如果你也在 怎样代写OpenCV ECE549这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。OpenCV(Open Source Computer Vision Library)是一个主要针对实时计算机视觉的编程函数库。最初由Intel开发,后来由Willow Garage和 Itseez(后来被 Intel 收购)提供支持。该库是跨平台的,可在开源Apache 2 许可下免费使用。从 2011 年开始,OpenCV 具有用于实时操作的 GPU 加速功能。
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CS代写|OpenCV代写|Converting Between Color-spaces
A color-space is a way of describing colors in an image. The simplest color space is the RGB color space, which just represents the color of every pixel as a Red, a Green, and a Blue value, as red, green, and blue are primary colors and you can create all other colors by combining the three in various proportions. Usually, each “channel” is an 8-bit unsigned integer (with values ranging from 0 to 255); hence, you will find that most color images in OpenCV have the type CV_8UC3. Some common RGB triplets are described in Table 4-4.
Table 4-4. Common RGB triplets
\hline Triplet & Color \
\hline$(255,0,0)$ & Red \
$(0,255,0)$ & Green \
$(0,0,255)$ & Blue \
$(0,0,0)$ & Black \
$(255,255,255)$ & White \
Another color space is grayscale, which is technically not a color space at all, because it discards the color information. All it stores is the intensity at every pixel, often as an 8-bit unsigned integer. There are a lot of other color spaces, and notable among them are YUV, CMYK, and LAB. (You can read about them on Wikipedia.)
As you saw previously, you can load images in either the RGB or grayscale color space by using the CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR and CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE flags, respectively, with imread(). However, if you already have an image loaded up, OpenCV has functions to convert its color space. You might want to convert between color spaces for various reasons. One common reason is that the U and V channels in the YUV color space encode all color information and yet are invariant to illumination or brightness. So if you want to do some processing on your images that needs to be illumination invariant, you should shift to the YUV color space and use the U and $\mathrm{V}$ channels (the Y channel exclusively stores the intensity information). Note that none of the R, G or B channels are illumination invariant.
The function cvtColor() does color space conversion. For example, to convert an RGB image in imgl to a grayscale image you would do:
cvtColor(img1, img2, CV_RGB2GRAY);
CS代写|OpenCV代写|GUI Track-Bars and Callback Functions
This section will introduce you to a very helpful feature of the OpenCV highgui module-track-bars or sliders, and the callback functions necessary to operate them. We will use the slider to convert an image from RGB color to grayscale and vice versa, so hopefully that will also reinforce your concepts of color-space conversions.
Callback Functions
Callback functions are functions that are called automatically when an event occurs. They can be associated with a variety of GUI events in OpenCV, like clicking the left or right mouse button, shifting the slider, and so on. For our color-space conversion application, we will associate a callback function with the shifting of a slider. This function gets called automatically whenever the user shifts the slider. In a nutshell, the function examines the value of the slider and display the image after converting its color-space accordingly. Although this might sound complicated, OpenCV makes it really simple. Let us look at the code in Listing 4-2.
Listing 4-2. Color-space conversion
// Function to change between color and grayscale representations of an image using a GUI trackbar // Author: Samarth Manoj Brahmbhatt, University of Pennsylvania
include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
// Global variables
const int slider_max $=1$;
int slider;
Mat img;
// Callback function for trackbar event
void on_trackbar(int pos, void *)
Mat img_converted;
if $($ pos > 0) cvtColor(img, img_converted, CV_RGB2GRAY);
else img_converted = img;
imshow(“Trackbar app”, img_converted);


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微积分,最初被称为无穷小微积分或 “无穷小的微积分”,是对连续变化的数学研究,就像几何学是对形状的研究,而代数是对算术运算的概括研究一样。
它有两个主要分支,微分和积分;微分涉及瞬时变化率和曲线的斜率,而积分涉及数量的累积,以及曲线下或曲线之间的面积。这两个分支通过微积分的基本定理相互联系,它们利用了无限序列和无限级数收敛到一个明确定义的极限的基本概念 。
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