统计代写|统计入门代写Introduction to Statistics代考|KMA153 What Are Measures of Variability, and Why Are They Used?

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统计入门Introduction to Statistics在数据分析中主要使用两种统计方法:描述性统计和推断性统计,前者使用平均数或标准差等指标对样本数据进行总结,后者从受随机变化影响的数据中得出结论(例如。描述性统计最常关注的是分布(样本或人群)的两组属性:中心倾向(或位置)试图描述分布的中心或典型值,而分散性(或变异性)则描述分布中的成员偏离其中心和彼此的程度。对数学统计的推断是在概率论的框架下进行的,概率论涉及到对随机现象的分析。

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统计代写|统计入门代写Introduction to Statistics代考|KMA153 What Are Measures of Variability, and Why Are They Used?

统计代写|统计入门代写Introduction to Statistics代考|What Are Measures of Variability, and Why Are They Used?

Measures of variability such as the range, standard deviation, and the fully describe the characteristics of a set of data. As you already know, measures of central tendency are the first type.

Measures of variability, also called spread or dispersion, reflect how different scores are from one another. More accurately stated, variability is the distance or the amount that any score in a set of scores differs from a particular score. That score, in almost all measures of variability, turns out to be the average score-in particular, the mean.

The three descriptive statistics that are used to measure variability in a set of scores are the range, the standard deviation, and the variance.
The range, which is the least precise of these three measures, is the distance between the lowest and highest value in a set of scores. The range is the easiest value to compute and provides the most general and gross estimate of how much scores differ from one another.

The standard deviation is the average amount that each score differs from a particular score, namely the average or mean for that set of scores. Standard deviation is the most often reported measure of variability. It is also used for many more advanced statistical procedures, which you will read about in later portions of 100 Questions (and Answers) About Statistics.
The variance is the square of the standard deviation. Like the standard deviation, the variance is used as a descriptive tool as well as in the computation of more advanced statistics.

While each of these measures of variability provides important information for understanding the characteristics of a set of data, variability as a concept is very important to the entire study of statistics. This is because many of the foundational ideas behind techniques, including inferential statistics, use variability as a term that reflects “error.” Error should not be confused with mistakes or inaccuracy. Rather, it is the naturally occurring incidence of individual differences occurring between participants in any research and the need for those differences to be captured and understood. That’s the role of variability, both in theory and in practice

统计代写|统计入门代写Introduction to Statistics代考|What Is an Example of How a Measure of Variability Can Be Used?

TJariability as a construct is a fascinating topic because it provides insight into between-individual and within-individual changes that occur in human behavior. This is often referred to as individual differences. When this idea is applied to topics of current interest, such as child obesity, variability can take on even more meaning as an important measure of change.

Child obesity is frequently associated with dysfunction of the nervous system, in particular the autonomic nervous system or the one over which individuals have no control (it controls breathing and heart rate). These scientists studied whether children undergoing puberty (preteens and teens) were vulnerable to autonomic nervous system problems, such as decrease of heart rate variability, due to problematic metabolic control associated with obesity.

The study by Chen and colleagues explored the influence of pubertal development on autonomic nervous system function in 84 overweight and obese children and 87 nonobese children. The children’s autonomic nervous system was studied by measuring heart rate variability. Results of the study showed that the overweight or obese children had significantly lower heart rate variability, and this was positively correlated with their physical activity levels. The researchers concluded that obesity adversely affects the autonomic nervous system function of children, especially during puberty, and that obese children should be encouraged to engage in physical activities during puberty to improve their autonomic nervous system function, which may in turn mitigate obesity.

From an applied perspective, the authors suggested that school nurses should be aware of signs of autonomic nervous dysfunction such as fatigue, agitation, and lethargy, especially for pubescent children. The authors also suggested that school nurses might collaborate with physical education teachers to design appropriate physical activity programs and provide a healthy environment suitable for students’ daily activities.

Here’s the complete reference …
Chen, S., Chiu, H., Lee, Y., Sheen, T., \& Jeng, C. (2012). Impact of pubertal development and physical activity on heart rate variability in overweight and obese children in Taiwan. The Journal of School Nursing, 28(4), 284-290.

统计代写|统计入门代写Introduction to Statistics代考|KMA153 What Are Measures of Variability, and Why Are They Used?


统计代写|统计入门代写Introduction to Statistics代考|What Are Measures of Variability, and Why Are They Used?




标准偏差是每个分数与特定分数不同的平均量,即该组分数的平均值或平均值。标准偏差是最常报告的变异性度量。它还用于许多更高级的统计过程,您将在关于统计的 100 个问题(和答案)的后面部分中了解这些过程。


统计代写|统计入门代写Introduction to Statistics代考|What Is an Example of How a Measure of Variability Can Be Used?

TJariability 作为一种构造是一个引人入胜的话题,因为它提供了对人类行为中发生的个体之间和个体内部变化的洞察。这通常被称为个体差异。当这个想法应用于当前感兴趣的主题时,例如儿童肥胖,可变性可以作为衡量变化的重要指标而具有更多意义。


Chen 及其同事的研究探讨了青春期发育对 84 名超重和肥胖儿童以及 87 名非肥胖儿童的自主神经系统功能的影响。通过测量心率变异性来研究儿童的自主神经系统。研究结果表明,超重或肥胖儿童的心率变异性显着降低,这与他们的身体活动水平呈正相关。研究人员得出结论,肥胖对儿童的自主神经系统功能产生不利影响,尤其是在青春期,应鼓励肥胖儿童在青春期进行体育锻炼,以改善其自主神经系统功能,从而减轻肥胖。


Chen, S., Chiu, H., Lee, Y., Sheen, T., \& Jeng, C. (2012)。青春期发育和身体活动对台湾超重和肥胖儿童心率变异性的影响。学校护理杂志,28(4),284-290。

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