如果你也在 怎样代写运筹学Operations Research IMSE560这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。运筹学Operations Research(英式英语:operational research),通常简称为OR,是一门研究开发和应用先进的分析方法来改善决策的学科。它有时被认为是数学科学的一个子领域。管理科学一词有时被用作同义词。
运筹学Operations Research采用了其他数学科学的技术,如建模、统计和优化,为复杂的决策问题找到最佳或接近最佳的解决方案。由于强调实际应用,运筹学与许多其他学科有重叠之处,特别是工业工程。运筹学通常关注的是确定一些现实世界目标的极端值:最大(利润、绩效或收益)或最小(损失、风险或成本)。运筹学起源于二战前的军事工作,它的技术已经发展到涉及各种行业的问题。
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数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Employee Scheduling
In contrast to the applications discussed up to this point, the models described in this, and the next section require that all variables are integer. However, since this feature is just a simple addition to the formulation, we have chosen to discuss these models in this chapter.
The employee scheduling model in this section is, in some sense, also an allocation problem. However, it has its own character, so that it justifies its own section. Consider a recurring situation in which employees have to be assigned to shifts. The number of employees required to be on the job varies throughout the day during a variety of time slots. For instance, a bus route will require significant service during the early morning and afternoon rush hours, while there will not be much service during lunch hour or late at night. Similar requirements exist for nurses, pilots, cashiers in grocery stores, and similar scenarios.
The difficulty with this problem is that we are typically not able to hire casual labor whenever needed, but we will have to use permanent employees. Consequently, the objective of the problem is to use the smallest number of employees (a proxy for costs) and still be able to staff the position(s) throughout the day.
In our numerical example, assume that a regular shift is $8 \mathrm{hrs}$ and assume that there are 4-hr time segments during which personnel requirements have been observed. The personnel requirements during the 4-hr time slots are shown in Table $2.12$ using a 24-hr clock.
Assume that shift work can start every $4 \mathrm{hrs}$ at $6 \mathrm{AM}, 10 \mathrm{AM}$, and so forth, and that an employee cannot work on more than one shift. Our decision is then how many employees to hire, who should start their respective shifts at each of these points in time. This means that we can define variables $x_{06}, x_{10}, x_{14}, x_{18}, x_{22}$ and $x_{02}$ as the number of employees who start their shift at $6 \mathrm{AM}, 10 \mathrm{AM}, 2 \mathrm{PM}$, and so forth. The total number of employees required is then the sum of all of these variables. As far as the constraints go, we have to require that a sufficient number of employees is present during each time slot. Consider, for instance, the time slot between 1400 and $1800 \mathrm{hrs}$, during which at least 19 employees are needed. The employees working during this time slot are those whose shift starts at $1000 \mathrm{hrs}$ plus those who start working at $1400 \mathrm{hrs}$. This means that during this time slot $x_{10}+x_{14}$ employees will be working, a number that must be at least 19. Similar constraints have to be formulated for all six-time slots. The formulation can then be written as follows, where again, we ignore the necessary integrality requirements for reasons of simplicity.
数学代写|运筹学代写Operations Research代考|Cutting Stock Problems
In this model, the variables quite naturally must assume integer values. Cutting stock problems (or, alternatively, stock cutting or trim loss problems) are among the early applications of integer linear programming. The first studies concerned paper rolls, whose width is fixed, but which can be cut to desired lengths. The decision maker then has a number of larger rolls of paper of given length, which he has to cut down to smaller rolls that are in demand. This is what is called a one-dimensional problem, as only the length of the rolls is cut.
In order to explain the formulation, suppose that a home improvement store carries wooden rods in a standard profile and width. They presently have two lengths, $12 \mathrm{ft}$ and $10 \mathrm{ft}$. In particular, they have twenty $12 \mathrm{ft}$ rods and twenty-five $10 \mathrm{ft}$ rods in their warehouse. Management anticipates a need for sixty $8 \mathrm{ft}$ rods, forty $5 \mathrm{ft}$ rods, and seventy-five $3 \mathrm{ft}$ rods. In order to obtain the desired lengths, we can either cut existing rods at a cost of $50 \%$ per cut, or purchase new rods at a cost of $\$ 2$, $\$ 1.50$, and $\$ 1.10$ for the $8 \mathrm{ft}, 5 \mathrm{ft}$, and $3 \mathrm{ft}$ rods, respectively.
There are two common types of objectives. Management could either attempt to minimize the waste produced in the process or could minimize the costs incurred in the process. Minimizing waste is a popular option, yet it is nontrivial from a conceptual point of view. A small piece, say a $2 \mathrm{ft}$ rod, cannot be used and is considered a complete waste. A larger piece, say a $4 \mathrm{ft}$ rod, however, while twice the size of a $2 \mathrm{ft}$ rod, but may be no waste at all, as it might be used to satisfy some future demand for $4 \mathrm{ft}$ sizes, even if it is not used in this planning period. Since minimizing waste is really just a proxy for cost, we will simply minimize the total cost incurred in the process.
In order to formulate the problem, it is mandatory that we first devise a cutting plan. A cutting plan will include all meaningful cutting patterns. Patterns that are undesirable, either because they produce too much waste, are too difficult to cut, or for some other reason, are simply not included in the cutting plan.

. Employee Scheduling . Employee Scheduling . Employee Scheduling . Employee调度
这个问题的困难之处在于,我们通常无法在需要的时候雇佣临时工,但我们将不得不使用固定员工。因此,这个问题的目标是使用最小数量的员工(成本的代表),同时仍然能够在一天内为这些职位配备人员。在我们的数值示例中,假设一个常规轮班是$8 \mathrm{hrs}$,并假设在观察人员需求的4小时时间段内。4小时时间段的人员需求如表$2.12$(采用24小时制)所示
假设轮班工作可以在每个$4 \mathrm{hrs}$到$6 \mathrm{AM}, 10 \mathrm{AM}$开始,以此类推,并且一个员工不能在多个班次工作。然后我们决定雇佣多少员工,谁应该在每个时间点开始各自的轮班。这意味着我们可以将变量$x_{06}, x_{10}, x_{14}, x_{18}, x_{22}$和$x_{02}$定义为从$6 \mathrm{AM}, 10 \mathrm{AM}, 2 \mathrm{PM}$开始轮班的员工数量,以此类推。所需的雇员总数是所有这些变量的总和。就限制而言,我们必须要求在每个时间段有足够数量的员工在场。例如,考虑1400到$1800 \mathrm{hrs}$之间的时间段,这期间至少需要19名员工。在这个时间段工作的员工是那些在$1000 \mathrm{hrs}$开始工作的人加上那些在$1400 \mathrm{hrs}$开始工作的人。这意味着在这个时间段$x_{10}+x_{14}$员工将工作,这个数字必须至少是19。所有六个时间段都必须制定类似的约束条件。然后,公式可以写成如下形式,在这里,为了简单起见,我们再次忽略了必要的完整性要求
为了解释这个公式,假设一家家装用品商店出售标准外形和宽度的木棒。它们目前有两个长度,$12 \mathrm{ft}$和$10 \mathrm{ft}$。特别是,他们的仓库里有20个$12 \mathrm{ft}$棒和25个$10 \mathrm{ft}$棒。管理层预计需要60根$8 \mathrm{ft}$棒,40根$5 \mathrm{ft}$棒和75根$3 \mathrm{ft}$棒。为了获得所需的长度,我们可以以每次切割$50 \%$的成本切割现有的棒,或分别以$\$ 2$、$\$ 1.50$和$\$ 1.10$的成本购买$8 \mathrm{ft}, 5 \mathrm{ft}$和$3 \mathrm{ft}$棒。
有两种常见的目标类型。管理人员可以尽量减少过程中产生的浪费,也可以尽量减少过程中产生的成本。减少浪费是一个很受欢迎的选择,但从概念的角度来看,它并非微不足道。一小块,比如$2 \mathrm{ft}$棒,不能使用,被认为是完全的浪费。然而,更大的一块,比如$4 \mathrm{ft}$杆,虽然是$2 \mathrm{ft}$杆的两倍大小,但可能根本不浪费,因为它可能被用来满足未来对$4 \mathrm{ft}$尺寸的一些需求,即使它在这个规划期间没有使用。由于最小化浪费实际上只是成本的一个代表,我们将简单地最小化过程中产生的总成本

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