数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|MAT322 Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

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常微分方程Ordinary Differential Equations在常微分方程中,线性微分方程起着突出的作用,原因有几个。在物理学和应用数学中遇到的大多数基本函数和特殊函数都是线性微分方程的解(见整体函数)。当用非线性方程对物理现象进行建模时,一般用线性微分方程来近似,以便于求解。少数可以显式求解的非线性ODE,一般是通过将方程转化为等效的线性ODE来解决的(见,例如Riccati方程)。


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数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|MAT322 Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

Theorem $32.3$ provides necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of a unique solution to the linear boundary value problem (6.6), (32.1). Unfortunately, this result depends on the explicit knowledge of two linearly independent solutions $y_1(x)$ and $y_2(x)$ to the homogeneous DE (6.1), which may not always be available. The purpose of this and the following lecture is to provide easily verifiable sets of sufficient conditions so that the second-order nonlinear DE
y^{\prime \prime}=f(x, y)
together with the boundary conditions (32.3) has at least and/or at most one solution.

We begin with the following examples which indicate possible difficulties that may arise in nonlinear problems.
Example 40.1. The boundary value problem
y^{\prime \prime}=b e^{a y}, \quad y(0)=y(1)=0
arises in applications involving the diffusion of heat generated by positive temperature-dependent sources. For instance, if $a=1$, it arises in the analysis of Joule losses in electrically conducting solids, with $b$ representing the square of the constant current and $e^y$ the temperature-dependent resistance, or in frictional heating with $b$ representing the square of the constant shear stress and $e^y$ the temperature dependent fluidity.
If $a b=0$, the problem (40.2) has a unique solution:
(i) If $b=0$, then $y(x) \equiv 0$.
(ii) If $a=0$, then $y(x)=(b / 2) x(x-1)$.
If $a b<0$, the problem (40.2) has as many solutions as the number of roots of the equation $c=\sqrt{2|a b|} \cosh c / 4$, and also for each such $c_i$, the solution is
y_i(x)=-\frac{2}{a}\left{\ln \left(\cosh \left(\frac{1}{2} c_i\left(x-\frac{1}{2}\right)\right)\right)-\ln \left(\cosh \left(\frac{1}{4} c_i\right)\right)\right} .

数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

Picard’s method of successive approximations for the initial value problems discussed in Lecture 8 is equally useful for the boundary value problem $(40.1)$, (32.3). For this, from Problem $33.7$ we note that this problem is equivalent to the integral equation
y(x)=\ell(x)+\int_\alpha^\beta G(x, t) f(t, y(t)) d t,
\ell(x)=\frac{(\beta-x)}{(\beta-\alpha)} A+\frac{(x-\alpha)}{(\beta-\alpha)} B
and the Green’s function $G(x, t)$ is defined in (33.25).
The following result provides sufficient conditions on the function $f(x, y)$ so that the sequence $\left{y_m(x)\right}$ generated by the iterative scheme
y_0(x) &=\ell(x) \
y_{m+1}(x) &=\ell(x)+\int_\alpha^\beta G(x, t) f\left(t, y_m(t)\right) d t, \quad m=0,1,2, \ldots
converges to the unique solution of the integral equation (41.1).
Theorem 41.1. Suppose that the function $f(x, y)$ is continuous and satisfies a uniform Lipschitz condition (7.3) in $[\alpha, \beta] \times \mathbb{R}$, and in addition
\theta=\frac{1}{8} L(\beta-\alpha)^2<1 .
Then the sequence $\left{y_m(x)\right}$ generated by the iterative scheme (41.3) converges to the unique solution $y(x)$ of the boundary value problem (40.1), (32.3). Further, for all $x \in[\alpha, \beta]$ the following error estimate holds:
\left|y(x)-y_m(x)\right| \leq \frac{\theta^m}{1-\theta} \max {\alpha \leq x \leq \beta}\left|y_1(x)-y_0(x)\right|, \quad m=0,1,2, \ldots . $$ Proof. From (41.3) it is clear that the successive approximations $y_m(x)$ exist as continuous functions in $[\alpha, \beta]$. We need to prove that $$ \left|y{m+1}(x)-y_m(x)\right| \leq \theta^m \max _{\alpha \leq x \leq \beta}\left|y_1(x)-y_0(x)\right|

When $m=1,(41.3)$ gives
\left|y_2(x)-y_1(x)\right| & \leq \int_\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)|\left|f\left(t, y_1(t)\right)-f\left(t, y_0(t)\right)\right| d t \
& \leq L \int_\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)|\left|y_1(t)-y_0(t)\right| d t \
& \leq L \max {\alpha \leq x \leq \beta}\left|y_1(x)-y_0(x)\right| \int\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)| d t \
& \leq \frac{1}{8} L(\beta-\alpha)^2 \max {\alpha \leq x \leq \beta}\left|y_1(x)-y_0(x)\right| \end{aligned} $$ where we have used the Lipschitz condition and Problem 33.7. Thus, (41.6) holds for $m=1$. Now let (41.6) be true for $m=k \geq 1$; then from (41.3), we have $$ \begin{aligned} \left|y{k+2}(x)-y_{k+1}(x)\right| & \leq \int_\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)|\left|f\left(t, y_{k+1}(t)\right)-f\left(t, y_k(t)\right)\right| d t \
& \leq L \int_\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)|\left|y_{k+1}(t)-y_k(t)\right| d t \
& \leq L \theta^k \max {\alpha \leq x \leq \beta}\left|y_1(x)-y_0(x)\right| \int\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)| d t \
& \leq \frac{1}{8}(\beta-\alpha)^2 \theta^k \max {\alpha \leq x \leq \beta}\left|y_1(x)-y_0(x)\right| \ & \leq \theta^{k+1} \max {\alpha \leq x \leq \beta}\left|y_1(x)-y_0(x)\right|

数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|MAT322 Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems


数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代写|Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

定理 $32.3$ 为线性边值问题 (6.6), (32.1) 的唯一解的存在提供了必要和充分条件。不幸的是, 这个结果依赖于 两个线性独立解的显式知识 $y_1(x)$ 和 $y_2(x)$ 到可能并不总是可用的同质 DE (6.1)。本课和下一课的目的是提 供易于验证的充分条件集, 以便二阶非线性 DE
y^{\prime \prime}=f(x, y)
与边界条件 (32.3) 一起具有至少和/或至多一个解。
例 40.1。边值问题
y^{\prime \prime}=b e^{a y}, \quad y(0)=y(1)=0
在涉及由正温度相关源产生的热黑扩散的应用中出现。例如, 如果 $a=1$, 它出现在导电固体中焦耳损失的 分析中, 其中 $b$ 表示恒定电流的平方和 $e^y$ 与温度相关的电阻, 或在摩擦加热中 $b$ 表示恒定剪应力的平方和 $e^y$ 随温度变化的流动性。
如果 $a b=0$, 问题 (40.2) 有一个唯一解:
(i) 如果 $b=0$ ,然后 $y(x) \equiv 0$.
(ii) 如果 $a=0$ ,然后 $y(x)=(b / 2) x(x-1)$.
如果 $a b<0$, 问题 (40.2) 的解与方程的根数一样多 $c=\sqrt{2|a b|} \cosh c / 4$, 并且对于每一个这样的 $c_i$, 解决 方案是

数学代写|常微分方程代考Ordinary Differential Equations代与|Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems

第 8 课中讨论的初值问题的 Picard 逐次逼近法对边值问题同样有用(40.1), (32.3)。为此, 从问题33.7我 们注意到这个问题等价于积分方程
y(x)=\ell(x)+\int_\alpha^\beta G(x, t) f(t, y(t)) d t,
\ell(x)=\frac{(\beta-x)}{(\beta-\alpha)} A+\frac{(x-\alpha)}{(\beta-\alpha)} B
和格林函数 $G(x, t)$ 在 (33.25) 中定义。
y_0(x)=\ell(x) y_{m+1}(x) \quad=\ell(x)+\int_\alpha^\beta G(x, t) f\left(t, y_m(t)\right) d t, \quad m=0,1,2, \ldots
收敛到积分方程 (41.1) 的唯一解。
定理 41.1。假设函数 $f(x, y)$ 是连续的并且满足一致的 Lipschitz 条件 $(7.3)[\alpha, \beta] \times \mathbb{R}$, 此外
\theta=\frac{1}{8} L(\beta-\alpha)^2<1 .
(32.3) 。此外,对于所有 $x \in[\alpha, \beta]$ 以下误差估计成立:
\left|y(x)-y_m(x)\right| \leq \frac{\theta^m}{1-\theta} \max \alpha \leq x \leq \beta\left|y_1(x)-y_0(x)\right|, \quad m=0,1,2, \ldots .
证明。从 (41.3) 可以清楚地看出, 逐次逼近 $y_m(x)$ 作为连续函数存在于 $[\alpha, \beta]$. 我们需要证明
\left|y m+1(x)-y_m(x)\right| \leq \theta^m \max {\alpha \leq x \leq \beta}\left|y_1(x)-y_0(x)\right| $$ 什么时候 $m=1,(41.3)$ 给 $$ \left|y_2(x)-y_1(x)\right| \leq \int\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)|\left|f\left(t, y_1(t)\right)-f\left(t, y_0(t)\right)\right| d t \quad \leq L \int_\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)|\left|y_1(t)-y_0(t)\right|-d t
这里我们使用了 Lipschitz 条件和问题 33.7。因此, (41.6) 成立 $m=1$. 现在让 (41.6) 为真 $m=k \geq 1$; 然后从 (41.3), 我们有
\left|y k+2(x)-y_{k+1}(x)\right| \leq \int_\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)|\left|f\left(t, y_{k+1}(t)\right)-f\left(t, y_k(t)\right)\right| d t \quad \leq L \int_\alpha^\beta|G(x, t)| \mid y_{k+1}(t)

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