数学代写|计算复杂度理论代写Computational Complexity Theory代考|CS58400 The essence of PSPACE: optimum strategies for game-playin

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数学代写|计算复杂度理论代写Computational Complexity Theory代考|CS58400 The essence of PSPACE: optimum strategies for game-playin

数学代写|计算复杂度理论代写Computational Complexity Theory代考|The essence of PSPACE: optimum strategies for game-playin

Recall that the central feature of NP-complete problems is that a yes answer has a short certificate. The analogous unifying concept for PSPACE-complete problems seems to be that of a winning strategy for a 2-player game with perfect information. A good example of such a game is Chess: two players alternately make moves, and the moves are made on a board visible to both. Thus moves have no hidden side effects; hence the term “perfect information.” What does it mean for a player to have a “winning strategy?” The first player has a winning strategy iff there is a 1st move for player 1 such that for every possible 1st move of player 2 there is a 2nd move of player 1 such that…. (and so on) such that at the end player 1 wins. Thus deciding whether or not the first player has a winning strategy seems to require searching the tree of all possible moves. This is reminiscent of NP, for which we also seem to require exponential search. But the crucial difference is the lack of a short “certificate” for the statement “Player 1 has a winning strategy,” since the only certificate we can think of is the winning strategy itself, which as noticed, requires exponentially many bits to even describe. Thus we seem to be dealing with a fundamentally different phenomenon than the one captured by NP.

The interplay of existential and universal quantifiers in the description of the the winning strategy motivates us to invent the following game.

数学代写|计算复杂度理论代写Computational Complexity Theory代考|NL completeness

Now we consider problems that form the “essence” of non-deterministic logarithmic space computation, in other words, problems that are complete for NL. What kind of reduction should we use? We cannot use the polynomial-time reduction since NL $\subseteq \mathbf{P}$. Thus every language in NL is polynomial-time reducible to the trivial language ${1}$ (reduction: “decide using polynomial time whether or not the input is in the NL language, and then map to 1 or 0 accordingly”). Intuitively, such trivial languages should not be the “hardest” languages of NL.

When choosing the type of reduction to define completeness for a complexity class, we must keep in mind the complexity phenomenon we seek to understand. In this case, the complexity question is whether or not NL $=\mathbf{L}$. The reduction should not be more powerful than the weaker class, which is L. For this reason we use logspace reductions – for further, justification, see part (b) of Lemma $4.15$ below). To define such reductions we must tackle the tricky issue that a reduction typically maps instances of size $n$ to instances of size at least $n$, and so a logspace machine computing such a reduction does not have even the memory to write down its output. The way out is to require that the reduction should be able to compute any desired bit of the output in logarithmic space. In other words, if the reduction were given a separate output tape, it could in principle write out the entire new instance by first computing the first bit, then the second bit, and so on. (Many texts define such reductions using a “write-once” output tape.) The formal definition is as follows.
Definition $4.14$ (LOgSPACE REDUCTION)
Let $f:{0,1}^* \rightarrow{0,1}^$ be a polynomially-bounded function (i.e., there’s a constant $c>0$ such that $f(x) \leq|x|^c$ for every $\left.x \in{0,1}^\right)$. We say that $f$ is implicitly logspace computable, if the languages $L_f=\left{\langle x, i\rangle \mid f(x)_i=1\right}$ and $L_f^{\prime}={\langle x, i\rangle|i \leq| f(x) \mid}$ are in $\mathbf{L}$.

Informally, we can think of a single $O(\log |x|)$-space machine that given input $(x, i)$ outputs $\left.f(x)\right|_i$ provided $i \leq|f(x)|$.

Language $A$ is logspace reducible to language $B$, denoted $A \leq_l B$, if there is a function $f$ : ${0,1}^* \rightarrow{0,1}^$ that is implicitly logspace computable and $x \in A$ iff $f(x) \in B$ for every $x \in{0,1}^$.
Logspace reducibility satisfies usual properties one expects.

数学代写|计算复杂度理论代写Computational Complexity Theory代考|CS58400 The essence of PSPACE: optimum strategies for game-playin


数学代写|计算复杂度理论代写Computational Complexity Theory代考|The essence of PSPACE: optimum strategies for game-playin

回想一下 NP 完全问题的核心特征是肯定的答案有一个简短的证明。PSPACE 完全问题的类似统一概念似乎是具有完美信息的 2 人博弈的获胜策略。此类游戏的一个很好的例子是国际象棋:两名玩家交替走棋,棋盘上的走棋对双方都可见。因此,移动没有隐藏的副作用;因此,术语“完美信息”。玩家拥有“获胜策略”意味着什么?第一个玩家有一个获胜策略当且仅当玩家 1 有一个第一步,这样对于玩家 2 的每一个可能的第一步都有玩家 1 的第二步这样……。(依此类推)使得最后玩家 1 获胜。因此,决定第一个玩家是否有获胜策略似乎需要搜索所有可能动作的树。这让人想起 NP,对此我们似乎也需要指数搜索。但关键的区别是“玩家 1 有一个获胜策略”这一陈述缺少简短的“证明”,因为我们唯一能想到的证明是获胜策略本身,如前所述,它需要成倍数的比特来描述. 因此,我们似乎正在处理一种与 NP 捕获的现象根本不同的现象。


数学代写|计算复杂度理论代㝍Computational Complexity Theory化考|NL completeness

现在我们考虑构成非确定性对数空间计算“本质”的问题, 换句话说, 对于 NL 来说是完 整的问题。我们应该使用什么样的还原? 我们不能使用多项式时间缩减, 因为 NL $\subseteq \mathbf{P}$. 因此 NL 中的每一种语言都是多项式时间可简化为平凡语言 1 (归纳: “用多项式时间判 断输入是否是NL语言, 然后相应映射到 1 或 0 ”) 。直觉上, 这种琐碎的语言不应该是 $N L$ 中“最难”的语言。
在选择归约类型来定义复杂性类的完整性时, 我们必须牢记我们寻求理解的复杂性现 象。在这种情况下, 复杂性问题是是否 $\mathrm{NL}=\mathbf{L}$. 缩减不应该比较弱的类 $\mathrm{L}$ 更强大。出于 这个原因, 我们使用对数空间缩减一一进一步的理由, 请参见引理的 (b) 部分 $4.15$ 以 下)。要定义这样的归约, 我们必须解决一个棘手的问题, 即归约通常会映射大小实例 $n$ 至少到大小的实例 $n$, 因此计算这种减少的日志空间机器甚至没有内存来记下它的输 出。出路是要求减少应该能够在对数空间中计算输出的任何所需位。换句话说, 如果给 归约一个单独的输出硑带, 原则上它可以通过首先计算第一位, 然后是第二位, 等等来 写出整个新实例。(许多文本使用“一次写入”输出磁带定义此类缩减。)正式定义如 下。
定义 $4.14$ (对数空间缩减)
$f(x) \leq|x|^c$ 每一个 $\backslash$ left. $x \backslash \operatorname{in}{0,1}^{\wedge} \backslash$ right). 我们说 $f$ 是隐式对数空间可计算的, 如果语
非正式地, 我们可以想到一个 $O(\log |x|)$ – 给定输入的太空机器 $(x, i)$ 产出 $\left.f(x)\right|_i$ 假如 $i \leq|f(x)|$.
语言 $A$ 日志空间是否可以简化为语言 $B$, 表示 $A \leq_l B$, 如果有函数 $f$ :
${0,1}^{\wedge *} \backslash$ 右箭头 ${0,1}^{\wedge}$ 这是隐式对数空间可计算的, 并且 $x \in A$ 当且仅当 $f(x) \in B$ 每一 个 $x \backslash \operatorname{in}{0,1}^{\wedge}$.

数学代写|计算复杂度理论代写Computational Complexity Theory代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


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