物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|ENME485 Of Words and Bells

如果你也在 怎样代写热力学Thermodynamics ENME485这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。热力学Thermodynamics是物理学的一个分支,涉及热、功和温度,以及它们与能量、熵以及物质和辐射的物理特性的关系。这些数量的行为受热力学四大定律的制约,这些定律使用可测量的宏观物理量来传达定量描述,但可以用统计力学的微观成分来解释。热力学适用于科学和工程中的各种主题,特别是物理化学、生物化学、化学工程和机械工程,但也适用于其他复杂领域,如气象学。

热力学Thermodynamics从历史上看,热力学的发展源于提高早期蒸汽机效率的愿望,特别是通过法国物理学家萨迪-卡诺(1824年)的工作,他认为发动机的效率是可以帮助法国赢得拿破仑战争的关键。苏格兰-爱尔兰物理学家开尔文勋爵在1854年首次提出了热力学的简明定义,其中指出:”热力学是关于热与作用在身体相邻部分之间的力的关系,以及热与电的关系的课题。” 鲁道夫-克劳修斯重述了被称为卡诺循环的卡诺原理,为热学理论提供了更真实、更健全的基础。他最重要的论文《论热的运动力》发表于1850年,首次提出了热力学的第二定律。1865年,他提出了熵的概念。1870年,他提出了适用于热的维拉尔定理。

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物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|ENME485 Of Words and Bells

物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|Of Words and Bells

Even if usually postulated in a more or less qualitative way, the idea that a system eventually evolves towards a configuration that minimizes the dissipation inside the system is widely popular, well beyond the domain of physics and engineering. Admittedly, the present Section is concerned with problems outside the domain of physics and engineering we wander through in the rest of this book, and is therefore a digression the reader may as well overlook. However, the wide popularity of the results discussed here makes them worth discussing.

In steady states where the amount of energy lost per unit time through dissipation is compensated by the work done per unit time by human beings, for example, the so-called principle of least effort (‘PLE’) has been proposed (long before Bejan’s ‘constructal law’ of Sect. 5.4) as a general-purpose criterion driving human behaviour in many fields, from linguistics to urban planning.

After a first, preliminary formulation by Ferrero (men try to make the minimum mental effort [54]), PLE and its consequences have been systematically, even if qualitatively, investigated by Zipf: any person […] will strive to solve his problems in such a way as to minimize the total work that he must expend in solving both his immediate problems and his probable future problems. That in turn means that the person will strive to minimize the probable average rate of his work-expenditure over time. And in so doing he will be minimizing his effort. […] Least effort, therefore, is a variant of least work [55]. ${ }^{37}$

If e.g. a word is used more frequently, then the associated effort can be reduced by shortening the phrase which contains such a word. One can observe it easily in greetings. However, thereby merely the speaker’s effort gets reduced but the process must not result in a total disappearance of the phrase. This is, of course, the concern of the hearer who gets decoding problems because of reduced redundancy. Thus the hearer forces the speaker to a compromise. The requirement of least effort of all participants in the process is a source of self-regulation: as a result, the lexicon of a language is made of many words which are rarely used, as well as of a small bunch of few words which are utilized very frequently [57]. Even if nobody has designed it on purpose from the beginning, the resulting configuration (the coexistence of a few commonly used words with many, rarely used words) of the system (the lexicon) is highly ordered (we shall come back to this point below), is the unintended consequence of distinct, competing attempts to minimize some effort (minimization of speakers’ and hearer’s effort shrink and enlarge the lexicon, respectively), and is stable.

物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|City Air Makes You Free

The literature on Zipf’s law is enormous, and a dedicated discussion goes beyond the scope of this book. ${ }^{40}$ Its undisputed success is due to the fact that it applies to problems in many different fields. For example, in many countries (from India to the USA) the population of the largest city is about twice the population of the next largest, three times the population of the third largest, and so forth [60]. There are 2 competing processes. Firstly, the attempt to concentrate people where mass production of consumer goods occur, namely the big cities, in order to minimize the effort of transporting commuters between their home and their workplace. Secondly, the attempt to minimize the effort of obtaining the raw materials (food, minerals) required by mass production from the environment makes people live in small communities immediately near the sources of these raw materials (e.g. at the farm or at the mine pit). Following Ref. [61], we rephrase the PLE of Sect. 5.5.1 for a system of many cities.

To start with, we describe a generic city $A$ as a system that provides the population with an amount $W_I$ of resources per unit time while receiving (delivering) an amount $Q_I\left(Q_{I I}\right)$ of resources per unit time from (to) either other cities or the environment. In the simplest case, there is only 1 city in the world; then, $Q_I$ and $Q_{I I}$ are the amount of resources taken from the environment and the amount of waste into the environment per unit time, respectively. ${ }^{41}$ For simplicity, we write $W_I=k_I\left(Q_I-Q_{I I}\right)$ with $k_I$ constant, and define the ‘efficiency’ $\eta_A \equiv \frac{W_I}{Q_l}$. It follows immediately that $\eta_A=$ $k_I\left(1-\frac{Q_I}{Q_{I I}}\right.$ ). The actual value of $\eta_A$ stands for the processes (economical, political…) occurring inside $A$. The analogy with the textbook description of thermodynamic cycles is purely formal: even if both $Q_I, Q_{I I}$ and $W_I$ are assumed to be positivedefinite (so that $\eta_A$ too is $>0$ ), these quantities are not directly related to energy and there is no energy conservation to be invoked; both $Q_I-Q_{I I}$ and $k_I$ may e.g. be $<0$

物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics代考|ENME485 Of Words and Bells


物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics 代考|Of Words and Bells

即使通常以或多或少的定性方式进行假设, 系统最终会朝着最小化系统内部耗散的配置发展的想法也广受欢 迎, 远远超出了物理和工程领域。诚然, 本节涉及的问题超出了我们在本书其余部分中所涉及的物理和工程 领域之外, 因此读者不妨忽略这一题外话。然而, 这里讨论的结果的广泛流行使得它们值得讨论。
例如, 在稳定状态下, 单位时间内因耗散而损失的能鲤由人类每单位时间所做的功补偿, 所谓的最小努力原 则 (“PLE”) 已被提出 (早在 Bejan 提出第 $5.4$ 节的“建构法则”) 作为在许多领域推动人类行为的通用标 准, 从语言学到城市呗划。
在 Ferrero 的第一个初步表述之后(人们试图做出最小的脑力劳动 [54]),Zipf 对 PLE 及其后果进行了系 统的 (即使是定性的) 调查 : 任何人 [… 都将努力解决他的问题这种方法可以最大限度地减少他在解决当前 问题和可能的末来问题时必须花费的总工作荲。这反过来意味着该人将努力将他的工作支出的可能平均率随 着时间的推移而最小化。在这样做的过程中, 他将最大限度地减少他的努力。[..] 因此, 最少工作荲是最少 工作哩的一种变体 [55]。 ${ }^{37}$
如果例如一个词被更频敏地使用, 那么可以通过缩短包含该词的短语来减少相关的努力。人们可以很容易地 在问候中观察到它。然而, 由此仅仅减少了说话者的努力, 但该过程不得导致䂏语的完全消失。这当然是听 者关心的问题,他们会因为冗余减少而出现解码问题。因此听者迫使说话者巠协。过程中所有参与者的最小 努力要求是自我调节的来源: 因此, 一种语言的词典由许多很少使用的单词以及一小部分很少使用的单词组 成。使用非常频繁[57]。即使从一开始就没有人故意设计它,

物理代写|热力学代写Thermodynamics 代考|City Air Makes You Free

关于齐夫定律的文献非常丰富,专门的讨论超出了本书的范围。 40 它无可争议的成功是因为它适用于许多不 同领域的问题。例如,在许多国家 (从印度到美国),最大城市的人口大约是第二大城市人口的两倍, 第三 大城市人口的三倍, 等等 $[60]$ 。有 2 个竞争过程。首先, 试图将人们集中在大䵡生产消费品的地方, 即大城 市, 以尽䵡减少在家庭和工作场所之间运送通勤者的努力。其次, 尽荲减少从环境中获取大规模生产所需的 原材料 (食品、矿物质) 的努力, 使人们生活在靠近这些原材料来源的小社区中 (例如在农场或矿坑). 继 参考。[61], 我们改写 Sect 的 PLE。5.5.1 适用于多城市系统。
首先, 我们描述一个普通的城市 $A$ 作为一个为人口提供一定数量的系统 $W_I$ 接收 (交付) 一定数荲的每单位 时间的资源 $Q_I\left(Q_{I I}\right)$ 每单位时间从 (到) 其他城市或环境的资源。最简单的情况,世界上只有 1 个城市; 然 后, $Q_I$ 和 $Q_{I I}$ 分别是单位时间内从环境中获取的资源黑和进入环境的废物量。 ${ }^{41}$ 为简单起见, 我们写 $W_I=k_I\left(Q_I-Q_{I I}\right)$ 和 $k_I$ 常数, 并定义“效率” $\eta_A \equiv \frac{W_I}{Q_I}$. 紧接着就是 $\eta_A=k_I\left(1-\frac{Q_I}{Q_{I I}}\right)$ 。的实际 值 $\eta_A$ 代表内部发生的过程 (经济, 政治……) $A$. 与教科书描述的热力学循环的类比纯粹是形式上的: 即使两 者 $Q_I, Q_{I I}$ 和 $W_I$ 被假定为正定的 (因此 $\eta_A$ 也是 $>0$ ), 这些黑与能黑没有直接关系,也没有能荲守恒可以 调用; 两个都 $Q_I-Q_{I I}$ 和 $k_I$ 例如可能是 $<0$


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