数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|MAST30013 Basic Ideas and Concepts

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运筹学Operations Research采用了其他数学科学的技术,如建模、统计和优化,为复杂的决策问题找到最佳或接近最佳的解决方案。由于强调实际应用,运筹学与许多其他学科有重叠之处,特别是工业工程。运筹学通常关注的是确定一些现实世界目标的极端值:最大(利润、绩效或收益)或最小(损失、风险或成本)。运筹学起源于二战前的军事工作,它的技术已经发展到涉及各种行业的问题。

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数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|MAST30013 Basic Ideas and Concepts

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Basic Ideas and Concepts

Consider first the random events that take place. Using the same examples as above, there is an infinite number of different speeds that a vehicle could be moving at, while the demand for a product may be very large but is hardly infinite. Some types of events are much more restrictive: as an example, consider a light bulb. It will always be in exactly one of two “states of nature,” in that it either works, or it does not. This is referred to as the state space, i.e., the number of different states the “system” can possibly be in. As already hinted at, the individual states are similar to the states of nature in decision analysis, see Chap. 10 in this volume. This chapter deals only with processes that have a finite state space.

Each event in this discrete-time, finite state space process is then a random variable $X_t$ that depends on the time $t$ at which it is observed. As an illustrative example, consider a used car. The vehicle is in one of four states: it either runs well (state $s_1$ ), it runs with minor problems (state $s_2$ ), it runs with major problems (state $s_3$ ), or it fails altogether (state $s_4$ ). At any point in time, the vehicle is in exactly one of these four states. It stands to reason that the state that the vehicle is in 1 year does depend on the state the car was in the year before. More specifically, we can define transition probabilities $p_{i j}$, which indicate the probability that the vehicle is in state $j$, given that it was in state $i$ in the previous year. (We assume that no repairs are performed.) It is apparent that the transition probabilities are conditional probabilities of the type $p_{i j}=P\left(X_{t+1}=j \mid X_t=i\right)$, or in simple words, the probability that the random variable is in state $s_j$ in year $t+1$, given that it was in state $s_i$ in year $t$. As a numerical illustration, consider the matrix $\mathbf{P}=\left(p_{i j}\right)$ of transition probabilities
0.90 & 0.06 & 0.03 & 0.01 \
0 & 0.85 & 0.10 & 0.05 \
0 & 0 & 0.75 & 0.25 \
0 & 0 & 0 & 1.00

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Steady-State Solutions

Assuming that the process converges, we will call the resulting solution a steadystate solution. Clearly, a steady-state solution is an ideal concept that is not very likely going to be realized in practice: take, for instance, the used car example. While we may keep the vehicle for a long time, the time will be finite, while a steady state, a state that no longer depends on the initial conditions, is typically reached only after an infinite number of transitions. Still, the steady state is an important concept that will tell us to what a process converges, provided that it converges at all. A sufficient condition for the existence of a steady state is given if each state can be reached from each other state on a path that has positive probability.

We showed in the previous section that $\mathbf{u}^n=\mathbf{u}^0 \mathbf{P}=\mathbf{u}^{n-1} \mathbf{P}$, and if $n$ tends to infinity, we obtain $\mathbf{u}^{\infty}=\mathbf{u}^{\infty} \mathbf{P}$. To distinguish the steady-state solutions from all others, it is customary to replace $\mathbf{u}^{\infty}$ by the row vector $\pi$, so that the steady-state solutions will satisfy $\boldsymbol{\pi}=\boldsymbol{\pi} \mathbf{P}$. In addition, we have to ensure that the sum of all elements in $\pi$ equals 1 , as all components of $\pi$ are probabilities that are mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive.
In the used car example, the system of simultaneous linear equations is

&\pi_1=0.9 \pi_1 \
&\pi_2=0.06 \pi_1+0.85 \pi_2 \
&\pi_3=0.03 \pi_1+0.10 \pi_2+0.75 \pi_3 \
&\pi_4=0.01 \pi_1+0.05 \pi_2+0.25 \pi_3+\pi_4 \
&\pi_1+\pi_2+\pi_3+\pi_4=1 .
The first equation requires that $\pi_1=0$, inserting this result in the second equation leads to $\pi_2=0$, and using this result in the third equation leads to $\pi_3=0$. The fourth equation then reduces to the tautological identity $\pi_4=\pi_4$, but the last equation then helps to solve the system with $\pi_4=1$. This is the obvious result mentioned earlier in this section: whatever state the vehicle is in now, eventually it will be in a failed state.
The stock example provides another illustration of the concept. It is easily seen that a steady state is certain to exist. In order to determine the (unconditional) steadystate probabilities, we solve the system
\left[\pi_1, \pi_2\right]=\left[\pi_1, \pi_2\right]\left[\begin{array}{ll}
0.2 & 0.8 \
0.7 & 0.3
which can be written as
&\pi_1=0.2 \pi_1+0.7 \pi_2 \
&\pi_2=0.8 \pi_1+0.3 \pi_2, \text { coupled with } \

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|MAST30013 Basic Ideas and Concepts


数学代写运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Basic Ideas and Concepts

首先考虑发生的随机事件。使用与上述相同的示例, 车辆可以以无数种不同的速度行驶, 而对产品的需求可 能非常大, 但几乎不是无限的。某些类型的事件更具限制性: 例如, 考虑一个灯泡。它总是处于两种“自然 有有限㴹态空间的进程。
在这个离散时间、有限状态空间过程中的每个事件都是一个随机变荲 $X_t$ 这取决于时间 $t$ 在它被观察到的地 方。作为一个说明性示例, 考虑一辆二手车。车辆处于以下四种状态之一:要么运行良好 (状态 $s_1$ ),它运 行时有一些小问题 (状太 $s_2$ ), 它运行时存在重大问题 (状态 $s_3$ ),或者它完全失败 (状态 $s_4$ )。在任何时 设没有进行修复。) 很明显, 转移摡率是类型的条件概率 $p_{i j}=P\left(X_{t+1}=j \mid X_t=i\right)$, 或者简单地 说, 随机变黒处于状态的概率 $s_j$ 年 $t+1$, 假设它处于状态 $s_i$ 年 $t$. 作为数字说明, 考虑矩阵 $\mathbf{P}=\left(p_{i j}\right.$ 转移 概率

数学代写运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Steady-State Solutions

假设过程收敛, 我们将所得解称为稳态解。显然, 稳态解决方案是一个理想的概念, 在实践中不太可能实
现: 例如, 以二手车为例。虽然我们可以将车辆保留很长时间, 但时间是有限的, 而稳态, 即不再依赖于初
始条件的状态, 通常只有在无数次转换之后才能达到。尽管如此, 稳态是一个重要的楖念, 它将告诉我们一 个过程收敛到什么, 只要 了稳态存在的充分条件。
我们在上一节中展示了 $\mathbf{u}^n=\mathbf{u}^0 \mathbf{P}=\mathbf{u}^{n-1} \mathbf{P}$, 而如果 $n$ 趋于无穷大, 我们得到 $\mathbf{u}^{\infty}=\mathbf{u}^{\infty} \mathbf{P}$. 为了将稳
态解决方案与其他所有解决方案区分开来, 习惯上将其替换为 $\mathbf{u}^{\infty}$ 由行向鲤 $\pi$, 使得稳态解满足 $\boldsymbol{\pi}=\boldsymbol{T}$. 此
外, 我们必须确保所有元素的总和 $\pi$ 等于 1 , 因为 $\pi$ 是相互排㫀的和集体穷举的概率。
在二手车示例中, 联主线性方程组是
\pi_1=0.9 \pi_1 \quad \pi_2=0.06 \pi_1+0.85 \pi_2 \pi_3=0.03 \pi_1+0.10 \pi_2+0.75 \pi_3 \quad \pi_4=0.01 \pi_1+0.05 \pi_2
第一个等式要求 $\pi_1=0$, 将此结果揷入第二个等式会导致 $\pi_2=0$, 并在第三个等式中使用这个结果导致
$\pi_3=0$. 然后第四个等式简化为同义反复 $\pi_4=\pi_4$, 但最后一个方程有助于求解系统 $\pi_4=1$. 这是本节前
面提到的明显结果: 无论车辆现在处于何种状态, 最 2 终都会处于故障状态。
股票示例提供了该概念的另一个说明。很穼易看出, 稳态是肯定存在的。为了确定 (无条件的) 稳态概率, 我们求解系统
\pi_1=0.2 \pi_1+0.7 \pi_2 \quad \pi_2=0.8 \pi_1+0.3 \pi_2, \text { coupled with } \pi_1+\pi_2=1

数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考

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