数学代写|随机分析代写Stochastic Calculus代考|IMSE760 Regular and Strong Intra-Personal Equilibrium

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数学代写|随机分析代写Stochastic Calculus代考|IMSE760 Regular and Strong Intra-Personal Equilibrium

数学代写|随机分析代写Stochastic Calculus代考|Regular and Strong Intra-Personal Equilibrium

As noted in Remark $3.5$ of Björk et al. (2017), condition (5) does not necessarily imply that $J\left(t, x ; \mathbf{u}{t, \varepsilon, \mathbf{a}}\right)$ is less than or equal to $J(t, x ; \hat{\mathbf{u}})$ however small $\varepsilon>0$ might be and thus disincentivizes the agent from deviating from $\hat{\mathbf{u}}$. For example, if $J\left(t, x ; \mathbf{u}{t, \varepsilon}, \mathbf{a}\right)-J(t, x ; \hat{\mathbf{u}})=\varepsilon^2$, then (5) holds, but the agent can achieve a strictly larger objective value if she deviates from $\hat{\mathbf{u}}$ to $\mathbf{a}$ and thus is willing to do so.

To address the above issue, Huang and Zhou (2019) and He and Jiang (2019) propose the notion of strong intra-personal equilibrium:
Definition 3 (Strong Intra-personal Equilibrium)
$\hat{\mathbf{u}} \in \mathbf{U}$ is a strong intra-personal equilibrium strategy if for any $x \in \mathbb{X}, t \in[0, T)$, and $\mathbf{a} \in \mathbf{D}$, there exists $\varepsilon_0 \in(0, T-t)$ such that
J\left(t, x ; \mathbf{u}_{t, \varepsilon, \mathbf{a}}\right)-J(t, x ; \hat{\mathbf{u}}) \leq 0, \quad \forall \varepsilon \in\left(0, \varepsilon_0\right]
It is straightforward to see that a strong intra-personal equilibrium implies the one in Definition 2, which we refer to as a weak intra-personal equilibrium in this subsection.

Huang and Zhou (2019) consider a stochastic control problem in which an agent can control the generator of a time-homogeneous, continuous-time, finite-state Markov chain at each time to maximize expected running reward in an infinite time horizon. Assuming that at each time the agent can implement a time-homogeneous strategy only, the authors provide a characterization of a strong intra-personal equilibrium and prove its existence under certain conditions.

He and Jiang (2019) follow the framework in (2) and derive two necessary conditions for a strategy to be strong intra-personal equilibrium. Using these conditions, the authors show that strong intra-personal equilibrium does not exist for the portfolio selection and consumption problems studied in Ekeland and Pirvu (2008), Basak and Chabakauri (2010), and Björk et al. (2014). Motivated by this non-existence result, the authors propose the so-called regular intra-personal equilibrium and show that it exists for the above three problems and is stronger than the weak intra-personal equilibrium and weaker than the strong intra-personal equilibrium in general.

数学代写|随机分析代写Stochastic Calculus代考|Existence and Uniqueness

In most studies on time-inconsistent problems in the literature, a closed-form strategy is constructed and verified to satisfy the sufficient and necessary condition (12) or the extended HJB equation (18)-(20). The existence of intra-personal equilibrium in general is difficult to prove because it essentially relies on a fixed point argument: For each guess of intra-personal equilibrium $\hat{\mathbf{u}}$, we first calculate $\Gamma^{\tau, y, \mathbf{u}}$ in (12) and $H^{\tau, y}(t, x)$ and $g$ in (19) and (20), respectively, and then derive an updated intrapersonal equilibrium, denoted as $\mathbb{T} \hat{\mathbf{u}}$, from the condition (12) or from the equation (18). The existence of an intra-personal equilibrium then boils down to the existence of the fixed point of $\mathbb{T}$. The mapping $\mathbb{T}$ is highly nonlinear; so the existence of its fixed point is hard to establish. Additional difficulty is caused by the regularity conditions that we need to pose on $\hat{\mathbf{u}}$ to validate the sufficient and necessary condition (12) or the extended HJB equation (18)-(20).

We are only aware of very few works on the existence of intra-personal equilibria in continuous time. Yong (2012) proposes an alternative approach to defining the strategy of a sophisticated agent, which will be discussed in detail in Section 6. Assuming $G \equiv 0, C$ and $F$ to be independent of $x$ in the objective function (3), and $\sigma(t, x, u)$ in the controlled diffusion process (2) to be independent of control $u$ and nondegenerate, Yong (2012) proves the existence of the sophisticated agent’s strategy, which is used to imply the existence of an intra-personal equilibrium under Definition 2. Wei et al. (2017) and Wang and Yong (2019) extend the result of Yong (2012) by generalizing the objective function; however for the existence of intrapersonal equilibria, they need to assume the volatility $\sigma$ to be independent of control and nondegenerate. Hernández and Possamaï (2020) study intra-personal equilibria in a non-Markovian setting, where they consider a non-Markovian version of the objective function in Yong (2012) and assume the drift $\mu$ of the controlled process to be in the range of the volatility matrix at each time. The authors prove the existence of intra-personal equilibria when the volatility $\sigma$ is independent of control.

Intra-personal equilibria can be non-unique; see Ekeland and Lazrak (2010), Cao and Werning (2016), and He et al. (2020). For some problems, however, uniqueness has been established in the literature. Indeed, Yong (2012), Wei et al. (2017), Wang and Yong (2019), and Hernández and Possamaï (2020) prove the uniqueness in various settings with the common assumption that the volatility $\sigma$ is independent of control.

数学代写|随机分析代写Stochastic Calculus代考|IMSE760 Regular and Strong Intra-Personal Equilibrium


数学代写|随机分析代写Stochastic Calculus代考||ntra-Personal Equilibria with Fixed Initial Data

考虑在时间 0 具有固定状态的代理 $x_0$ 谁在末来的每个时间都正确地预则了她自己 $t$ 面对问题 (2),谁在任何时候都无法㲁制末来 的自己。 一个策略代代理可以在整个范围内始終如一地实施 $[0, T]$ 如果代理人没有动机沿着状态路径随时偏离它。如果代理人不在 $\left(0, x_0\right)$ 如果 (5) 适用于任何 $\mathbf{a} \in \mathbf{U}, t \in[0, T)$ ,和 $x \in \mathrm{X}_t^{0, x_0, \hat{\mathbf{u}}}$ ,在邯浬 $\mathrm{X}_t^{0, x_0, \mathbf{u}}$ 表示时间所有可能状态的集合沿差状态路径 从 $x_0$ 在初始时间和策略下 $\hat{\mathbf{u}}$.
很明显,定义 2 中定义的个人内部均衡是普遍的,因为它是从任何初始数据开始的均衡 $\left(0, x_0\right)$. 另一方面,从固定状态开始 $x_0$ 在 时间 0 ,末来的状态过程可能无法访问整个状态空间; 所以平衡从 $\left(0, x_0\right)$ 不一定是亘遍的,即当智能体从其他初始数据开始时, 它不一定是均衡的。例如,他等人。(2020) 考虑一个连续间间投资组合选择问题,其中代理人最大化其終㙐财富的中位数。在代 他一些初始财富水平开始,这些策略将不再是均衡的,特别是不是定义 2 意义上的普遍均衡。

数学代写|随机分析代写Stochastic Calculus代考|Set of Alternative Strategies

在定义 2 中, agent 在某一时刻可以选难的策略集 $t$ 执行期间 $[t, t+\varepsilon)$ ,表示为 $\mathbf{D}$ ,被设置为整套可行策略 U。Björk 等人使用了这 个定义。(2017)、Ekeland 和 Pirvu (2008),以及 Ekeland 等人。(2012)。然而,在其他一些作品中,D被设置为常数策略集 U; 例如,参见 Ekeland 和 Lazrak (2006、2008、2010) 、Björk 和 Murgoci (2010) 以及 Basak 和 Chabakauri (2010) 。He and Jiang (2019) 表明, 选择D无关綮要,只要它至少包含U. 事实上,这可以从定理 1 中的观察看出 $\Gamma^{\tau, y, \mathbf{u}}(t, x ; \mathbf{a})=\Gamma^{\tau, y, \mathbf{u}}(t, x ; \mathbf{a}(t, x))$ 对于任何 $\mathbf{a} \in \mathbf{U}$. He 和 Jiang (2019) 还表明,对于稍后将介绍的强烈的个人内部均 衡,选择 $\mathbf{D}$ 是相关的。

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