会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|IBUS2301 Trustworthiness Through Controls in Empirical Analyses

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会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|IBUS2301 Trustworthiness Through Controls in Empirical Analyses

会计代写|国际商贸代考INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS代写|Trustworthiness Through Controls in Empirical Analyses

A typical way of controlling for alternative explanations in large sample analyses is to include in the empirical model other variables that may influence the dependent variable but that are not the focus of discussion in the theoretical development. Unfortunately, some studies do not even include controls and merely use an analysis of differences in means between groups to test hypotheses; such analysis cannot be used to test theoretical arguments, because there may be many other alternative factors that influence behaviour beyond belonging to one group or another. Even in cases when researchers include controls in empirical analyses, their inclusion often does not seem to be adequately justified or guided by theory. First, it appears that specific controls are sometimes included merely because previous papers have used them. In such cases one usually finds citations to previous work without an explanation of the reasons why such controls need to be included. On other occasions controls are included because they exert influence on some of the independent variables of interest. The inclusion of such controls raises two issues. One is the creation of multi-collinearity that results in the independent variables of interest becoming statistically significant merely because some of the controls are included in the analysis. Another is a misunderstanding of the need to include controls; while controls need to be included as alternative explanations of the dependent variable, they should not serve as competitive explanations of other independent variable.

Third, there is a difference between theoretically irrelevant and not statistically significant controls. In the former case, if theory does not call for the inclusion of a variable in order to control for alternative influences on the dependent variable, it should not be part of the statistical model. If the variable happens to be statistically significant, it presents itself as an opportunity to develop theory (best case) or it represents a collinear relation with another independent variable (worst case). In the latter case, if theory calls for the inclusion of a particular control variable, it should be part of the statistical model irrespective of its statistical significance. In practice, selection of appropriate control variables may be difficult but should be guided by whether they satisfy the criteria for spuriousness based on theory, prior empirical studies, and common knowledge about the phenomenon under investigation. It is better to err on the side of caution by including all the theoretically relevant controls, even if many of them are not statistically significant, though such practice may result in unstable results due to overfitting of the model.

会计代写|国际商贸代考INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS代写|Inclusion of Controls (1): Justified Controls

A common mistake is that there is often little or no theoretical justification for inclusion of specific controls, apart from inserting references to previous studies that have used the control. However, in many cases these references have little to do with the current dependent variable and may be contextually irrelevant.

Our recommendation it to include a theoretical justification. Avoid mimicry of other studies and instead provide sound theoretical reasoning for each and every control included. This should include a brief discussion of why a particular variable is a biasing (control) rather than a substantive (independent) variable in a particular model.

Inclusion of Controls (2): Relevant Controls
Impotent control variables are often included – for example ones that are uncorrelated with the dependent variable – without justification for inclusion. Unless a control can be legitimately justified as suppressor, it should be excluded as it will reduce power in the analysis. Alternatively, controls are sometimes included to improve the statistical significance of key relationships or to increase the model fit by reducing error terms. This includes instances where certain controls are included in some analyses but not in others, or the nature or even measurement of controls vary within the same study.

We recommend that you make sure to include the ‘correct’ controls. This should be driven by theory and not by previous research (which may be flawed or contextually different) or what works statistically. Also, avoid including too many controls in the pursuit of ‘methodological trickery’ more is not necessarily better and each and every control must be theoretically and logically justified. Finally, select controls that explain the dependent variable, not those associated with independent variables.

会计代写|国际商贸代考International Business代写|IBUS2301 Trustworthiness Through Controls in Empirical Analyses


会计代写|国际商贸代考INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS代写|Trustworthiness Through Controls in Empirical Analyses



会计代写|国际商贸代考INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS代写|Inclusion of Controls (1): Justified Controls



包含控件 (2):相关控件


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