如果你也在 怎样代写宏观经济学Macroeconomics ECON1002这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。宏观经济学Macroeconomics对国家或地区经济整体行为的研究。它关注的是对整个经济事件的理解,如商品和服务的生产总量、失业水平和价格的一般行为。宏观经济学关注的是经济体的表现–经济产出、通货膨胀、利率和外汇兑换率以及国际收支的变化。减贫、社会公平和可持续增长只有在健全的货币和财政政策下才能实现。
宏观经济学Macroeconomics(来自希腊语前缀makro-,意思是 “大 “+经济学)是经济学的一个分支,处理整个经济体的表现、结构、行为和决策。例如,使用利率、税收和政府支出来调节经济的增长和稳定。这包括区域、国家和全球经济。根据经济学家Emi Nakamura和Jón Steinsson在2018年的评估,经济 “关于不同宏观经济政策的后果的证据仍然非常不完善,并受到严重批评。宏观经济学家研究的主题包括GDP(国内生产总值)、失业(包括失业率)、国民收入、价格指数、产出、消费、通货膨胀、储蓄、投资、能源、国际贸易和国际金融。
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经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|A General Pure-Exchange Economy
We will consider an economy with many different goods and consumers. Instead of having a representative consumer, we allow for the possibility that each consumer has a different utility function. However, we make one simplification: there is no production in the economy. The consumers have endowments of goods and can trade their endowments in markets, but there is no possibility of producing any goods in excess of the endowments. ${ }^1$
There are $N$ different goods in the economy, where $N$ is any positive integer. For each good there is a market, and the price of $\operatorname{good} n$ is denoted $p_n$. There are $I$ different consumers. Each consumer has a utility function over her consumption of the $N$ goods in the economy. Consumption of good $n$ by consumer $i$ is denoted as $c_n^i$, and the utility function for consumer $i$ is $u_i\left(c_1^i, c_2^i, \ldots, c_N^i\right)$. Notice that the utility function is indexed by $i$, so that it can be different for each consumer. The consumers also have endowments of the $N$ goods, where $e_t^i$ is the endowment of consumer $i$ of $\operatorname{good} n$.
All consumers meet at the beginning of time in a central marketplace. Here the consumers can sell their endowments and buy consumption goods. If consumer $i$ sells all her endowments, her total income is $\sum_{n=1}^N p_n e_n^i$. Similarly, total expenditure on consumption goods is $\sum_{n=1}^N p_n c_n^i$. Consumer $i$ maximizes utility subject to her budget constraint, which states that total expenditure on consumption has to equal total income from selling the endowment. Mathematically, the problem of consumer $i$ is:
\max {\left{c_n^i\right}{n=1}^N} u_i\left(c_1^i, c_2^i, \ldots, c_N^i\right) \text { subject to: } \
\sum_{n=1}^N p_n c_n^i=\sum_{n=1}^N p_n e_n^i
We will also need a market-clearing constraint for each of the goods. The market-clearing condition for good $n$ is:
\sum_{i=1}^I c_n^i=\sum_{i=1}^I e_n^i
经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Normalization of Prices
In our model, the general level of prices is undetermined. For example, given any equilibrium, we can double all prices and get another equilibrium. We first ran into this phenomenon in the credit-market economy of Section 3.2, where it turned out that the price level $P$ was arbitrary. An important application is the possibility of normalizing prices. Since it is possible to multiply prices by a positive constant and still have an equilibrium, the constant can be chosen such that one price is set to one. For example, if we want to normalize the price of the first good, we can choose the constant to be $1 / p_1$. Then, when we multiply all prices by this constant, the normalized price of the first good becomes $\left(p_1\right)\left(1 / p_1\right)=1$. If for every equilibrium there is another one in which the price of the first good is one, there is no loss in generality in assuming that the price is one right away. Without always mentioning it explicitly, we make use of this fact in a number of places throughout this book. Normally the price of the consumption good is set to one, so that all prices can be interpreted in terms of the consumption good. ${ }^2$ The good whose price is set to one is often called the numéraire.
In order to show that the price level is indeterminate, we are going to assume that we have already found an allocation $\left{c_1^i, c_2^i, \ldots, c_N^i\right}_{i=1}^I$ and a price system $\left{p_1, p_2, \ldots, p_N\right}$ that satisfy all the conditions for an equilibrium. We now want to show that if we multiply all prices by a constant $\gamma>0$ we will still have an equilibrium. That is, the allocation $\left{c_1^i, c_2^i, \ldots, c_N^i\right}_{i=1}^I$ will still satisfy market-clearing, and the values for consumption will still be optimal choices for the consumers given the new price system $\left{\gamma p_1, \gamma p_2, \ldots, \gamma p_N\right}$.
It is obvious that the market-clearing constraints will continue to hold, since we have not changed the allocation and the prices do not enter in the market-clearing constraints. Therefore we only need to show that the allocation will still be optimal, given the new price system. We know already that the allocation is an optimal choice for the consumers given the old price system. If we can show that the new price system does not change the budget constraint of the consumer, then the consumer’s problem with the new prices will be equivalent to the original problem, so it will have the same solution. The budget constraint with the new prices is:
\sum_{n=1}^N\left(\gamma p_n\right) c_n^i=\sum_{n=1}^N\left(\gamma p_n\right) e_n^i
We can pull the common $\gamma$ terms outside the summations, so we can divide each side by $\gamma$ to yield:
\sum_{n=1}^N p_n c_n^i=\sum_{n=1}^N p_n e_n^i,
which is equal to the budget constraint under the original price system. The consumer’s problem does not change, so it still has the same solution. This shows that the allocation $\left{c_1^i, c_2^i, \ldots, c_N^i\right}_{i=1}^I$ and prices $\left{\gamma p_1, \gamma p_2, \ldots, \gamma p_N\right}$ form an equilibrium as well.
经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|A General Pure-Exchange Economy
我们将考虑一个有许多不同商品和消费者的经济体。我们没有考虑具有代表性的消费者, 而是允许每个消费 者都有不同的效用函数。但是, 我们做一个简化: 经济中没有生产。消费者拥有商品禀迤, 可以在市场上交
有 $N$ 经济中的不同商品, 其中 $N$ 是任何正整数。每种商品都有一个市场, 而价格 $\operatorname{good} n$ 表示为 $p_n$. 有 $I$ 不同 的消费者。每个消费者对她的消费都陏一个效用函数 $N$ 经济中的商品。消费好 $n$ 由消费者 $i$ 表示为 $c_n^i$, 以及 消费者的放用函数 $i$ 是 $u_i\left(c_1^i, c_2^i, \ldots, c_N^i\right)$. 请注意, 效用函数的索引为 $i$, 以便每个消费者都阿以不同。消
所有消费者都在时间之初在中央市场相遇。在这里,消费者可以出售他们的㬌诫, 购买消费品。如果消费者 $i$ 卖掉她所有的捐赠, 她的总收入是 $\sum_{n=1}^N p_n e_n^i$. 同样, 消费品的总支出是 $\sum_{n=1}^N p_n c_n^i$. 消费者 $i$ 最大化效 用取决于她的预算约束, 这表明消费总支出必须等于出售禀赋的总收入。从数学上讲, 消费者的问题 $i$ 是:
我们还需要为每种商品设置市场出清约束条件。良好的市场出清条件 $n$ 是:
\sum_{i=1}^I c_n^i=\sum_{i=1}^I e_n^i
经济代写|宏观经济学代考Macroeconomics代写|Normalization of Prices
在我们的模型中, 价格的总体水平是不确定的。例如, 给定任何圽衡,我们可以将所有价格加倍并获得另个均衡。我们首先在 $3.2$ 节的信贷市场经济中遇到了这种现象, 结果表明价格水平 $P$ 是任意的。一个重要的 应用是使价格正常化的可能性。由于有可能将价格乘以一个正常数并且仍然有一个均衡, 所以可以选择该常 数, 以便将一个价格设置为一个。例如, 如果我们想标准化第一种商品的价格, 我们可以选择常量为 $1 / p_1$. 然后, 当我们将所有价格乘以这个常数时, 第一种商品的标准化价格变为 $\left(p_1\right)\left(1 / p_1\right)=1$. 如果对于每个 均衡都有另一个均衡, 其中第一种商品的价格为 1 , 则假设价格立即为 1 不会失去一般性。我们在本书的许 多地方都使用了这个事实, 但并不总是明确提及。通常将消费品的价格设置为一个, 这样所有的价格都阿以 用消费品来解释。 ${ }^2$ 价格设置为 1 的商品通常称为 numéraire。
为了表明价格水平是不确定的, 我们假设我们已经找到了一个分配 所有条件。我们现在要证明, 如果我们将所有价格乘以一个常数 $\gamma>0$ 我们仍然会有一个平衡。也就是分配
很明显, 市场出清约束将继续存在, 因为我们没有改变配置, 价格也没有进入市场出清约束。因此, 我们只 需要证明在给定新价格体系的情况下, 分配仍然是最优的。我们已经知道, 在旧的价格体系下, 分配是消费 者的最佳选择。如果我们能够证明新的价格体系没有改变消费者的预算约束, 那么消费者对新价格的问题将 等同于原来的问题, 因此会有相同的解决方案。新价格的预算约束为:
\sum_{n=1}^N\left(\gamma p_n\right) c_n^i=\sum_{n=1}^N\left(\gamma p_n\right) e_n^i
我们可以拉共同 $\gamma$ 求和之外的项, 所以我们可以将每一边除以 $\gamma$ 产生:
\sum_{n=1}^N p_n c_n^i=\sum_{n=1}^N p_n e_n^i,
等于原价格体系下的预算约束。消费者的问题没有改变, 所以还是有同样的解决方法。这表明分配
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微观经济学是主流经济学的一个分支,研究个人和企业在做出有关稀缺资源分配的决策时的行为以及这些个人和企业之间的相互作用。my-assignmentexpert™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在数学Mathematics作业代写方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的数学Mathematics代写服务。我们的专家在微观经济学代写Graph Theory代写方面经验极为丰富,各种微观经济学代写Microeconomics相关的作业也就用不着 说。
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