如果你也在 怎样代写深度学习Deep Learning LSML22这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。深度学习Deep Learning(也称为深度结构化学习)是更广泛的机器学习方法系列的一部分,它是基于人工神经网络的表征学习。学习可以是监督的、半监督的或无监督的。
深度学习Deep Learningg架构,如深度神经网络、深度信念网络、深度强化学习、递归神经网络、卷积神经网络和变形金刚,已被应用于包括计算机视觉、语音识别、自然语言处理、机器翻译、生物信息学、药物设计、医学图像分析、气候科学、材料检测和棋盘游戏程序等领域,它们产生的结果与人类专家的表现相当,在某些情况下甚至超过了人类专家。人工神经网络(ANNs)的灵感来自于生物系统的信息处理和分布式通信节点。人工神经网络与生物大脑有各种不同之处。具体来说,人工神经网络倾向于静态和符号化,而大多数生物体的生物脑是动态(可塑性)和模拟的。
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计算机代写|深度学习代写Deep Learning代考|Deep Learning Architectures
Before presenting deep learning based speech quality models, this subsection gives a brief overview of deep learning architectures and introduces some related terminology.
Deep Feedforward Networks
Feedforward networks or multilayer perceptions are the quintessential deep learning models (Goodfellow et al. 2016). The aim of a feedforward network is to approximate some function $f^*$. The network results in a mapping $\boldsymbol{y}=f(\boldsymbol{x} ; \boldsymbol{\theta})$ with the learned weights $\theta$ that gives the best function approximation. They are called feedforward because information flows from $\boldsymbol{x}$ to $\boldsymbol{y}$ without any feedback connections in which the outputs of the model are fed back into itself. Because they typically represent a composition of many different functions, they are called networks. For example, the network may consist of three functions $f^{(1)}, f^{(2)}$, and $f^{(3)}$ that are connected in a chain to form $f(\boldsymbol{x})=f^{(3)}\left(f^{(2)}\left(f^{(1)}(\boldsymbol{x})\right)\right)$ with $f^{(1)}$ being the first layer, $f^{(2)}$ the second layer, and so on. The overall length of the chain gives the depth of the model, hence the terminology “deep learning”. The final layer is also referred to as output layer. During training, the model weights $\boldsymbol{\theta}$ are optimised in a way that the output layer gives an estimate of the target value $y$. Because the behaviour of the other layers is not directly specified, they are also called hidden layers. The output of a hidden layer, which can be seen as internally calculated features, is called hidden units and is used as input for the next layer. In feedforward networks, the basic mapping function corresponds to linear regression models with bias terms that can be written as $f^{(1)}(\boldsymbol{x} ; \boldsymbol{W}, \boldsymbol{c})=$ $\left(\boldsymbol{x}^{\top} \boldsymbol{W}+\boldsymbol{c}\right)$. These layers are also referred to as fully connected layer (FC) as they directly connect all input units with the output units. However, in order for the neural network to model non-linear functions, a non-linear activation function has to be applied. Typically in modern neural networks, the so-called rectified linear unit or ReLU (Jarrett et al. 2009) that sets all negative values to zero is used. It can be written as $g(z)=\max {0, z}$. A basic feedforward network could thus be $f(\boldsymbol{x})=f^{(3)}\left(g\left(f^{(2)}\left(g\left(f^{(1)}(\boldsymbol{x})\right)\right)\right)\right.$ ) (or [FC-ReLU-FC-ReLU-FC]), where activation functions are applied to the hidden layers and the output layer gives the estimated target value $y$.
计算机代写|深度学习代写Deep Learning代考|Convolutional Networks
Convolutional neural networks (LeCun et al. 1989), ConvNets, or CNNs are a specialised kind of feedforward network that contain the so-called convolutional layers and were originally developed for image classification tasks. These convolutional layers are composed of filters, also called kernels, with a relatively small size, for example, $3 \times 3$ pixels. During the forward pass, each kernel slides across the width and height of the input image (e.g. $200 \times 300$ pixels) and computes a dot product between the kernel weights and the input at any position. The output is then a $2 \mathrm{D}$ map that gives the response of that filter at every spatial position. Typically, multiple kernels are contained within one layer (e.g. 16 kernels). The outputs of each kernel are then stacked together to give the output of the convolutional layer (e.g. $200 \times 300 \times 16$ ). In order to preserve the size of the input image, typically the sliding step size (also called stride) is set to 1, and zero padding is applied to the borders of the image. The kernel weights are learnable parameters; therefore, intuitively the network will learn kernels that activate when they see visual features that are useful for the given classification task, for example, an edge of some orientation on the first layer, or eventually, for example, face-like patterns on higher layers of the network. Another important layer in $\mathrm{CNNs}$ is the so-called pooling layer that is inserted in between successive convolutional layers. Its function is to progressively downsample the spatial output size and to reduce the number of weights, thus, also avoiding overfitting. The most common pooling layer is max-pooling, which is, for example, applied with the dimensions $2 \times 2$. The pooling layer slides across the width and height of the convolutional output with a stride of 2 and gives for each $2 \times 2$ input window the maximum value as output. In this way, the output size is reduced by half, and only the hidden units with the highest activation within their surrounding are passed on to the next layer. A simple CNN could, for example, be designed as follows: [Conv-ReLU-Max Pool-FC].
计算机代写|深度学习代写Deep Learning代考|Deep Learning Architectures
在介绍基于深度学习的语音质量模型之前, 本小节简要概述了深度学习架构并介绍了一些相关术语。 深度前馈网络
前馈网络或多层感知是典型的深度学习模型 (Goodfellow et al. 2016) 。前馈网络的目的是逼近一些函数 $f^*$. 网络导致映射 $\boldsymbol{y}=f(\boldsymbol{x} ; \boldsymbol{\theta})$ 用学习到的权重 $\theta$ 给出了最好的函数逼近。它们被称为前馈, 因为信息从 $\boldsymbol{x}$ 至 $\boldsymbol{y}$ 决有任何反馈连接, 其中模型的输出反馈到自身。因为它们通常代表许多不同功能的组合, 所以它们被 称为网络。例如, 网络可能由三个功能组成 $f^{(1)}, f^{(2)}$, 和 $f^{(3)}$ 连接成柱㚭, 形成
$f(\boldsymbol{x})=f^{(3)}\left(f^{(2)}\left(f^{(1)}(\boldsymbol{x})\right)\right)$ 和 $f^{(1)}$ 作为第一层, $f^{(2)}$ 第二层, 以此类推。链的总长度给出了模型的深 度, 因此有术语 “㤾度学习”。最后一层中称为输出层。在训练期间, 模型权重 $\theta$ 以输出层给出目标值估计的 方式进行优化 $y$. 因为没有直接指定其他层的行为, 所以它们被称为隐藏层。隐藏层的输出, 可以看作是内 部计算的特征, 称为隐藏单元, 用作下一层的输入。在前馈网络中, 基本映射函数对应于带有偏置项的线性 回归模型, 可以写为 $f^{(1)}(\boldsymbol{x} ; \boldsymbol{W}, \boldsymbol{c})=\left(\boldsymbol{x}^{\top} \boldsymbol{W}+\boldsymbol{c}\right)$. 这些层也称为全连接层 (FC), 因为它们直接将所有 输入单元与输出单元连接起来。然而, 为了让神经网络对非线性函数进行建模, 必须应用非线性激活函数。 通常在现代神经网络中, 使用将所有负值设置为零的所谓整流线性单元或 ReLU (Jarrett et al. 2009)。它 可以写成 $g(z)=\max 0, z$. 因此, 一个基本的前馈网络可以是 $f(\boldsymbol{x})=f^{(3)}\left(g\left(f^{(2)}\left(g\left(f^{(1)}(\boldsymbol{x})\right)\right)\right)\right.$ ) (或 $[F C-R e L U-F C-R e L U-F C]$ ), 其中激活函数应用于隐藏层, 输出层给出估计的目标值 $y$.
计算机代写深度学习代写Deep Learning代考|Convolutional Networks
劵积神经网络 (LeCun et al. 1989)、ConvNets 或 CNN 是一种特殊的前馈网络, 包含所谓的卷积层, 最 初是为图像分类任务而开发的。这些卷积层由尺寸相对较小的过滤器 (也称为内核) 组成, 例如, $3 \times 3$ 像 素。在前向传递期间, 每个内核在输入图像的宽度和高度上滑动 (例如 $200 \times 300$ 像素) 并计算内核权重和 任意位置的输入之间的点积。然后输出是 $2 \mathrm{D}$ 给出该滤波器在每个空间位置的响应的映射。通常, 多个内核 $200 \times 300 \times 16$ ) 。为了保持输入图像的大小,通常将滑动步长(也称为步幅) 设置为 1 , 并将䨐填充应 用于图像的边界。核权重是可学习的参数; 因此, 直观地, 网络将学习内核, 当他们看到对给定分类任务有 用的视觉特征时激活内核, 例如, 第一层上某个方向的边缘, 或者最终, 例如, 更高层上的面部图案的网 络。中的另一个重要层CNNs是所谓的池化层, 揷入在连续的卷积层之间。它的功能是逐步下采样空间输出 大小并减少权重的数量, 从而也避免过度拟合。最常见的池化层是最大池化, 例如, 应用于维度 $2 \times 2$. 池化 层以 2 的步幅滑过卷积输出的宽度和高度, 并为每个 $2 \times 2$ 输入窗口的最大值作为输出。通过这种方式, 输 出大小减少了一半,只有在其周围具有最高激活的隐藏单元被传递到下一层。例如,一个简单的 CNN 可以 设计如下: [Conv-ReLU-Max Pool-FC]。
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