges. Totally, it has around $0.19$ million keywords.
Intrusion The Intrusion dataset was derived from the log data of intrusion alertsin a computer network. It has 200858 nodes and 703020 edges. There are 545 different types of alerts which are treated as events in this network.
Twitter The Twitter dataset has 20 million nodes and $0.16$ billion edges, which is a bidirectional subgraph of the whole twitter network (http://twitter.com). We do not have events for this dataset. It is used to test the scalability of the proposed TESC testing framework.
CS代写计算机网络代㝍Computer Networking代考|Global Sampling in Whole Graph
什么时候 $\left|V_{a u b}\right|$ 和 $h$ 增加, 从整个图中选择的随机节点的机会 $V_{a u b}^h$ 也增加。在这种情况下, 我们可以简单地 在整个图中对节点进行均匀采样, 得到的节点在 $V_{a u b}^h$ 可以看作是来自 $V_{a u b}^h$. 我们使用迭代过程来收集参考节 点:(i)首先从整个图中统一选择一个节点; (ii) 测试选中的节点是否在 $V_{a u b}^h$; (iii) 如果它在 $V_{a u b}^h$, 收下。 (iv) 从剩余节点中统一选择另一个节点, 我们进入步骤 2。这个过程一直持续到 $n$ 收集参考节点。为了完整 起见, 全图采样算法如算法 $2.4$ 所示。主要费用由一个 $h$-hop BFS 在每次迭代中搜索 (第 5 行), 目的是 检查是否 $v$ 是一个合格的参考节点。
主要的空间成本是 $O(|E|)$, 用于将图形存储为邻接列表。关于时间复杂度, 我们主要分为三个阶段:参考节 点采样、事件密度计算 (式 (2.12))、测度计算 ( $z$-分数, $\mathrm{Eq}$ 。(2.17))。让 $c_B$ 是一个的平均成本 $h$-hop BFS 搜索图 $G$, 与节点的平均大小成线性关系 $h$-附近, 即平均 $\left|V_v^h\right|+\left|E_v^h\right|$. 让 $n$ 是样本参考节点的数荲。 参考节点的事件密度计算具有时间复杂度 $O\left(c_B\right)$. 的代价 $z$-分数计算是 $O\left(n^2\right)$. 幸运的是, 我们不需要选择 太多参考节点, 如第 节所述。我们将在实验中展示前两个阶段的效率。
对于参考节点采样, 我们有三种方法。Batch_BFS 的时间复杂度为 $O\left(\left|V_{a u b}^h\right|+\left|E_{a u b}^h\right|\right)$ 在哪里
$\left|V_{a u b}^h\right|=N$. 重要性采样的成本是 $O\left(n c_B\right)$. 对于全图抽样, 时间成本是 $O\left(n_f c_B\right)$, 在哪里 $n_f$ 是检查的 节点数, 不在 $V_{a u b}^h$. 被检查的节点所产生的成本 $V_{a \cup b}^h$ 在事件密度计算阶段进行计数。 $n_f$ 是一个随机变荲。 将 Whole graph sampling 视为 sampling with replacement, 选择中节点的概率 $V_{a \cup b}^h$ 在每次迭代中 $N /|V|$. 预期的总迭代次数是 $n|V| / N$ 因此 $E\left(n_f\right)=n|V| / N-n$. 什么时候 $N$ 小, 可以使用 Batch_BFS。对于大型 $N$, 重要性抽样和全图抽样是更㫃的选择。我们将根据经验分析它们在实验中的效 率。
CS代写|计算机网络代写Computer Networking代考|Experiments
本节介绍将我们提出的 TESC 测试框架应用于几个真实世界的图形数据集的实验结果。首先, 我们通过在 DBLP 图上进行事件模拟来验证所提出的 TESC 测试框架的有效性。然后, 我们使用 Twitter 网络检查框架 的效率和可扩展性。实验的第三部分, 集中分析我们在实图数据集中的测量发现的高度相关的真实事件对。 所有实验均在配备 Intel Core i7 CPU 和 12GB 内存的 PC 上运行。我们的 TESC 估计框架的源代码可以在 http://grafia.cs.ucsb.edu/strucorrl 下载。
我们使用三个数据集来评估我们的 TESC 测试框架:DBLP、Intrusion 和 Twitter。
DBLP DBLP 数据集于 2010 年 10 月 16 日下载 (http://www.informatik.unitrier.de/ley/db)。它的纸 质记录被解析以获得共同作者的社交网络。论文标题中的关键字被视为与图上的节点 (作者) 相关联的事 件。DBLP 图包含 964677 个节点和 3547014 条边。总的来说, 它有 $0.19$ 万关键词。
Intrusion Intrusion 数据集来源于计算机网络中入侵警报的日志数据。它有 200858 个节点和 703020 条 边。有 545 种不同类型的警报被视为该网络中的事件。
Twitter Twitter 数据集有 2000 万个节点和 $0.16$ billion 边, 这是整个 twitter 网络 (http://twitter.com) 的双向子图。我们没有此数据集的事件。它用于测试所提出的 TESC 测试框架的可扩展性
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