如果你也在 怎样代写光学Optics PHYS202这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。光学Optics是研究光的行为和特性的物理学分支,包括它与物质的相互作用以及使用或探测它的仪器的构造。光学通常描述可见光、紫外线和红外线的行为。因为光是一种电磁波,其他形式的电磁辐射,如X射线、微波和无线电波也表现出类似的特性。
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物理代写|光学代考Optics代写|Tear Film
The anterior eye is covered by the (pre-corneal) tear film. Optically, it serves to provide a highquality, smooth optical interface. The tear film is the first refractive interface of the eye, with a thickness from about $5 \mu \mathrm{m}$ to $10 \mu \mathrm{m} .^{82}$ The thickness uniformity of the tear film, at least over the central region, is important in ensuring good visual quality. ${ }^{83,84}$ The tear film is thicker superiorly, is uniformly distributed centrally, and becomes thinner inferiorly. ${ }^{85}$
The main physiological functions of the tear film are to protect ${ }^{86}$ and lubricate the eye, to maintain ocular hydration, and to assist in providing nutrition to the epithelium. ${ }^{87}$ The tear film is a complex aqueous microenvironment composed of $98.2 \%$ water. Other constituents present are mucins, lipids, glucose, sodium, urea, and other organic substances. ${ }^{88}$
The tear film is distinguished in the outermost lipid layer, the main aqueous layer, and the innermost basal, or mucous, layer. The lipid layer is oily in substance; therefore, it helps restrict water (aqueous) evaporation and thus contributes to the stability of the tear film. ${ }^{89}$ Lipid layer thickness (LLT) may vary between 20 and $180 \mathrm{~nm}$ (a healthy range is 60 to $90 \mathrm{~nm})^{90}$ and is considered a measure of the ocular surface regularity and the dynamics of tear spreading. The lipids of this layer are produced by the meibomian glands. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD), a common ocular surface disease, manifests as a chronic eyelid condition with occlusion of terminal meibomian gland ducts. ${ }^{91}$ In hypersecretory MGD (increased secretions), LLT may be increased, whereas in hyposecretory MGD (reduced secretions), LLT may be reduced. ${ }^{92}$
物理代写|光学代考Optics代写|Dry Eye
Dry eye is a condition in which the eye produces fewer or lower quality tears and is unable to keep its surface lubricated. As such, it may be characterized as a multifactorial, progressive, and chronic ‘dysfunctional’ disease of the tears and ocular surface ${ }^{99}$ often associated with increased ocular inflammation. Dry eye is responsible for major population morbidity and considerable economic impact in terms of both direct and indirect costs ${ }^{100}$ because of the disease’s progressive nature and the significant toll on the quality of life.
In addition, dry eye may present major challenges in a refractive surgery candidate assessment. The condition may range from mild/episodic to severe/chronic: It can manifest with many symptoms, including visual disturbance (blurred and fluctuating vision), foreign-body sensation \& eye discomfort (patient-reported), irritation, ocular surface inflammation, redness, excess tearing, and photosensitivity. ${ }^{101}$
Contributing factors to dry eye may be classified as ocular, medical, pharmaceutical, iatrogenic, environmental, and related to contact lens wear. Ocular conditions include eyelid (blepharitis) and ocular surface inflammation, and chemical burns. Medical conditions include Sjögren’s syndrome, ${ }^{102}$ vitamin-A and omega-3 fatty acid deficiency, rheumatoid arthritis and other rheumatologic diseases, as well as diabetes and thyroid problems. Reactions to certain medications, such as antihistamines, diuretics, sleeping pills, decongestants, blood pressure medications and antidepressants, postmenopausal estrogen therapy medications, and isotretinoin-type drugs for acne treatment, may impact tear production and lipid layer composition and integrity.
latrogenic conditions include eyelid/facial surgery and corneal refractive surgery. ${ }^{103}$ Specific to LASIK, although pre-existing dry eye may be subclinical, a sizable portion of LASIK individuals may develop reduced basal tear flow, attributed to a surgical severing of the nerves by the creation of the LASIK flap, and/or by the excimer laser ablation. ${ }^{104}$ Environmental conditions that contribute to dry eye include aridity, cold/windy air, and repetitive occupational tasks that require increased concentration that affect blinking.
物理代写|光学代考Optics代写|Tear Film
前眼被 (角膜前) 泪膜覆盖。在光学上, 它用于提供高质量、平滑的光学界面。泪膜是眼睛的第一屈光界 面, 厚度约为 $5 \mu \mathrm{m}$ 至 $10 \mu \mathrm{m} .^{82}$ 泪膜的厚度均匀性, 至少在中心区域, 对于确保良好的视觉质荲很重要。 ${ }^{83,84}$ 汨膜向上较厚, 中央分布均匀, 向下变薄。 ${ }^{85}$
泪膜的主要生理功能是保护 ${ }^{86}$ 润滑眼睛, 保持眼部水合作用, 并协助为上皮细胞提供营养。 ${ }^{87}$ 淐膜是一个复 杂的水性微环境,由 $98.2 \%$ 水。存在的其他成分是粘蛋白、脂质、葡萄糖、钠、尿素和其他有机物质。88
泪膜的区别在于最外层的脂质层、主要的水层和最内层的基底层或粘液层。脂质层实质上是油性的; 因此, 它有助于限制水 (水性) 蒸发, 从而有助于泪膜的稳定性。 ${ }^{89}$ 脂质层厚度 (LLT) 可能在 20 和 $180 \mathrm{~nm}$ (健 康范围是 60 到 $90 \mathrm{~nm})^{90}$ 并且被认为是眼表规律性和泪液扩散动力学的鲁度。该层的脂质由睑板腺产生。 睑板腺功能障碍 (MGD) 是一种常见的眼表疾病, 表现为慢性眼睑疾病, 伴有终末睑板腺导管闭塞。 ${ }^{91}$ 在分 泌过多的 MGD(分泌物增加)中, LLT 可能会升高, 而在分泌不足的 MGD (分泌物减少) 中, LLT 可能 会降低。 ${ }^{92}$
物理代写|光学代考Optics代写|Dry Eye
干眼症是一种眼睛产生较少或质量较差的眼泪并且无法保持其表面润滑的病症。因此, 它可能被描述为泪液 和眼表的多因素、进行性和慢性 “功能失调”疾病 ${ }^{99}$ 通常与眼部炎症增加有关。干眼症是导致主要人口发病率 和直接和间接成本方面相当大的经济影响的原因 ${ }^{100}$ 因为这种疾病的进行性以及对生活质量的重大影响。 此外, 干眼症可能会给屈光手术候选人评估带来重大挑战。病情可能从轻微/偶发到严重/慢性不等: 它可能 表现为许多症状,包括视觉障碍 (视力模稝和波动)、异物感、和眼睛不适(患者报告)、刺激、眼表炎 症、发红、过度流泪和光勄性。101
干眼症的促成因素可分为眼科、医学、药物、医源性、环境和与隐形眼镜㧩載相关的因素。眼部疾病包括眼 睑 (睑缘炎) 和眼表炎症, 以及化学灼伤。医疗条件包括干燥综合征, 102维生素 A 和 omega-3 脂肪酸缺 之症、类风湿性关节炎和其他风湿病, 以及糖尿病和甲状腺问题。对某些药物的反应, 例如抗组胺药、利尿 剂、安眠药、减充血剂、降压药和抗抑姷药、绝经后雌激素治疗药物和用于治疗痤疠的异维甲酸类药物, 可 能会影响泪液的产生以及脂质层的组成和完整性。
医源性病症包括眼睑/面部手术和角膜屈光手术。 103 具体到 LASIK, 虽然先前存在的干眼症可能是亚临床 的, 但相当一部分 LASIK 患者可能会出现基础泪液减少,这归因于通过 LASIK 皮㼉和/或准分子激光手术 切断神经消融。 ${ }^{104}$ 导致干眼症的环境条件包括干旱、寒冷/多风的空气, 以及需要提高注意力的重复性职业 任务, 这些都烩影响眃眼。
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机器学习(ML)是一个致力于理解和建立 “学习 “方法的研究领域,也就是说,利用数据来提高某些任务的性能的方法。机器学习算法基于样本数据(称为训练数据)建立模型,以便在没有明确编程的情况下做出预测或决定。机器学习算法被广泛用于各种应用中,如医学、电子邮件过滤、语音识别和计算机视觉,在这些应用中,开发传统算法来执行所需任务是困难的或不可行的。机器学习与统计学密切相关,统计学专注于使用计算机进行预测,但并非所有的机器学习都是统计学习。数学优化的研究为机器学习领域提供了方法、理论和应用领域。
微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。
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