如果你也在 怎样代写金融风险管理Financial Risk Management FINA5520这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。金融风险管理Financial Risk Management是指与融资有关的各种类型的风险,包括包括有违约风险的公司贷款的金融交易。通常它被理解为只包括下行风险,即潜在的金融损失和其程度的不确定性。
金融风险管理Financial Risk Management根据Bender和Panz(2021),金融风险可以被分为五个不同的类别。在他们的研究中,他们应用了一个基于算法的框架,并确定了193种单一的金融风险类型,这些风险被分为市场风险、流动性风险、信用风险、商业风险和投资风险五类。
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金融代写|金融风险管理代写Financial Risk Management代考|Equity derivatives innovations
One of the earliest derivatives was the equity warrant. This is an equity call option, packaged as a security, and traded on a stock exchange. One of the first examples was a warrant on ATT, listed on the NYSE in 1970. There are two common forms of warrant: in both cases the holder has the right but not the obligation to buy stock at a fixed price.
Corporate warrants are issued by the underlying company, and if exercised new shares are issued by the company;
Covered warrants are issued by an investment bank. Here the issuer would typically have to purchase some shares in the secondary market to hedge the warrant (and indeed some exchanges require the issuer to own these shares before issuance is permitted): these shares are known as the cover.
Warrants with a variety of other structures such as put warrants have also been issued.
The trading of warrants was revolutionised by the development of the Black-Scholes formula in 1973. This put it on a (pseudo)scientific footing and gave participants the comfort needed to extend their derivatives trading activities.
In the 1980s, the Tokyo stock market went through a period of dramatic growth, and Japanese equity derivatives trading grew at a similar pace thanks in part to extensive warrant issuance. The 1989 Nikkei crash left a huge volume of call options worthless, but by that point the genie was out of the bottle and the equity derivatives markets continued to develop rapidly despite the setback to the Japanese market.
金融代写|金融风险管理代写Financial Risk Management代考|Funding innovations
From the issuer’s point of view, how do you choose between equity financing and a debt financing? Until the 1970s, a company would usually pick one extreme:
- Common equity; or
- Fixed rate debt.
In debt financing, one could choose different maturities and priorities among secured, unsecured and possibly subordinated debt, but that was essentially the only choice that was available. More debt increases leverage with a lower weighted average cost of capital but no capability to absorb losses: more equity increases loss absorption capability but at the expense of a higher cost of capital and a lower return for shareholders.
A surge in inflation in the late 1970s and an increase in interest rate volatility spurred innovation in financing instruments, filling the gap between these alternatives.
- Convertible bonds or CBs were developed. These allowed the holder to choose between receiving their principal in either cash or converting the bond into a fixed number of shares. CBs therefore package up a corporate bond and an equity derivative.
- More complex subordinated bond structures were developed, for instance perpetual bonds which could be called-repaid on some specific date or dates-by the issuer. These issuer calls often coincided with a stepup in the coupon rate paid, giving the issuer a strong incentive to call the bond. Thus, the structure allowed the issuer to extend the term of the funding if really necessary-giving some flexibility-at the cost of an increase in coupon.
Other developments were driven by tax needs or investors’ desire for more tailored debt instruments:
- Some subordinated bond structures were driven by tax optimisation: the aim was to produce something that was debt-like for tax purposes (because interest payments are typically a pre-tax expense, but equity dividends are paid from post-tax income) but otherwise as equity-like as possible.
- Dual currency features were introduced into bonds where coupons were paid in one currency and principal in another, and floating rate structures were introduced where the floating rate was not Libor or a prime rate but instead some currency, equity or commodity rate.
- We have already mentioned securitisation technology, where a bond is backed by a concrete asset or pool of cashflows rather than, or as well as, a promise to pay from a recognised issuer.
金融代写|金融风险管理代写Financial Risk Management代考|Equity derivatives innovations
最早的衍生产品之一是股权认股权证。这是一种股票看涨期权,包装为证券,并在证券交易所交易。第一个例子是 ATT 的认股权证,于 1970 年在纽约证券交易所上市。认股权证有两种常见形式:在这两种情况下,持有人有权但没有义务以固定价格购买股票。
1973 年 Black-Scholes 公式的发展彻底改变了权证交易。这将其置于(伪)科学基础上,并为参与者提供了扩展其衍生品交易活动所需的舒适度。
在 1980 年代,东京股市经历了一段急剧增长的时期,日本的股票衍生品交易也以类似的速度增长,部分原因是广泛的认股权证发行。1989 年的日经指数崩盘使大量看涨期权变得一文不值,但到那时,魔鬼已经从瓶子里出来了,尽管日本市场受挫,股票衍生品市场仍继续快速发展。
金融代写|金融风险管理代写Financial Risk Management代考|Funding innovations
从发行人的角度来看,股权融资和债权融资如何选择?直到 1970 年代,一家公司通常会选择一个极端:
- 普通股;或者
- 固定利率债务。
1970 年代后期通胀飙升和利率波动加剧刺激了融资工具的创新,填补了这些替代方案之间的差距。
- 开发了可转换债券或可换股债券。这些允许持有人选择以现金形式接收本金或将债券转换为固定数量的股票。因此,CB 打包了公司债券和股票衍生品。
- 开发了更复杂的次级债券结构,例如发行人可以在某个特定日期或日期偿还的永续债券。这些发行人的赎回通常与支付的票面利率上升同时发生,这给了发行人赎回债券的强烈动力。因此,这种结构允许发行人在确实有必要时延长融资期限——给予一定的灵活性——但代价是增加息票。
- 一些次级债券结构是由税收优化驱动的:目的是为了税收目的产生类似于债务的东西(因为利息支付通常是税前费用,但股权股息是从税后收入中支付的),但除此之外尽可能的公平。
- 债券引入了双重货币特征,息票以一种货币支付,本金以另一种货币支付,并引入了浮动利率结构,浮动利率不是 Libor 或最优惠利率,而是某种货币、股票或商品利率。
- 我们已经提到证券化技术,其中债券由具体资产或现金流池支持,而不是由公认的发行人承诺支付。
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微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。
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