数学代写|风险管理代写Risk Management代考|OHSS7006 The Regulatory Environment

如果你也在 怎样代写风险管理Risk Management|这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。风险管理Risk Management是对风险(在ISO31000中定义为不确定性对目标的影响)的识别、评估和优先排序,然后对资源进行协调和经济的应用,以最小化、监测和控制不幸事件的概率或影响,或最大限度地实现机会。

风险管理Risk Management 可以来自不同的来源,包括国际市场的不确定性、项目失败的威胁(在设计、开发、生产或维持生命周期的任何阶段)、法律责任、信用风险、事故、自然原因和灾难、对手的蓄意攻击,或不确定或不可预测的根源事件。有两种类型的事件,即负面事件可以归类为风险,而正面事件则归类为机会。风险管理标准由不同的机构制定,包括项目管理协会、国家标准和技术研究所、精算协会和ISO标准。方法、定义和目标因风险管理方法是在项目管理、安全、工程、工业流程、金融组合、精算评估或公共健康和安全的背景下而有很大差异。某些风险管理标准被批评为对风险没有可衡量的改善,而对估计和决定的信心似乎有所增加。

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数学代写|Matlab代考|OHSS7006 The Regulatory Environment

数学代写|风险管理代写Risk Management代考|The Regulatory Environment

So far in this chapter, we have explained how the global environment became riskier as the financial markets were liberalized, and we have charted the consequent growth in risk management products in terms of the types of instrument and the volumes traded. Now it is time to turn our attention back to the regulatory environment.

In 1980 the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act (DIDMCA) marked a major change in regulatory philosophy in the United States. This act was an important step in the deregulation of the banking system, and the liberalization of the economic environment in which banks operate. The act initiated a six-year phase-out period for Regulation $Q$, which had placed a ceiling on the interest rates that banks could offer deposit accounts with check facilities and savings deposits. The act allowed commercial banks to pay interest on accounts with withdrawal rights (the so-called “NOW” accounts).

This trend continued with the 1982 Garn-St. Germain Depository Institution Act (DIA), which allowed banks to offer money market deposit accounts, and the so-called “super-NOW” accounts (i.e., accounts that paid interest but offered limited check-writing privileges).
These regulatory moves opened up the banking industry to further competition from federally chartered thrift institutions, but they also allowed commercial banks to expand by buying failed savings banks. By the late 1970 s and early 1980 s, the numbers of such failed institutions had increased substantially. The main reason was an economic squeeze on banks that held sizable fixed-rate loan portfolios and which had financed these portfolios by means of short-term instruments. The inflationary environment of the 1970 s left such institutions exposed to rising interest rates.

数学代写|风险管理代写Risk Management代考|The Academic Background and Technological Changes

Risk management cannot be understood independently of the body of academic research published on risk management techniques and derivative valuation that has evolved since the early 1950 s. A common deficiency in risk management systems and policy proposals is the lack of a firm theoretical foundation (and therefore consistency).
In this section we review some of the key theories and models, and show how they relate to the development of approaches to risk management in banking. However, it is worth making clear at the outset that the theoretical work on risk management is based on many simplifying assumptions, and that the implementation of theoretical work is not always straightforward. Real life is complicated and is composed of many details that models cannot, and maybe should not, accommodate. Instead, the role of models is often to simplify complicated structures and to highlight the most important factors. A “good” financial model is one that helps the analyst separate out the major explanatory variables from a noisy background.
Milton Friedman, in his seminal article “The Methodology of Positive Economics” (1953), emphasizes that a model can be only evaluated in terms of its predictive power. It cannot be evaluated in terms of the assumptions employed, or in terms of whether the model seems to be sufficiently complicated to capture all the relevant details from “real life.” In other words, a model can be simple, and yet be judged successful if it helps in predicting the future and in improving the efficiency of the decision-making process.

The word “risk” has many meanings and connotations. It is widely used by professional traders, risk managers, and the public. Many articles in newspapers and magazines talk about risky and choppy markets. They warn their readers from investing “too much” in “risky assets,” and they wonder whether financial markets have become “too risky” and volatile. A proliferation of names has emerged to describe the various risks: business risk, financial risk, market risk, liquidity risk, default risk, systematic risk, specific risk, residual risk, credit risk, counterparty risk, operations risk, settlement risk, country risk, portfolio risk, systemic risk, legal risk, reputational risk, and more.

数学代写|Matlab代考|OHSS7006 The Regulatory Environment


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