如果你也在 怎样代写宏观经济学Macroeconomics ECON7071这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。宏观经济学Macroeconomics对国家或地区经济整体行为的研究。它关注的是对整个经济事件的理解,如商品和服务的生产总量、失业水平和价格的一般行为。宏观经济学关注的是经济体的表现–经济产出、通货膨胀、利率和外汇兑换率以及国际收支的变化。减贫、社会公平和可持续增长只有在健全的货币和财政政策下才能实现。
宏观经济学Macroeconomics(来自希腊语前缀makro-,意思是 “大 “+经济学)是经济学的一个分支,处理整个经济体的表现、结构、行为和决策。例如,使用利率、税收和政府支出来调节经济的增长和稳定。这包括区域、国家和全球经济。根据经济学家Emi Nakamura和Jón Steinsson在2018年的评估,经济 “关于不同宏观经济政策的后果的证据仍然非常不完善,并受到严重批评。宏观经济学家研究的主题包括GDP(国内生产总值)、失业(包括失业率)、国民收入、价格指数、产出、消费、通货膨胀、储蓄、投资、能源、国际贸易和国际金融。
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经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Growth Facts
If we look at the group of industrialized countries only, we can identify a number of empirical regularities in the growth process. The British economist Nicholas Kaldor summarized these regularities in a number of stylized facts. Although he did that more than 50 years ago, the Kaldor facts still provide an accurate picture of growth in industrialized countries. Kaldor’s first observation was that both output per worker and capital per worker grow over time. They also grow at similar rates, so the ratio of the aggregate capital stock to output or GDP does not change much over time. The return to capital, i.e., the interest that firms have to pay if they rent capital, is almost constant over time. Finally, the labor share and capital share are almost constant. The labor share is the fraction of output that goes to workers in the form of wages; it is computed as aggregate labor income divided by GDP. Similarly, the capital share is given by aggregate payments to capital divided by GDP. Notice that the Kaldor facts hold even if we consider long periods of time. For example, the capital-output ratio and the return to capital are not much different now from what they were 100 years ago, even though output is much higher now and the goods produced and the general technology have changed completely.
In addition to the Kaldor facts, another important fact about growth in the industrialized world is the convergence of per capita GDP of different countries and regions over time. For example, the relative difference in per capita GDP between the southern and northern states in the United States has diminished greatly since the Civil War. Similarly, countries like Germany and Japan that suffered greatly from World War II have grown fast since the war, so today per capita income in the United States, Japan, and Germany are similar again.
There are no empirical regularities comparable to the Kaldor facts that apply to both industrialized and developing countries. However, we can identify some factors that distinguish countries that went through industrialization and have a high income today from countries that remained relatively poor. An explanation of the role of such factors might be an important step toward understanding the large international differences in wealth. We are going to focus on the relationship between growth and fertility. Every now industrialized country has experienced a large drop in fertility rates, a process known as the demographic transition. All industrialized countries have low rates of population growth. Without immigration countries like Germany and Japan would actually shrink. Two centuries ago, fertility rates were much higher, as they are in most developing countries today. Today, almost all of the growth in world population takes place in developing countries. We will come back to these observations in the section on fertility and human capital, but first we present a model that accounts for the stylized facts about growth in developed countries.
经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|The Solow Growth Model
A natural starting point for a theory of growth is the aggregate production function, which relates the total output of a country to the country’s aggregate inputs of the factors of production. Consider the neoclassical production function:
Y_t=\left(A_t L_t\right)^\alpha K_{t-1}^{1-\alpha} .
We used a production function of this form already in the chapter on business cycles. Output depends on the aggregate labor input $L_t$, the aggregate capital input $K_{t-1}$, and a productivity parameter $A_t$. Of course, it is a simplification to consider only three determinants of output. We could include other factors like land or environmental quality, and our factors could be further subdivided, for example by distinguishing labor of different quality. It turns out, however, that a production function of the simple form in equation (11.1) is all we need to match the stylized facts of economic growth. The production function equation (11.1) exhibits constant returns to scale, which means that if we double both inputs, output also doubles. Our choice of a constant-returns-to-scale production function is not by accident: most results in this section hinge on this assumption.
Equation (11.1) indicates the potential sources of growth in output $Y_t$. Either the inputs $L_t$ and $K_{t-1}$ must grow, or productivity $A_t$ must grow. If we want to explain economic growth, we need a theory that explains how the population (i.e., labor), the capital stock, and productivity change over time. The best approach would be to write down a model where the decisions of firms and households determine the changes in all these variables. The consumers would make decisions about savings and the number of children they want to have, which would explain growth in capital and population. Firms would engage in research and development, which would yield a theory of productivity growth. However, doing all those things at the same time results in a rather complicated model.
经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Growth Facts
如果我们只看一组工业化国家,我们可以确定增长过程中的一些经验规律。英国经济学家尼古拉斯·卡尔多用许多程式化的事实总结了这些规律。尽管他在 50 多年前就这样做了,但卡尔多事实仍然提供了工业化国家增长的准确图景。卡尔多的第一个观察结果是人均产出和人均资本都随着时间的推移而增长。它们也以相似的速度增长,因此总资本存量与产出或 GDP 的比率不会随着时间的推移发生太大变化。资本回报率,即企业在租用资本时必须支付的利息,几乎不随时间变化。最后,劳动份额和资本份额几乎保持不变。劳动份额是以工资形式分配给工人的产出的一部分;它的计算方法是总劳动收入除以 GDP。同样,资本份额由资本支付总额除以 GDP 得出。请注意,即使我们考虑很长一段时间,卡尔多事实也成立。例如,现在的资本产出比和资本回报率与 100 年前没有太大区别,尽管现在的产出要高得多,而且所生产的商品和一般技术已经完全改变。
除了卡尔多事实之外,关于工业化世界增长的另一个重要事实是不同国家和地区的人均 GDP 随着时间的推移趋同。例如,自南北战争以来,美国南北各州人均 GDP 的相对差异已经大大缩小。同样的,像德国、日本这些二战时受过重创的国家,战后发展很快,所以今天美国、日本、德国的人均收入又差不多了。
经济代㝍|宏观约济学代考Macroeconomics代㝍|The Solow Growth Model
增长理论的一个自然起点是总生产函数, 它将一个国家的总产出与该国生产要素的总投入联系起来。考虑新 古典生产函数:
Y_t=\left(A_t L_t\right)^\alpha K_{t-1}^{1-\alpha} .
我们已经在商业周期一章中使用了这种形式的生产函数。产出取决于总劳动力投入 $L_t$, 总资本投入 $K_{t-1}$, 和 生产率参数 $A_t$. 当然, 只考虑产出的三个决定因素是一种简化。我们可以包括其他因素, 如土地或环境质 荲, 我们的因素可以进一步细分, 例如通过区分不同质量的劳动力。然而, 事实证明, 方程式 (11.1) 中的简 单形式的生产函数是我们需要匹配经济增长的程式化事实的全部。生产函数方程 (11.1) 显示规模收益不变, 这意味着如果我们将两种投入加倍, 产出也会加倍。我们选择规模收益不变的生产函数并非偶然: 本节中的 大多数结果都取决于这一假设。
等式 (11.1) 表明了产出增长的潜在来源 $Y_t$. 无论是输入 $L_t$ 和 $K_{t-1}$ 必须增长, 或生产力 $A_t$ 必须成长。如果 我们想解释经济增长, 我们需要一个理论来解释人口(即劳动力)、资本存罿和生产率如何随时间变化。最 好的方法是写下一个模型, 在这个模型中, 企业和家庭的决策决定了所有这些变量的变化。消费者会就储蓄 和他们想要的孩子数量做出决定, 这可以解释资本和人口的增长。公司将从事研究和开发, 这将产生生产力 增长的理论。然而, 同时做所有这些事情会导致一个相当复杂的模型。
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