经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|BEA470 The theoretical model

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经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|BEA470 The theoretical model

经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|The theoretical model

The labour market analysed by Laffond and Lesourne is composed of $m$ workers and $n$ jobs offered. Each worker is characterised by his reservation wage, in other words the minimal wage he is prepared to accept for working. We denote of $wk$, the minimum wage required by the individual $k$. Each job is characterised by a maximal wage, above which the job is no longer profitable for the firm. We denote and $\bar{v}_i$ the maximal wage the firm will pay for the job $i$. With the exception of these data, assumed to be exogenous, the workers are identical to each other, as are the jobs. Note that this exogeneity disappears in a long-term context. Technical progress, the general movement of wages and the evolution of industrial relations lead to an endogenous transformation of $w_k$ and $v_i$, but we shall not go into that question here.

Walrasian analysis of this market is based on supply and demand functions. To perform this analysis, we consider a price $p$ announced by the auctioneer and we analyse the quantity of workers supplied and demanded. Using the data given above, it is easy to obtain that the supply of labour at price $p$ is equal to the number of individuals prepared to work at this price, so that:
S(p)=\left{# \text { of individuals } k \text { such that } w_k \leq p\right}
As expected, this is an increasing function of price $p$. If we rank the employees in increasing order of $w_k$ and if we assume that each value of $w_k$ is unique, we obtain (figure 2.1)

经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|Simulation analysis

The general model presented above is specified by assuming that there is an equal number of jobs and of workers $m=n$. We also assume that the value of workers’ minimum wage requirements and firms’ maximum wage requirements are uniformly distributed:
w_k=k \text { with } k=1,2, \ldots, n \
\bar{v}_i=i \text { with } i=1,2, \ldots, n
Furthermore, as we have seen, the economic agents modify their requirements during the process in relation to the situations in which they find themselves. Let $w(k, t)$ denote the requirement of worker $k$ at time $t$ and $v(i, t)$ the requirement of firm $i$ at time $t$. We identify the firm and the job as above. Their requirements must satisfy the following constraints:
w(k, t) \geq w_k \
v(i, t) \leq \bar{v}_i

经济代写|微观经济学代考Microeconomics代写|BEA470 The theoretical model


经济代写幑观经渂学代考Microeconomics代㝍|The theoretical model

Laffond 和 Lesourne 分析的劳动力市场由 $m$ 工人和 $n$ 提供的职位。每个工人的特点是他的保留工资, 换句 话说, 他准备接受工作的最低工资。我们表示 $\$ w \mathrm{k}$, theminimumwagerequiredbytheindividualk . Eachjobischaracterisedbyamaximalwage, abovewhichthejobisnolongerprofitable forthefirr $\backslash$ bar{v $}_{-}$ithemaximalwagethe firmwillpayforthejob-世
.Withtheexceptionofthesedata, assumedtobeexogenous, theworkersareidenticaltoeachother(3) W $\mathrm{k}{\text { }}$ and $\mathrm{v}{\text { }}$ i\$, 但我们不会在这里讨论这个问题。
这个市场的瓦尔拉斯分析是基于供求函数。为了执行此分析, 我们考虑价格 $p$ 由拍卖师宣布, 我们分析供应 和需求的工人数量。使用上面给出的数据, 很容易得到按价楁计算的劳动力供应 $p$ 等于准备以此价楁工作的 个人数量, 因此:
$\$ \$$
$\$ \$$
正如预期的那样, 这是价楁的递增函数 $p$. 如果我们按递增顺序对员工进行排名 $w_k$ 如果我们假设每个值 $w_k$ 是 唯一的, 我们得到 (图 2.1)

经济代写崿观经渂学代左Microeconomics代写|Simulation analysis

上面给出的一般模型是通过假设有相同数量的工作和工人来指定的 $m=n$. 我们还假设工人的最低工资要求 和公司的最高工资要求的值是均匀分布的:
$\$ \$$
$\backslash$ left $\backslash \backslash$ begin ${$ array ${\mid}$
$w{ }^{-} \mathrm{k}=\mathrm{k} \backslash$ text ${$ with $} \mathrm{k}=1,2, \backslash$ Idots, $\mathrm{n} \backslash$
$\backslash \operatorname{bar}{\mathrm{v}}_{-} \mathrm{i}=\mathrm{i} \backslash$ text {} $\mathrm{i}=1,2, \backslash$ ldots, $n$
$\backslash$ lend{array}\right。
Furthermore, aswehaveseen, theeconomicagentsmodifytheirrequirementsduringtheprocessì


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微观经济学是主流经济学的一个分支,研究个人和企业在做出有关稀缺资源分配的决策时的行为以及这些个人和企业之间的相互作用。my-assignmentexpert™ 为您的留学生涯保驾护航 在数学Mathematics作业代写方面已经树立了自己的口碑, 保证靠谱, 高质且原创的数学Mathematics代写服务。我们的专家在微观经济学代写Graph Theory代写方面经验极为丰富,各种微观经济学代写Microeconomics相关的作业也就用不着 说。


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微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。

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