会计代写|高级财务会计代考adv Financial Accounting代写|ACCT-340 Classification of tangible fixed assets

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会计代写|高级财务会计代考adv Financial Accounting代写|ACCT-340 Classification of tangible fixed assets

会计代写|高级财务会计代考adv Financial Accounting代写|Classification of tangible fixed assets

In the UK the formats for financial reporting contain three groups for TFAs:

  • Land and buildings
  • Plant and machinery
  • Fixtures, fittings, tools and equipment
    However, in applying the provisions of this standard entities may adopt narrower classes, e.g. freehold properties. Little guidance is given as to what would be an appropriate class other than the not very forceful phrase that ‘entities may, within reason, adopt . . narrower classes’ (Para. 62).

There is one exception to the rule that requires all assets within the same class to be revalued. These are assets that are held outside the UK or the Republic of Ireland for which it is impossible to obtain a reliable valuation. Such assets can continue to be carried at historical cost but the fact that this override has been used must be stated.

会计代写|高级财务会计代考adv Financial Accounting代写|Frequency

Most quoted entities made use of the alternative accounting rules but generally did so on a spasmodic basis. ${ }^{14}$ Large numbers of companies, particularly quoted companies, have incorporated revaluations into their financial statements, often cherry-picking assets for this treatment. These revaluations have usually related to properties but the revalued amounts have rarely been updated on an annual basis. Thus, in addition to showing their TFAs at ‘historical costs’ and ‘current values’, companies have frequently included assets at ‘obsolete current values’. This third category is obviously unhelpful in that it tells the user nothing of value and has now wisely been outlawed by the ASB. It appears that many companies which have used obsolete revaluations have now reverted to the use of historical cost-based valuations rather than incur the cost of systematically revaluing all assets in a particular class at current value on an annual basis. Thus we are probably now closer to a historical cost system of accounting than we have been for many years!

The standard requires that, if an entity opts for a policy of revaluation in respect of a particular class of tangible fixed assets, the balance sheet should reflect the current values of those assets. This does not mean, however, that revaluation need be an annual process (Para. 44). In general, the requirements of the standard would be satisfied if there were a full revaluation every five years with an interim valuation in year 3 . In addition an interim valuation should be carried out in any year where it is ‘likely that there has been a material change in value’ (Para. 45).

Special considerations apply to entities that hold a portfolio of non-specialised properties. ${ }^{15}$ In such cases it is suggested that a full valuation could be achieved on a rolling programme designed to cover all the properties over a five-year cycle, together with interim valuations where it is likely that there has been a material change in value.

We have in the preceding paragraphs been free with the phrases ‘full valuation’, ‘interim valuation’ and ‘likely to be a material change in value’. What do these phrases actually mean?
The differences between full and interim valuations are described in the case of properties but not for other types of TFAs. For properties a full valuation would include a detailed inspection of the property, enquiries of local planning authorities, solicitors, etc. and research into market transactions involving similar properties and the identification of market trends (Para. 47). The less detailed interim valuation would involve the last of these together with the confirmation that there have been no significant changes to the physical fabric of the property and an inspection (but not a detailed inspection) if there are indications that such would be necessary (Para. 48 ).

会计代写|高级财务会计代考adv Financial Accounting代写|ACCT-340 Classification of tangible fixed assets


会计代写|高级财务会计代考adv Financial Accounting代写|Classification of tangible fixed assets

在英国,财务报告格式包含三组 TFA:

  • 土地和建筑物
  • 厂房及机器
  • 固定装置、配件、工具和设备
    然而,在应用本标准的规定时,实体可以采用更窄的类别,例如永久业权财产。除了“实体可以在合理范围内采用”这个不太有力的短语外,几乎没有给出什么是适当的类别的指导。. 较窄的阶级”(第 62 段)。


会计代写|高级财务会计代考adv Financial Accounting代写|Frequency

大多数引用的实体都使用替代会计规则,但通常是间歇性地使用。14大量公司,尤其是上市公司,已将重估纳入其财务报表,通常会为这种处理挑选资产。这些重估通常与物业有关,但重估金额很少每年更新一次。因此,除了以“历史成本”和“当前价值”显示其 TFA 之外,公司还经常以“过时的当前价值”计入资产。这第三类显然是没有帮助的,因为它不会告诉用户任何有价值的东西,并且现在已被 ASB 明智地取缔。似乎许多使用过时重估的公司现在已经恢复使用基于历史成本的估值,而不是承担每年以当前价值系统地重估特定类别的所有资产的成本。

该准则要求,如果主体选择对特定类别的有形固定资产进行重估,资产负债表应反映这些资产的当前价值。然而,这并不意味着重估需要每年进行一次(第 44 段)。一般而言,如果每五年进行一次全面重估,并在第 3 年进行中期评估,则可以满足该准则的要求。此外,应在“价值可能发生重大变化”的任何年份进行中期估值(第 45 段)。


完全估值和中期估值之间的差异在房地产的情况下进行了描述,但在其他类型的 TFA 中没有描述。对于物业,全面估价将包括对物业进行详细检查、询问当地规划当局、律师等,以及研究涉及类似物业的市场交易和确定市场趋势(第 47 段)。较不详细的中期估价将涉及最后一项,以及确认财产的物理结构没有发生重大变化,如果有迹象表明有必要进行检查(但不是详细检查)(第. 48).

会计代写|高级财务会计代考adv Financial Accounting代写

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