电气工程代写|模拟和数字通信代写Analogue and Digital Communications代考|EE179 Historical Developments

如果你也在 怎样代写模拟和数字通信Analogue and Digital Communications EE179这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。模拟和数字通信Analogue and Digital Communications数据传输和数据接收,或者更广泛地说,数据通信或数字通信是在点对点或点对多点的通信渠道上以数字比特流或数字化模拟信号的形式传输和接收数据。这种通道的例子有铜线、光纤、使用无线电频谱的无线通信、存储介质和计算机总线。数据被表示为电磁信号,如电压、辐射波、微波或红外信号。

模拟和数字通信Analogue and Digital Communications模拟传输是一种使用连续信号传递语音、数据、图像、信号或视频信息的方法,该信号的振幅、相位或其他一些属性与变量成比例变化。这些信息或者通过线码以脉冲序列表示(基带传输),或者通过一组有限的连续变化的波形(通带传输),使用数字调制方法。通带调制和相应的解调是由调制解调器设备进行的。根据数字信号最常见的定义,代表比特流的基带和通带信号都被认为是数字传输,而另一种定义只认为基带信号是数字的,而数字数据的通带传输是一种数模转换的形式。

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电气工程代写|模拟和数字通信代写Analogue and Digital Communications代考|EE179 Historical Developments

电气工程代写|模拟和数字通信代写Analogue and Digital Communications代考|Historical Developments

Communication is as fundamental to humans as sleeping, eating and drinking. This is so because we humans are social creatures and the need for communication is essential to our nature.

Early in the development of man, a need was felt for the written word for the purpose of communication. From 3500 to 2500 B.C., the alphabet and writing were developed by various cultures: the Phoenicians developed an alphabet, the Sumerians, cuneiform writing on clay tablets, and the Egyptians developed hieroglyphic writing. Around 1770-1780 B.C., Greeks used a phonetic alphabet written from left to right and by 1400 B.C. the oldest record of writing-on bones-has been found in China. By 900 B.C., the first postal service, for government use, was in place in China. From 500 to 170 B.C., papyrus rolls and early parchments made of dried reeds were developed in Egypt, which were the first portable and light writing surfaces. From 200 B.C. to 100 B.C., human messengers on foot or horseback were common in Egypt and China using messenger relay stations; sometimes, fire messages were used to relay messages from relay station to station instead of humans carrying the messages. Some of the important landmarks in the history of communication, from the engineering point of view, are given below.
200 B.C. to 1000 A.D.
$c$ 105 BC Paper invented in China.
37 Heliography-use of mirrors and use of the Sun’s rays to send messages by the Romans.
c 305 Wooden printing press invented in China.
1000 A.D. to 1800 A.D.
1455 Gutenberg invents a printing press with metal movable type. ${ }^1$
1560 Camera obscure invented.

1714 Typewriter invented.

1793 First telegraph line.

电气工程代写|模拟和数字通信代写Analogue and Digital Communications代考|Analogue Communication: Signals, Systems and Modulation

Communication starts with a signal. ${ }^3$ The simplest method of communication is visual-the policeman standing at an intersection directing traffic with signals. Another level of communication-using technology-is the concept of signals sent via Morse code over telegraph lines and received at a distant post office. This method was very popular during the 1800 s and sending a telegram was the only way to quickly send information over long distances. In the modern context, the signal in electronic communication has come to mean in particular an electrical, information- bearing signal, and the information content is voice, images or text.

The simplest signal is mathematically represented by a function of time which, for example, may be a time-varying message (like a sound signal) converted to a time-varying electrical voltage. Such an electrical signal may be represented by $x(t)$ (or $m(t)$, when we talk about a message signal). If the concept of a signal is not clear here, it will become clearer as you proceed in reading this text.

In an engineering communication system, it is important to note the following steps to convert raw information to the final signal which is made ready for communication, and after the communication process is over, to reconvert the signal back to the raw information:

  1. The raw data or information which we want to transmit-which is generally analogue in nature. Most naturally occurring signals are analogue, like the diurnal temperature or ECG, EEG or voice.
  2. Conversion of the raw information to electrical signals:
    (a) Conversion of the data into electrical signals, perhaps by use of a transducer. The resulting signal we call $m(t)$ for analogue communication.
    (b) Conversion from $m(t)$ to $m[n]$ for digital communication.
  3. Processing $m(t)$ (or $m[n]$ ) by a communication system so that it may be conveniently transmitted over a channel such as
    (a) space or
    (b) electrical wires or
    (c) a fibre optic cable or
    (d) any other medium.
  4. Extraction
    (a) Receiving the signal and extracting the electrical signal $m(t)$ (or $m[n]$ );
    (b) Converting the digital signal, $m[n]$, back to the analogue signal, $\tilde{m}(t) \approx m(t)$ (see Fig. 1.1).

The communication system processes the signal and makes it ‘ready’ for transmission. This process may be done repeatedly so that the final system may be a conglomerate of many subsystems, each of which would perform a specific function. The connection between a signal and a system is diagrammatically represented in Fig. 1.2. The input signal here is $x(t)$ which is processed by the system $H$ to give an output $y(t)$. The relation between the input and output may be written in the most general fashion to be

电气工程代写|模拟和数字通信代写Analogue and Digital Communications代考|EE179 Historical Developments


电气工程代写|模拟和数字通信代写 Analogue and Digital Communications代考|Historical Developments

沟通对人类来说就像睡觉、吃饭和喝水一样重要。之所以如此, 是因为我们人类是社会动物, 交流的需求对 涐们的本性至关重要。
在人类发展的早期, 人们感到需要文字来进行交流。从公元前 3500 年到 2500 年, 字母表和文字是由各种 文化发展起来的: 腓尼基人发展了字母表,苏美尔人发展了在泥板上的楔形文字,埃及人发展了象形文字。
大约在公元前 1770-1780 年, 希腊人使用从左到右书写的语音字母表, 到公元前 1400 年, 在中国发现了
最古老的在骨头上书写的记录。到公元刖 900 年, 中国建主了第一个供政府使用的邮政服务。从公元刖 500 年到 170 年, 埃及开发了纸莎草劵和早期用干芦苇制成的羊皮纸, 这是第一个轻伸的轻伸书写表面。
从公元前 200 年到公元前 100 年, 在埃及和中国, 步行或骑马的人类信使使用信使中继站很常见; 有时,
火火灾信息被用来在中继站之间中继信息, 而不是人类携带信息。从工程的角度来看, 通信史上的一些重要里
公元前 200 年至公元1000年
c公元前105年, 中国发明了纸。
37 Heliography-使用镜子和使用太阳光线来传递罗马人的信息。
c 305 中国发明的木制印刷机。
1455 年古腾堡发明了一元 1800 䄴金金属活字印刷机。1
1560 发明了暗箱。
1793 年第一条电报线。

电气工程代写模拟和数字通信代写Analogue and Digital Communications代考|Analogue Communication: Signals, Systems and Modulation

沟通始于一个信号。 ${ }^3$ 最简单的交流方式是视觉一一警察站在路口指挥交通信号。使用技术的另一个级别的
通信是通过电报线通过麾尔斯电码发送并在远处邮局接收的信号的概念。这种方法在 1800 年代非常流行,
最简单的信号在数学上由时间函数表示, 例如, 可以是转换为时变电压的时变消息 (如声音信号)。这种电 信号可以表示为 $x(t)$ (或者 $m(t)$, 当我们谈论消息信号时)。如果信号的概念在这里不清楚, 随看您继续 阅读本文, 它会变得更加清晰。
在工程通信系统中, 重要的是要注意以下步骤, 将原始信息转换为准备好进行通信的最终信号, 并在通信过 程结束后, 将信号重新转换回原始信息:

  1. 我们想要传输的原始数据或信息通常是模拟的。大多数自然发生的信号都是模拟信号, 如昼夜
  2. 将原始信息转换为电信号:
    (a) 将数据转换为电信号, 可能使用换能器。我们称之为结果信号 $m(t)$ 用于模拟通信。
    (b) 从 $m(t)$ 至 $m[n]$ 用于数字通信。
  3. 加工 $m(t)$ (或者 $m[n])$ 通过通信系统, 以便可以方便地通过诸如
    (a) 空间或
    (b) 电线或
    (c) 光笕或
  4. 提取
    (a) 接收信号并提取电信号 $m(t)$ <或者 $m[n]$;
    (b) 转换数字信号, $m[n]$, 回到模拟信号, $\tilde{m}(t) \approx m(t)$ (见图 1.1)。
    通信系统处理信号并使其“准备好”进行传输。这个过程可以重复进行, 因此最终系统可能是许多子系统的集 合体, 每个子系统都将执行特定的功能。信号和系统之间的连接如图 $1.2$ 所示。这里的输入信号是 $x(t)$ 由系 统处理 $H$ 给出一个输出 $y(t)$. 输入和输出之间的关系可以用最一般的方式写成
电气工程代写|模拟和数字通信代写Analogue and Digital Communications代考

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现代博弈论始于约翰-冯-诺伊曼(John von Neumann)提出的两人零和博弈中的混合策略均衡的观点及其证明。冯-诺依曼的原始证明使用了关于连续映射到紧凑凸集的布劳威尔定点定理,这成为博弈论和数学经济学的标准方法。在他的论文之后,1944年,他与奥斯卡-莫根斯特恩(Oskar Morgenstern)共同撰写了《游戏和经济行为理论》一书,该书考虑了几个参与者的合作游戏。这本书的第二版提供了预期效用的公理理论,使数理统计学家和经济学家能够处理不确定性下的决策。


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