数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|FINS3635 Testing Option Pricing Models

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数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|FINS3635 Testing Option Pricing Model

数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|Testing Option Pricing Models

As Bates (1996b) points out, fundamental to testing option pricing models against time series data is the issue of identifying the relationship between the true process followed by the underlying state variables in the objective measure and the “riskneutral” processes implied through option prices in an artificial measure. Representative agent equilibrium models such as Rubinstein (1976), Brennan (1979), Bates (1988, 1991), and Amin and $\mathrm{Ng}$ (1993) among others indicate that European options that pay off only at maturity are priced as if investors priced options at their expected discounted payoffs under an equivalent “risk-neutral” representation that incorporates the appropriate compensation for systematic asset, volatility, interest rate, or jump risk. Thus, the corresponding “risk-neutral” specification of the general model specified in Section 2 involves compensation for various factor risk. Namely, the “mean” of stock return in the “risk-neutral” specification will be equal to the risk-free rate, the “mean” of the interest rate process as well as the “means” of the stochastic conditional volatilities for both interest rate and stock return will be adjusted for the interest rate risk and systematic volatility risk. Standard approaches for pricing systematic volatility risk, interest rate risk, and jump risk have typically involved either assuming the risk is nonsystematic and therefore has zero premium, or by imposing a tractable functional form on the risk premium (e.g. the factor risk premiums are proportional to the respective factors) with extra (free) parameters to be estimated from observed options prices or bond prices (for interest rate risk).

Under the “risk-neutral” distribution of the general framework, a European call option on a non-dividend paying stock that pays off $\max \left(S_T-X, 0\right)$ at maturity $T$ for exercise price $X$ is priced as
C_0\left(S_0, r_0, \sigma_{r 0}, \sigma_{S 0} ; T, X\right)=\mathrm{E}0^\lefte^{-\int_0^T r_r d t} \max \left(S_T-X, 0\right) \mid S_0, r_0, \sigma{r 0}, \sigma_{S 0}\right
where $\mathrm{E}_0^$ is the expectation with respect to the “risk-neutral” specification for the state variables conditional on all information at $t=0$. In particular, when $\lambda_2=0$ in the general model setup, i.e. Assumption 2 of Amin and Ng (1993) is satisfied, the option pricing formula can be derived as in (13). The call option price is the expected Black-Scholes price with the expectation taken with respect to the stochastic variance over the life of the option, i.e. the European call option prices depend on

数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|Comparison based on Diversifiable Stochastic Volatility Risk

In this section, we assume that the risk premium in both interest rate and stock return processes as well as the conditional volatility processes are all zero. The SV option prices are calculated based on Monte Carlo simulation using (31) for asymmetric models and both (13) and (31) for symmetric models. The only approximation error involved is the Monte Carlo error which can be reduced to any desirable level by increasing the number of simulations. The estimation error involved in our study is also minimal as we rely on large number of observations over long sampling period to estimate model parameters. In our simulation, 100,000 sampling paths are simulated to reduce the Monte Carlo error and to reflect accurately the fat-tail behavior of the asset return distributions, and the antithetic variable technique is used to reduce the variation of option prices (see Boyle, Broadie and Glasserman, 1997). The results show that option prices generated using different methods are almost the same, with the largest differences less than a penny for even long term deep ITM options. The accuracy is further reflected in the small standard derivations of the simulated option prices.

Option pricing biases are compared to the observed market prices based on the mean relative percentage option pricing error (MRE) and the mean absolute relative option pricing error (MARE), given by
M R E=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{C_i^M-C_i}{C_i}
M A R E=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\left|C_i^M-C_i\right|}{C_i}
where $n$ is the number of options used in the comparison, $C_i$ and $C_i^M$ represents respectively the observed market option price and the theoretical model option price. The MRE statistic measures the average relative biases of the model option prices, while the MARE statistic measures the dispersion of relative biases of the model prices. The difference between MARE and MRE suggests the direction of the bias of the model prices, namely when MARE and MRE are of the same absolute values, it suggests that the model systematically misprices the options to the same direction as the sign of MRE, while when MARE is much larger than MRE in absolute magnitude, it suggests that the model is inaccurate in pricing options but the mispricing is less systematic.

数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|FINS3635 Testing Option Pricing Models


数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|Testing Option Pricing Models

正如 Bates (1996b) 指出的那样, 根据时间序列数捛测试期权定价模型的基础是确定客观测䵣中潜在状态变 现收益为期权定价, 该表示包含对系统资产、波动性、利率、或跳跃风险。因此, 第 2 节中规定的一般模型
在一般框架的“风险中性”分布下,对非股息支付股票的欧式看㳊期权 $\max \left(S_T-X, 0\right)$ 成訙时 $T$ 行侏价 $X$ 定价为 $r_S$ r dt $} \backslash$ max $\backslash$ left( $\left.S_{-} T-X, 0 \backslash r i g h t\right) \backslash$ mid S_0, r_0, \sigma ${r$ 0}, \sigma_{S 0} \right } 取纬于

数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考|Comparison based on Diversifiable Stochastic Volatility Risk

\text { MARE }=\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n \frac{\left|C_i^M-C_i\right|}{C_i}
在哪里 $n$ 是比较中使用的选项数, $C_i$ 和 $C_i^M$ 分别代表观察到的市场期权价格和理论模型期权价格。MRE 统 期㪔定价错误到与 MRE 的符号相同的方冏, 定价方面不准确, 但错误定价的系统性较差。

数学代写|期权定价理论代写Option Pricing Theory代考

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