经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|ECO467 Non-cooperative Games

如果你也在 怎样代写博弈论Game theory ECO467这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。博弈论Game theory在20世纪50年代被许多学者广泛地发展。它在20世纪70年代被明确地应用于进化论,尽管类似的发展至少可以追溯到20世纪30年代。博弈论已被广泛认为是许多领域的重要工具。截至2020年,随着诺贝尔经济学纪念奖被授予博弈理论家保罗-米尔格伦和罗伯特-B-威尔逊,已有15位博弈理论家获得了诺贝尔经济学奖。约翰-梅纳德-史密斯因其对进化博弈论的应用而被授予克拉福德奖。

博弈论Game theory是对理性主体之间战略互动的数学模型的研究。它在社会科学的所有领域,以及逻辑学、系统科学和计算机科学中都有应用。最初,它针对的是两人的零和博弈,其中每个参与者的收益或损失都与其他参与者的收益或损失完全平衡。在21世纪,博弈论适用于广泛的行为关系;它现在是人类、动物以及计算机的逻辑决策科学的一个总称。


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经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|ECO467 Non-cooperative Games

经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|Non-cooperative Games

According to Aumann and Hart (1992), a non-cooperative game can be defined as follows.
Definition 2.5 A game is non-cooperative if commitments (agreements, promises, threats) are not enforceable.
This means that each player acts independently of the others (Maschler et al. 2013). However, it does not preclude the possibility of correlation of actions between players, exchange of information, or the existence of an observer who can make recommendations to the players about the actions to choose. The key aspect is that the correlations or recommendations are not binding. Each player has always the possibility to choose any action from the section of actions available to him.

A non-cooperative game is classified as a static game (or simultaneous move) when players move only once and at the same time, or a dynamic game when players choose actions over time. In a dynamic game, each choice of action by the players corresponds to a stage of the game and hence dynamic games are also called multi-stage games. Usually, stages are identified with time periods. However, a stage may not have a temporal interpretation (Fudenberg and Tirole 1991) and hence a multi-stage game can be static (see, for instance, the two-stage games presented in Chap. 6).

In multi-stage games, the concept of subgame perfect equilibrium is applied. In order to define it, the concept of subgame must be introduced. Let $h^k$ denote the history of the game at stage $k$, that is, the actions of players before stage $k$ (stages 1 to $k-1$ ). The game starting at stage $k$, with history $h^k$, is called a subgame and can be denoted as $\Gamma\left(h^k\right)$. Following Maschler et al. (2013), we can now define subgame perfect equilibrium.

经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|Cooperative Games

Following Aumann and Hart (1992), a cooperative game can be defined as follows.
Definition 2.7 A game is cooperative if commitments (agreements, promises, threats) are fully binding and enforceable.

If a cooperative game, in contrast to a non-cooperative game, is one in which the commitments are fully binding and enforceable, then this immediately raises the question of what conditions must prevail for such a binding outcome to be achieved. A subsidiary question is how the economic benefits arising from cooperation are to be shared, if cooperation is in fact realized.

In cooperative games, unlike non-cooperative games, the number of players matters. There is a great deal of difference between $n=2$ and $n>2$ cooperative games, with the latter being much, much more complex than the former. Chapter 4 is focussed entirely on the relatively simple $n=2$ cooperative games. While restrictive, $n=2$ cooperative games have value in analysing the economic management of transboundary fishery resources.

The question of the conditions that must be achieved for a $n=2$ cooperative game to be binding, to be stable through time, reveals that cooperative games are not independent of non-cooperative games. The first condition that must be met is that each player at each point in time must be assured a payoff from cooperation at least as great as it would enjoy under non-cooperation. The payoff to each player under non-cooperation is assumed to be the payoff arising from the solution to a noncooperative game. The second key condition is that the solution to the cooperative game must be Pareto optimal, which means that it is not possible to make one player better off without harming the other.

The optimal division of the benefits from cooperation between the two players is straightforward. The Cooperative Surplus is defined in Chap. 4 as being equal to the sum of the payoffs arising from the solution to the cooperative game minus the sum of the payoffs arising from the solution to the non-cooperative game. The optimal division is such that each player receives their non-cooperative game payoff plus one-half of the Cooperative Surplus.

经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|ECO467 Non-cooperative Games


经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|非合作性游戏

根据Aumann和Hart(1992)的观点,非合作博弈可以定义如下。定义2.5$ 如果承诺(协议、许诺、威胁)是不可执行的,那么这个博弈就是非合作的。

非合作博弈可分为静态博弈(或同时移动),即玩家只在同一时间移动一次,或动态博弈,即玩家随着时间推移选择行动。在动态博弈中,玩家的每一次行动选择都对应着博弈的一个阶段,因此动态博弈也被称为多阶段博弈。通常情况下,阶段与时间段相联系。然而,一个阶段可能没有时间上的解释(Fudenberg and Tirole 1991),因此多阶段博弈可能是静态的(例如,见第6章中介绍的两阶段博弈)。

经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|Cooperative Games

定义2.7$ 如果承诺(协议、许诺、威胁)具有完全的约束力和可执行性,那么博弈就是合作的。



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