如果你也在 怎样代写微观经济学Microeconomics ECON1001这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。微观经济学Microeconomics是主流经济学的一个分支,研究个人和公司在做出有关稀缺资源分配的决策时的行为以及这些个人和公司之间的互动。微观经济学侧重于研究单个市场、部门或行业,而不是宏观经济学所研究的整个国民经济。
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经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|Background and problems
The pure perfect competition market is the institution which satisfies most exactly the requirements of the individualist approach. Sellers and buyers are anonymous and equal before the law, even though they may possess different economic weights due to the inequality of initial endowments. Each agent has access to the same information, namely the exogenous quality of the goods and the publicly announced price. The available possibilities of exchange are taken up by the private agents when they are seen to represent a means of increasing their utility. In such a context, the pursuit by each individual of their personal interest results in voluntary transactions. These transactions are only mutually compatible when the total of individual demands is equal to the total of individual supplies. The market is then said to be in equilibrium. The key theoretical question posed by these markets is that of their self-regulation: are the forces of competition powerful enough to result in the market necessarily attaining its equilib- rium? This belief is shared by many economists. It lies at the heart of standard microeconomic theory.
If we consider that the essential question facing individualist societies can be expressed as follows: “how can a multitude of private decisions, taken independently by each agent on the sole basis of his individual preferences and beliefs, be made into a coherent whole?”, then the pure perfect competition market provides an exemplary answer. Firstly, the market respects the autonomy of agents in the determination of their objectives and preferences. Coordination in trading is always a posteriori: it involves no a priori restriction on preferences, no prior subjection that may limit the freedom of the traders by obliging them ex ante to respect certain collective objectives that are deemed to be legitimate or desirable. Each individual pursues what he considers to be his own personal interest. Secondly, this scrupulous respect of individual autonomy, espoused by liberal economists as the cornerstone of ethical values in trading relations, does not result in social anarchy. Competition, through the operation of flexible prices, produces a structure of mutually advantageous transactions such that individual intentions end up converging. In this perspective, it is the mechanism of price flexibility which ensures the global coherence of individual actions, what is commonly referred to as the “invisible hand”.
The characterisation of a situation of pure and perfect competition is based on a certain number of classic conditions: exogeneity of prices for the agents; homogeneous and divisible goods; perfect information; transactions without constraint. Thus, E. Malinvaud (1969) wrote: “perfect competition exists when the price of each good is the same for every agent and every transaction, when each agent considers this price to be independent of his own decisions and when he can buy or sell whatever quantity of the good he desires at this price”. It is often assumed that these assumptions require the existence of a large number of atomised agents, each of a sufficiently low weight as to have negligible influence on prices. The formalisation of the pure perfect competition market that is most widely accepted by economists is that provided by the Walrasian market. We shall now briefly describe its main principles.
经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|The Walrasian market
To simplify, we shall consider an exchange economy. This is an economy without production, constituted solely of $n$ consumers. Let us assume that this economy contains $m$ homogeneous and perfectly divisible goods, denoted $k \in{1,2, \ldots, m}$. Each consumer $i$ is endowed with an initial vector of resources, denoted $w_i=\left(w_i^1, \ldots, w_i^k, \ldots, w_i^m\right)$. In such an economy, the func-tion of the market is to distribute the initial global resources between the $n$ consumers, according to their individual preferences. Let $p \varepsilon R_{+}^m$ be the vector of the $m$ prices, quoted on the $m$ markets of goods: $p=\left(p_1, \ldots, p_k, \ldots p_m\right)$. It is then possible to determine, for each agent $i$, the excess demand for good $k$ which we denote $e_i^k(p)$. It is calculated as the difference between his gross demand and his initial resource. From all individual excess demands, it is easy to determine the total excess demand for good $k$ when the price equals $p$, as follows:
e^k(p)=\sum_{i=1}^{i=n} e_i^k(p)
Equilibrium in the market of good $k$ requires:
When this equation is satisfied for all $m$ goods markets, we obtain a general equilibrium of the economy: all the markets are then simultaneously in equilibrium.
经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|Background and problems
纯粹和完全竞争情况的特征是基于一定数量的经典条件:代理人价格的外生性;同质和可分割的商品;完善的信息;交易不受约束。因此,E. Malinvaud (1969) 写道:“当每种商品的价格对每个代理人和每笔交易都相同,当每个代理人认为这个价格独立于他自己的决定,并且他可以买卖时,就存在完全竞争。以这个价格他想要的任何数量的商品”。通常假设这些假设需要存在大量雾化代理,每个代理的权重都足够低,以至于对价格的影响可以忽略不计。被经济学家最广泛接受的纯完全竞争市场的形式化是由瓦尔拉斯市场提供的。我们现在将简要描述其主要原则。
经济代㝍|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|The Walrasian market
为简化起见, 我们将考虑交换经济。这是一个没有生产的经济, 完全由 $n$ 消费者。让我们假设这个经济包含 $m$ 同质且完全可分的商品, 表示为 $k \in 1,2, \ldots, m$. 每个消费者 $i$ 被畎予了资源的初始向量, 表示为
$w_i=\left(w_i^1, \ldots, w_i^k, \ldots, w_i^m\right)$. 在这样的经济体中, 市场的功能是将最初的全球资源分配给 $n$ 消费者, 根 据个人喜好。让 $p \varepsilon R_{+}^m$ 是向量 $m$ 价格, 报价在 $m$ 商品市场: $p=\left(p_1, \ldots, p_k, \ldots p_m\right)$. 然后可以确定, 对 于每个代理 $i$, 对商品的过度需求 $k$ 涐们表示 $e_i^k(p)$. 它被计算为他的总需求和他的初始资源之间的差异。从所 有个人的超额需求中, 很容易确定商品的总超额需求 $k$ 当价格等于 $p$, 如下:
e^k(p)=\sum_{i=1}^{i=n} e_i^k(p)
商品市场均衡 $k$ 要求:
当这个等式满足所有 $m$ 在商品市场上, 我们获得了经济的一般均衡:所有市场同时处于均衡状态。
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微观经济学是主流经济学的一个分支,研究个人和企业在做出有关稀缺资源分配的决策时的行为以及这些个人和企业之间的相互作用。my-assignmentexpert™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在数学Mathematics作业代写方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的数学Mathematics代写服务。我们的专家在微观经济学代写Graph Theory代写方面经验极为丰富,各种微观经济学代写Microeconomics相关的作业也就用不着 说。
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