统计代写|时间序列和预测代写Time Series & Prediction代考|Stat131 Scope of Machine Learning in Time-Series Prediction

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时间序列和预测Time Series & Prediction分析包括分析时间序列数据的方法,以提取有意义的统计数据和数据的其他特征。时间序列预测是使用一个模型来预测基于先前观察到的值的未来值。虽然经常采用回归分析的方式来测试一个或多个不同时间序列之间的关系,但这种类型的分析通常不被称为 “时间序列分析”,它特别指的是单一序列中不同时间点之间的关系。中断的时间序列分析是用来检测一个时间序列从之前到之后的演变变化,这种变化可能会影响基础变量。

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统计代写|时间序列和预测代写Time Series & Prediction代考|Stat131 Scope of Machine Learning in Time-Series Prediction

统计代写|时间序列和预测代写Time Series & Prediction代考|Scope of Machine Learning in Time-Series Prediction

Neural nets play a vital role in learning the dynamic behavior of a time-series. The learning process in a neural network is accomplished by suitably selecting a set of cascaded non-linearity to represent the complex functional relations between the input and the output training instances supplied to the network. Neural network based learning is advantageous to Traditional Least Min Square (LMS) approach used in curve fitting [16] because of the pre-assumption of a fixed functional form of the latter rather than a variable functional form as used in the former. The variable functional architecture of the neural network offers the freedom to autonomously adapt its parameters in the required direction to appropriately tune the functional form of the network to produce the desired output for known inputs.
Several well-known approaches to supervised neural learning algorithms are prevalent in the literature. The most popular among these techniques are Back-propagation (BP) Learning algorithm [17], that adjusts the connectivity weights of neurons (single unit, comprising a weighted summer followed by a non-linearity) in the network layer-wise, starting from the last layer with an aim to minimize the error signals generated at the output layer for each input vector of the network. The error signal here is defined by taking the component-wise difference between the desired and the computed output vectors. The learning algorithm used in Back-propagation algorithm is designed following the well-known steepest descent learning policy that searches the direction of the shallowest gradient at a given point on the error surface of weights.

Among the other well-known algorithms used for supervised learning is Linear Support Vector Machine (LSVM) classifier that optimally segregates the input data space into two regions by straight line boundaries with sufficient spacing between the boundaries. Several variant of the basic LSVM are found in the literature [18]. The popular approaches used are kernelized SVM, where kernel functions are used to project the data points in new dimensions, thereby segregating the linearly inseparable data point by LSVM after kernel transformation. Besides BP and SVM there exist a lot many supervised neural classifiers, such as Radial Basis function Neural Net (RBF NN) [19], cascaded fuzzy-BP combinations and many others, the detailed listing is not given here for out of context. We next present a few well-known neural approaches to time-series prediction.

Frank et al. in [20] consider heuristics to select window size and sampling rate for efficient time-series prediction. One simple way to model time-series is to express the time-series $x(t)$ as a non-linear function of $x(t-1), x(t-2), \ldots$, $x(t-n)$; i.e., $x(t)=f(x(t-1), x(t-2), \ldots, x(t-n))$. Usually researches attempt to predict $\mathrm{f}$ by considering fixed non-linearity.

统计代写|时间序列和预测代写Time Series & Prediction代考|Sources of Uncertainty in a Time-Series

A time-series apparently looks like a sequence of random valued data in a finite range, ordered over time. Because of this randomness, prediction of a time-series at the next time point from its current or preceding time-point values is difficult. Thus, for two equal time-series values: $\mathrm{x}\left(\mathrm{t}_1\right)$ and $\mathrm{x}\left(\mathrm{t}_2\right)$ occurring at time-point $\mathrm{t}_1$ and $\mathrm{t}_2$, it is not guaranteed that the next time point values of the series $\mathrm{x}\left(\mathrm{t}_1+1\right)$ and $\mathrm{x}\left(\mathrm{t}_2+1\right)$ need not be equal. To handle the non-deterministic behavior of the time-series, researchers usually do not take the risk to predict absolute next point value of the series, rather they offer a small range of the predicted value. This is realized by dividing the dynamic range of the time-series into a fixed number of partitions, usually of equal length, which reduces the uncertainty in the prediction as the prediction refers to identifying a partition containing the next time-point value instead of an absolute value.

A close inspection of a partitioned time-series now reveals the dependence relationships between the partitions containing the time-point value before and after a feasible time-point t present in the series. These relationships are generally referred to as prediction rules. It is indeed important to note that there exist uncertainty in the prediction rules: $P_i \rightarrow P_j$ and $P_i \rightarrow P_k$ where $P_i, P_j$ and $P_k$ are three partitions, where the transition $P_i$ to $P_j$ takes place around time-point $t_1$, while the transition $P_i$ to $P_k$ takes place around a second time-point $t_2$. Now, suppose, we like to predict the time-point value of the series at time $t^{\prime}+1$, where $t^{\prime}$ falls in partition $P_i$. Now, in which partition should $\mathrm{x}\left(\mathrm{t}^{\prime}+1\right)$ lie? This is indeed difficult to say. Statisticians may favor the one with higher probability of occurrence. That is they would say $\mathrm{x}\left(\mathrm{t}^{\prime}+1\right)$ would lie in partition $\mathrm{P}{\mathrm{j}}$ if $\operatorname{prob}\left(\mathrm{P}{\mathrm{j}} / \mathrm{P}{\mathrm{i}}\right)>\operatorname{prob}\left(\mathrm{P}{\mathrm{k}} / \mathrm{P}{\mathrm{i}}\right)$, where $\operatorname{prob}\left(\mathrm{P}{\mathrm{j}} / \mathrm{P}_{\mathrm{i}}\right)$ indicates the conditional probability of $P_j$ assuming the prior occurrence of $P_i$ around a given time-point t’. The above example illustrates that there exists uncertainty in prediction of a time-series for possible non-determinism of the extracted rules.

Another important aspect that influences a time-series prediction is secondary factor, which usually is hard to ascertain as its clarity is not visible in most circumstances. For example, a large fall-off in the close price of the DOW JONES time-series on day t may cause a significant fall-off in the TAIEX time-series on day $\mathrm{t}+1$. If this phenomenon is known, we call the DOW JONES time-series as the secondary factor for the main-factored time-series TAIEX. In absence of any
knowledge of the secondary factors, the prediction of a main-factored time-series remains uncertain.

统计代写|时间序列和预测代写Time Series & Prediction代考|Stat131 Scope of Machine Learning in Time-Series Prediction


统计代写|时间序列和预测代写Time Series \& Prediction代考|Scope of Machine Learning in Time-Series Prediction

神经网络在学习时间序列的动态行为方面起着至关重要的作用。神经网络中的学习过程是通过适当地选择一 组级联非线性来表示提供给网络的输入和输出训|练实例之间的筫杂函数关系来完成的。基于神经网络的学习 有利于曲线拟合中使用的传统最小二乘法 (LMS) 方法 [16], 因为预先假设了后者的固定函数形式, 而不是 前者使用的可变函数形式。神经网络的可变功能架构提供了在所需方向上自主调整其参数的自由, 以适当调 整网络的功能形式, 从而为已知输入产生所需的输出。
文献中普遍存在几种著名的监督神经学习算法方法。这些技术中最流行的是反向传播 (BP) 学习算法 [17], 它调整网络中神经元的连接权重 (单个单元, 包括加权加法器和非线性), 从最后一层的目的是最小化在输 出层为网络的每个输入向量生成的误差信号。这里的误差信号是通过获取所需输出向量和计算出的输出向量 之间的分量差异来定义的。反向传播算法中使用的学习算法是根据众所周知的最速下降学习策略设计的, 该 策略在权重误差面上的给定点处搜索最浅梯度的方向。
用于监督学习的其他著名算法是线性支持向荲机 (LSVM) 分类器, 它通过直线边界将输入数据空间最佳地分 成两个区域, 边界之间有足够的间距。在文献 [18] 中可以找到基本 LSVM 的几种变体。使用的流行方法是 内核化 SVM, 其中使用内核函数将数据点投影到新的维度, 从而在内核转换后通过 LSVM 分离线性不可分 的数据点。除了 BP 和 SVM 之外, 还有很多有监督的神经分类器, 例如径向基函数神经网络 (RBF NN) [19]、级联模糊 BP 组合等等, 这里不再详细列出。接下来, 我们将介绍一些著名的时间序列预测神经方 法。
弗兰克等人。在 [20] 中考虑启发式选择窗口大小和采样率以进行有效的时间序列预测。对时间序列建模的 一种简单方法是表达时间序列 $x(t)$ 作为非线性函数 $x(t-1), x(t-2), \ldots, x(t-n)$; IE。 $x(t)=f(x(t-1), x(t-2), \ldots, x(t-n))$. 通常研究试图预测通过考虑固定的非线性。

统计代写|时间序列和预测代写Time Series \& Prediction代考|Sources of Uncertainty in a Time-Series

时间序列显然看起来像有限范围内随时间排序的随机值数据序列。由于这种随机性, 很难根据当前或之前的 时间点值预测下一个时间点的时间序列。因此, 对于两个相等的时间序列值: $x\left(t_1\right)$ 和 $x\left(t_2\right)$ 发生在时间点 $\mathrm{t}1$ 和 $\mathrm{t}_2$, 不保证系列的下一个时间点值 $\mathrm{x}\left(\mathrm{t}_1+1\right)$ 和 $\mathrm{x}\left(\mathrm{t}_2+1\right)$ 不必相等。为了处理时间序列的非确定性行 为, 研究人员通常不会冒险预测序列的下一个点的绝对值, 而是提供一个小范围的预测值。这是通过将时间 序列的动态范围划分为固定数量的分区 (通常长度相等) 来实现的, 这减少了预测中的不确定性, 因为预测 是指识别包含下一个时间点值的分区而不是绝对值。 对分区时间序列的仔细检查现在揭示了包含时间点值的分区之间的依赖关系,该时间点值存在于序列中的可 行时间点 $+$ 之前和之后。这些关系通常被称为预测呗则。确实重要的是要注意预测呗则中存在不确定性: $P_i \rightarrow P_j$ 和 $P_i \rightarrow P_k$ 在哪里 $P_i, P_j$ 和 $P_k$ 是三个分区, 其中过喥 $P_i$ 至 $P_j$ 发生在时间点附近 $t_1$, 而过渡 $P_i$ 至 $P_k$ 发生在第二个时间点附近 $t_2$. 现在, 假设, 我们想预测时间序列的时间点值 $t^{\prime}+1$, 在哪里 $t^{\prime}$ 落在分区 $P_i$ .现在, 应该在哪个分区 $\mathrm{x}\left(\mathrm{t}^{\prime}+1\right)$ 说谎? 这确实很难说。统计学家可能会偏爱发生概率较高的那个。那就 是他们会说 $x\left(t^{\prime}+1\right)$ 将位于分区Pj如果 $p r o b(P j / P i)>\operatorname{prob}(\mathrm{Pk} / \mathrm{Pi})$, 在哪里 $\operatorname{prob}\left(\mathrm{Pj} / \mathrm{P}{\mathrm{i}}\right)$ 表示条 件概率 $P_j$ 假设先前发生 $P_i$ 在给定的时间点 $t^{\prime}$ 附近。上面的例子说明了时间序列的预测存在不确定性, 因为 提取的规则可能存在不确定性。
影响时间序列预测的另一个重要方面是次要因素, 通常很难确定, 因为在大多数情况下其清晰度不可见。例 如, DOW JONES 时间序列在 $+$ 日的收盘价大幅下跌可能会导致 TAIEX 时间序列在 †日的大幅下跌 $t+1$. 如果知道这种现象, 我们称道琼斯时间序列为主要因素时间序列 TAIEX 的次要因素。在 不了解次要因素的情况下, 主要因素时间序列的预测仍然不确定。

统计代写|时间序列和预测代写Time Series & Prediction代考

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