如果你也在 怎样代写多变量微积分和常微分方程Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations MATH422这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。多变量微积分和常微分方程Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations在数学中,常微分方程(ODE)是包含一个或多个独立变量的函数以及这些函数的导数的微分方程。术语普通是与术语偏微分方程相对应的,后者可能涉及一个以上的独立变量。
多变量微积分和常微分方程Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations在常微分方程中,线性微分方程起着突出的作用,原因有几个。在物理学和应用数学中遇到的大多数基本函数和特殊函数都是线性微分方程的解(见整体函数)。当用非线性方程对物理现象进行建模时,一般用线性微分方程来近似,以便于求解。少数可以显式求解的非线性ODE,一般是通过将方程转化为等效的线性ODE来解决的。
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数学代写|多变量微积分和常微分方程代考Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations代写|Preliminaries to Stability of Solutions
In Lecture 16 we have provided smoothness conditions so that the solution $u\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$ of the initial value problem (15.4) is a continuous function of $x, x_0$, and $u^0$ at the point $\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$, where $x$ is in some finite interval $J=\left[x_0, x_0+\alpha\right]$. Geometrically, this means that for all $\epsilon>0$ there exists $\left|\Delta u^0\right|$ sufficiently small so that the solution $u\left(x, x_0, u^0+\Delta u^0\right)$ remains in a strip of width $2 \epsilon$ surrounding the solution $u\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$ for all $x \in\left[x_0, x_0+\alpha\right]$. Thus, a small change in $u^0$ brings about only a small change in the solutions of (15.4) in a finite interval $\left[x_0, x_0+\alpha\right]$. However, the situation is very much different when the finite interval $\left[x_0, x_0+\alpha\right]$ is replaced by $\left[x_0, \infty\right)$. For example, let us consider the initial value problem $y^{\prime}=a y, y(0)=y_0$ whose unique solution is $y\left(x, 0, y_0\right)=y_0 e^{a x}$. It follows that
|\Delta y|=\left|y\left(x, 0, y_0+\Delta y_0\right)-y\left(x, 0, y_0\right)\right|=\left|\Delta y_0\right| e^{a x}
for all $x \geq 0$. Hence, if $a \leq 0$ then $|\Delta y|=\left|\Delta y_0\right| e^{a x} \leq \epsilon$ for all $x \geq 0$ provided $\left|\Delta y_0\right| \leq \epsilon$. But, if $a>0$, then $|\Delta y| \leq \epsilon$ holds only if $\left|\Delta y_0\right| \leq \epsilon e^{-a x}$, which is possible only for finite values of $x$ no matter how small $\left|\Delta y_0\right|$ is, i.e., $|\Delta y|$ becomes large for large $x$ even for small values of $\left|\Delta y_0\right|$.
A solution $u\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$ of the initial value problem (15.4) existing in the interval $\left[x_0, \infty\right)$ is said to be stable if small changes in $u^0$ bring only small changes in the solutions of (15.4) for all $x \geq x_0$. Otherwise, we say that the solution $u\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$ is unstable. Thus, the solution $y(x)=y_0 e^{a x}$ of the problem $y^{\prime}=a y, y(0)=y_0$ is stable only if $a \leq 0$, and unstable for $a>0$. We shall now give a few definitions which classify various types of behavior of solutions.
数学代写|多变量微积分和常微分方程代考Multivariate Calculus & Ordinary Differential Equations代写|Quasi-Linear Systems
In Problems $22.9$ and $22.10$ we have considered the differential systems (22.16) and (22.17) as the perturbed systems of (18.6) and (17.3), respectively, and provided sufficient conditions on the nonlinear perturbed function $g(x, v)$ so that the asymptotic properties of the unperturbed systems are maintained for the perturbed systems. Analogously, we expect that under certain conditions on the function $g(x, v)$ stability properties of the unperturbed systems carry through for the perturbed systems. For obvious reasons, systems (22.16) and (22.17) are called quasi-linear differential systems.
Let the function $g(x, v)$ satisfy the condition
|g(x, v)|=o(|v|)
uniformly in $x$ as $|v|$ approaches zero. This implies that for $v$ in a sufficiently small neighborhood of the origin, $|g(x, v)| /|v|$ can be made arbitrarily small. Condition (24.1) assures that $g(x, 0) \equiv 0$, and hence $v(x) \equiv 0$ is a solution of the perturbed differential systems.
We begin with an interesting example which shows that the asymptotic stability of the trivial solution of the unperturbed system (17.3) and the condition (24.1) do not imply the asymptotic stability of the trivial solution of the perturbed system (22.17).
Example 24.1. Consider the differential system
&u_1^{\prime}=-a u_1 \
&u_2^{\prime}=(\sin 2 x+2 x \cos 2 x-2 a) u_2, \quad 1<2 a<3 / 2 \end{aligned} $$ whose general solution is $$ \begin{aligned} &u_1(x)=c_1 e^{-a x} \\ &u_2(x)=c_2 \exp ((\sin 2 x-2 a) x) \end{aligned} $$ Since $a>1 / 2$, every solution of (24.2) tends to zero as $x \rightarrow \infty$, and hence the trivial solution of (24.2) is asymptotically stable.

数学代写|多变量微积分和常微分方程代 考Multivariate Calculus \& Ordinary Differential Equations代 写|Preliminaries to Stability of Solutions
在第 16 课中, 我们提供了平滑条件, 使得解 $u\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$ 的初值问题 (15.4) 是一个连续函数 $x, x_0$, 和 $u^0$ 在这一点上 $\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$, 在哪里 $x$ 处于某个有限区间 $J=\left[x_0, x_0+\alpha\right]$. 在几何上, 这意味着对于所有 $\epsilon>0$ 那里存在 $\left|\Delta u^0\right|$ 足够小, 使得解决方案 $u\left(x, x_0, u^0+\Delta u^0\right)$ 保持在一条宽度的 $2 \epsilon$ 围绕解决方案 $u\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$ 对所有人 $x \in\left[x_0, x_0+\alpha\right]$.于是, 一个小小的改变 $u^0$ 在有限区间内仅导致 (15.4) 的解的微 小变化 $\left[x_0, x_0+\alpha\right]$. 然而, 当有限区间 $\left[x_0, x_0+\alpha\right]$ 被替换为 $\left[x_0, \infty\right)$. 例如, 让我们考虑初始值问题 $y^{\prime}=a y, y(0)=y_0$ 其唯一解是 $y\left(x, 0, y_0\right)=y_0 e^{a x}$. 它遵循
|\Delta y|=\left|y\left(x, 0, y_0+\Delta y_0\right)-y\left(x, 0, y_0\right)\right|=\left|\Delta y_0\right| e^{a x}
对所有人 $x \geq 0$. 因此, 如果 $a \leq 0$ 然后 $|\Delta y|=\left|\Delta y_0\right| e^{a x} \leq \epsilon$ 对所有人 $x \geq 0$ 假如 $\left|\Delta y_0\right| \leq \epsilon$. 但是, 如 果 $a>0$, 然后 $|\Delta y| \leq \epsilon$ 仅当 $\left|\Delta y_0\right| \leq \epsilon e^{-a x}$, 这仅对有限值是可能的 $x$ 无论多小 $\left|\Delta y_0\right|$ 是, 即, $|\Delta y|$ 变 大变大 $x$ 即使对于小的值 $\left|\Delta y_0\right|$.
一个解法 $u\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$ 区间内存在的初值问题 (15.4) $\left[x_0, \infty\right)$ 如果变化很小, 就说是稳定的 $u^0$ 对所有人 的 (15.4) 的解决方案只带来很小的变化 $x \geq x_0$. 否则, 我们说解决方案 $u\left(x, x_0, u^0\right)$ 不稳定。因此, 解 决方案 $y(x)=y_0 e^{a x}$ 问题的 $y^{\prime}=a y, y(0)=y_0$ 只有当 $a \leq 0$, 不稳定 $a>0$. 我们现在将给出一些定 义, 对解决方案的各种行为进行分类。
数学代写|多变量微积分和常微分方程代 考Multivariate Calculus \& Ordinary Differential Equations代写|QuasiLinear Systems
在问题 $22.9$ 和 $22.10$ 我们将微分系统 (22.16) 和 (22.17) 分别视为 (18.6) 和 (17.3) 的摄动系统, 并为 非线性摄动函数提供了充分条件 $g(x, v)$ 使得末扰动系统的渐近性质对扰动系统保持不变。类似地, 我们期 望在函数的某些条件下 $g(x, v)$ 末扰动系统的稳定性特性贯穿于扰动系统。出于显而易见的原因, 系统 (22.16) 和 (22.17) 被称为准线性微分系统。 让函数 $g(x, v)$ 满足条件
|g(x, v)|=o(|v|)
均匀地在 $x$ 作为 $|v|$ 接近于零。这意味着对于 $v$ 在原点足够小的邻域中, $|g(x, v)| /|v|$ 可以任意小。条件 (24.1) 确保 $g(x, 0) \equiv 0$, 因此 $v(x) \equiv 0$ 是扰动溦分系统的解。
我们从一个有輙的例子开始, 它表明末扰动系统 (17.3) 和条件 (24.1) 的平凡解的渐近稳定性并不意味着 扰动系统 (22.17) 的平凡解的渐近稳定性。
例 24.1。考虑微分系统
u_1^{\prime}=-a u_1 \quad u_2^{\prime}=(\sin 2 x+2 x \cos 2 x-2 a) u_2, \quad 1<2 a<3 / 2 $$ 其一般解是 $$ \begin{aligned} &u_1(x)=c_1 e^{-a x} \\ &u_2(x)=c_2 \exp ((\sin 2 x-2 a) x) \end{aligned} $$ 自从 $a>1 / 2,(24.2)$ 的每个解都趋于零, 因为 $x \rightarrow \infty$, 因此 (24.2) 的平凡解是渐近稳定的。

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