如果你也在 怎样代写多尺度模型Multilevel Models INWS0016这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。多尺度模型Multilevel Models(也称为分层线性模型、线性混合效应模型、混合模型、嵌套数据模型、随机系数、随机效应模型、随机参数模型或分割图设计)是在一个以上层次上变化的参数的统计模型。这些模型可以被看作是线性模型(尤其是线性回归)的概括,尽管它们也可以扩展到非线性模型。在有了足够的计算能力和软件之后,这些模型变得更加流行了。
多尺度模型Multilevel Models特别适合于研究设计,即参与者的数据被组织在一个以上的层次(即嵌套数据)。分析单位通常是个人(较低层次),他们被嵌套在背景/总体单位(较高层次)中。虽然多层次模型中最低层次的数据通常是个人,但也可以检查个人的重复测量。因此,多层次模型为重复测量的单变量或多变量分析提供一种替代的分析类型。此外,多水平模型还可以用来替代方差分析,在方差分析中,因变量的分数在测试处理差异之前会根据协变量(如个体差异)进行调整。多水平模型能够分析这些实验,而不需要方差分析所要求的回归斜率同质性的假设。
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统计代写|多尺度模型代写Multilevel Models代考|The 2-level model
We now introduce the 2-level model together with the basic notation which we shall use and develop throughout the book. We look at alternative ways of setting up and motivating the model, introducing procedures for estimating parameters, forming and testing functions of the parameters and constructing confidence intervals. We introduce alternative methods of estimation which will be used and elaborated upon in subsequent chapters.
To make matters concrete consider the following dataset, one we shall use several times: it consists of 728 pupils in 48 primary (elementary) schools in inner London, part of the ‘Junior School Project’ (JSP). We consider two measurement occasions: the first when the pupils were in their fourth year of schooling, that is the year they attained their eighth birthday, and three years later in their final year of primary school. Our data are in fact a subsample from a more extensive dataset, described in detail in Mortimore et al. (1988). We use the scores from mathematics tests administered on these two occasions together with information collected on the social background of the pupils and their gender. In this chapter the data are used primarily to illustrate the development of basic 2-level modelling. In Chapter 3, we shall be studying more elaborate models which will enable us to handle these data more efficiently.
Figure $2.1$ is a scatterplot of the mathematics test score at age 11 by the test score at age 8 . In this plot no distinction is made between the schools to which the pupils belong. Notice that there is a general trend, with increasing 8-year scores associated with increasing 11-year scores. Notice also the narrowing of the between pupil variation in the age 11 score with increasing age 8 score; an issue to which we shall return.
In Figure 2.2, the scores within two particularly different schools have been selected, represented by different symbols. Two things are apparent immediately. The school represented by the circles shows a steeper ‘slope’ than the school represented by the filled triangles and for most age 8 scores, the age 11 scores for this school tend to be lower than for the other school. Both these features are now addressed by formally modelling these relationships.
Consider first a simple model for one school, relating age-11 score to age- 8 score.
We write
y_i=\alpha+\beta x_i+e_i
where $i$ indexes the individual student and standard interpretations can be given to the intercept $(\alpha)$, slope $(\beta)$ and residual $\left(e_i\right)$. We would also typically assume that the residuals follow a normal distribution with a zero mean and common variance, that is, $e_i \sim N\left(0, \sigma_e^2\right)$, but for now we shall concentrate on the variance properties of the residuals. We follow the normal convention of using Greek letters for the regression coefficients and place a circumflex over any coefficient (parameter) which is a sample estimate. This is the formal model for Figure $1.1$ in the previous chapter and describes a single-level relationship. To describe simultaneously the relationships for several schools we write, for each school $j$,
y_{i j}=\alpha_j+\beta_j x_{i j}+e_{i j} \quad e_{i j} \sim N\left(0, \sigma_e^2\right)
统计代写|多尺度模型代写Multilevel Models代考|The 2-level model
We now develop a general notation which will be used throughout this and later chapters, elaborated where necessary. We then discuss the estimation of model parameters and residuals and this is followed by illustrative examples.
To make (2.2) into a genuine 2-level model we let $\alpha_j$ and $\beta_j$ become random variables. For consistency of notation replace $\alpha_j$ by $\beta_{0 j}$ and $\beta_j$ by $\beta_{1 j}$ and rewrite these as
\beta_{0 j}=\beta_0+u_{0 j}, \quad \beta_{1 j}=\beta_1+u_{1 j}
where $u_{0 j}, u_{1 j}$ are now random variables with parameters
E\left(u_{0 j}\right) & =E\left(u_{1 j}\right)=0 \
\operatorname{var}\left(u_{0 j}\right) & =\sigma_{u 0}^2, \quad \operatorname{var}\left(u_{1 j}\right)=\sigma_{u 1}^2, \quad \operatorname{cov}\left(u_{0 j}, u_{1 j}\right)=\sigma_{u 01}
We can now write $(2.2)$ in the form
y_{i j} & =\beta_0+\beta_1 x_{i j}+\left(u_{0 j}+u_{1 j} x_{i j}+e_{0 i j}\right) \
\operatorname{var}\left(e_{0 i j}\right) & =\sigma_{e 0}^2
统计代写|多尺度模型代写 Multilevel Models代考|The 2-level model
我们现在介绍 2 级模型以及我们将在整本书中使用和开发的基本符号。我们研究了建立和激励模型的替代方 法, 引入了用于估计参数、形成和测试参数函数以及构建置信区间的过程。我们介绍了替代估计方法, 这些 方法将在后续章节中使用和详细说明。
为了使事情具体考虑以下数据集, 我们将多次使用一个数据集: 它由伦敦市中心 48 所小学的 728 名学生组 成, 是“祀级学校顺目”(JSP) 的一部分。我们考虑两个测量时间: 第一个是学生上四年级, 也就是他们了岁 生日那年, 另一个是三年后小学最后一年。我们的数据实际上是来自更广泛数据集的子样本, 在 Mortimore 等人中有详细描述。(1988)。我们使用这两次数学测试的分数, 以及收集到的关于学生的社 会背景和性别的信息。在本章中, 数据主要用于说明基本 2 级建模的发展。在第 3 章中,
数字2.1是 11 岁数学考试成绩乘以 8 岁数学考试成绩的散点图。在此图中, 学生所属的学校之间没有区 别。请注意, 有一个总体趋势, 即 8 年分数的增加与 11 年分数的增加相关。还请注意, 随着 8 岁分数的增 加, 11 岁分数中学生之间的差异变乍; 涐们将回到这个问题。
在图 $2.2$ 中, 选择了两个特别不同的学校的分数, 用不同的符号表示。有两件事是显而易见的。圆圈代表的 学校显示出比实心二角形代表的学校更垯峭的“斜率”, 对于大多数 8 岁学生的分数, 这所学校 11 岁学生的 分数往往低于另一所学校。现在通过对这些关系进行正式建模来解决这两个功能。
首先考虑一所学校的简单模型, 将 11 岁分数与 8 岁分数相关联。 我们写
y_i=\alpha+\beta x_i+e_i
在哪里 $i$ 索引个别学生和标准解释可以给截距 $(\alpha)$, 坡度 $(\beta)$ 和残差 $\left(e_i\right)$. 我们通常还会假设残差服从具有雲均 值和公共方差的正态分布, 即 $e_i \sim N\left(0, \sigma_e^2\right)$, 但现在我们将专注于残差的方差特性。我们遵循使用希腊 字母作为回归系数的常规惯例, 并在作为样本估计的任何系数 (参数) 上放置一个抑扬符。这是图的正式模 型 $1.1$ 在上一章中描述了单层关系。同时描述我们写的几所学校的关系, 对于每所学校 $j$,
y_{i j}=\alpha_j+\beta_j x_{i j}+e_{i j} \quad e_{i j} \sim N\left(0, \sigma_e^2\right)
统计代写|多尺度模型代写 Multilevel Models代考|The 2-level model
我们现在开发一个通用符号, 将在本章和后面的章节中使用, 并在必要时进行详细说明。然后我们讨论模型 参数和残差的估计, 然后是说明性示例。
为了使 (2.2) 成为真正的 2 级模型, 我们让 $\alpha_j$ 和 $\beta_j$ 成为随机变量。为了符号的一致性替换 $\alpha_j$ 经过 $\beta_{0 j}$ 和 $\beta_j$ 经过 $\beta_{1 j}$ 并将这些重写为
\beta_{0 j}=\beta_0+u_{0 j}, \quad \beta_{1 j}=\beta_1+u_{1 j}
在哪里 $u_{0 j}, u_{1 j}$ 现在是带参数的随机变荲
E\left(u_{0 j}\right)=E\left(u_{1 j}\right)=0 \operatorname{var}\left(u_{0 j}\right) \quad=\sigma_{u 0}^2, \quad \operatorname{var}\left(u_{1 j}\right)=\sigma_{u 1}^2, \quad \operatorname{cov}\left(u_{0 j}, u_{1 j}\right)=\sigma_{u 01}
涐们现在可以写 $(2.2)$ 在形式
y_{i j}=\beta_0+\beta_1 x_{i j}+\left(u_{0 j}+u_{1 j} x_{i j}+e_{0 i j}\right) \operatorname{var}\left(e_{0 i j}\right) \quad=\sigma_{e 0}^2
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