如果你也在 怎样代写云计算Cloud Computing INFT3060这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。云计算Cloud Computing是指按需提供计算机系统资源,特别是数据存储(云存储)和计算能力,而无需用户直接主动管理。大型云通常有分布在多个地点的功能,每个地点是一个数据中心。云计算依靠资源共享来实现一致性,通常采用 “现收现付 “的模式,这有助于减少资本支出,但也可能导致用户的意外运营支出。
云计算Cloud Computing公共云和混合云的倡导者声称,云计算使企业能够避免或最大限度地减少前期的IT基础设施成本。支持者还声称,云计算使企业能够更快地启动和运行他们的应用程序,提高可管理性,减少维护,它使IT团队能够更迅速地调整资源,以满足波动和不可预测的需求,提供突发计算能力:在某些需求高峰期的高计算能力。
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CS代写|云计算代写Cloud Computing代考|Defifinition of Cloud Computing
There are several definitions of cloud computing. There are many definitions of what cloud computing is.
Wikipedia: Cloud computing is an Internet-based computing method. In this way, shared hardware and software resources and information can be provided to computers and other devices on demand, just like water and electricity for everyday use, paid for on demand, without caring about their source. National Institute of Standards and Technology, NIST: Cloud computing is a pay-per-use model that provides usable, convenient, on-demand network access to configurable computing resource sharing pools (resources including storage, software, services) that can be delivered quickly with minimal administrative effort or little interaction with service providers.
In the past, engineers used to use clouds to abstractly describe telecommunications networks or the Internet and underlying infrastructure when drawing pictures. The name of cloud computing has an inextricable origin. The “cloud” in cloud computing can be seen as a vast pool of IT resources where users can purchase the services they need on demand and pay for what they use.
Cloud computing is a broad concept, not a specific technology or standard, different people from different perspectives will have different understanding, there is no authoritative definition.
The definition of cloud computing by analysts
Early Merrill Lynch argued that cloud computing was the use of the Internet to run personal applications (E-mail, document processing, and presentations) and commercial applications (sales management, customer service, and financial management) on centrally managed servers. By sharing resources from these servers, such as storage and processing power, resources can be used more efficiently and costs can be reduced by $80 \%$ to $90 \%$. Information Week, on the other hand, defines cloud computing more broadly: cloud computing is an environment in which any IT resource can be delivered as a service. The media is also interested in cloud computing. The Wall Street Journal, America’s bestselling magazine, is also keeping a close eye on the evolution of cloud computing. It argues that cloud computing enables enterprises to gain computing power, storage space, software applications, and data from very large data centers over the Internet. Customers pay only for the resources they use when necessary, avoiding the huge costs of building their own data centers and purchasing servers and storage devices.
The definition of cloud computing by enterprises
IBM believes that cloud computing is a computing style based on the delivery of services, software, and processing power over public or private networks. Cloud computing focuses on the user experience, with the core separating the delivery of computing services from the underlying technology. Cloud computing is also a way to share infrastructure, using pools of resources to connect public or private networks together to provide IT services to users. Eric Schmidt, Google’s former CEO, argues that cloud computing distributes computing and data across a large number of distributed computers, making computing and storage capabilities highly scalable and allowing users to easily access applications and services over the network through a variety of access methods, such as computers and mobile phones. Its important feature is open, there will not be an enterprise can control and monopolize it. According to Kaifu Li, a former global vice president at Google, the entire Internet is a beautiful cloud where Internet users need to easily connect to any device, access any information, create content freely, and share it with friends. Cloud computing is based on open standards and services, the Internet as the center, to provide secure, fast, and convenient data storage and network computing services, so that the Internet “cloud”‘ is to become every Netizen’s data center and computing center. Cloud computing is actually Google’s business model, and Google has been working hard to promote the concept.
CS代写|云计算代写Cloud Computing代考|The Emergence and Development of Cloud Computing
The origin of cloud computing can be traced back to the concept of utility computing proposed by John McCarthy in 1961. He mentioned: “If the kind of computer I am advocating becomes the computer of the future, then the computer may one day be organized into a public facility like a telephone system…Computer facilities may become the basis of a new and important industry.” Contains the initial thoughts of cloud computing. In the late $1990 \mathrm{~s}$, Salesforce took the lead in providing remote customized services to enterprises. In 2002, Amazon started operating the Amazon Web Services (AWS) platform, providing enterprises with services such as remotely customized storage, computing resources, and business functions. In 2006, Eric Schmidt, the CEO of Google, proposed the concept of “cloud computing.”
In fact, the emergence of cloud computing is not isolated, but the product of the development of computer technology and communication technology to a certain stage. Cloud computing technology is the product of a collection of various technologies.
There is a view that cloud computing is equivalent to the “Internet + computing” model, and the history of cloud computing is the history of the development of the Internet and computing models. So let’s briefly review the development history of the two.

CS代写|云计算代写Cloud Computing代考|云计算的定义
早期的美林证券(Merrill Lynch)认为云计算是使用互联网在集中管理的服务器上运行个人应用程序(电子邮件、文档处理和演示)和商业应用程序(销售管理、客户服务和财务管理)。通过共享来自这些服务器的资源(例如存储和处理能力),可以更有效地使用资源,并通过$80 \%$到$90 \%$降低成本。另一方面,《信息周刊》对云计算的定义更为宽泛:云计算是一种环境,在这种环境中,任何IT资源都可以作为服务交付。媒体也对云计算感兴趣。美国最畅销的杂志《华尔街日报》也在密切关注云计算的发展。它认为云计算使企业能够通过互联网从非常大的数据中心获得计算能力、存储空间、软件应用程序和数据。客户只为他们在必要时使用的资源付费,避免了建立自己的数据中心和购买服务器和存储设备的巨大成本
IBM认为云计算是一种基于在公共或私有网络上提供服务、软件和处理能力的计算风格。云计算关注用户体验,其核心是将计算服务的交付与底层技术分离。云计算也是一种共享基础设施的方式,使用资源池将公共或私有网络连接在一起,为用户提供IT服务。谷歌前首席执行官埃里克•施密特(Eric Schmidt)认为,云计算将计算和数据分布在大量分布式计算机上,使计算和存储能力具有高度可扩展性,并允许用户通过各种访问方式(如计算机和移动电话)通过网络轻松访问应用程序和服务。它的重要特征是开放性,没有任何一个企业可以控制和垄断它。谷歌前全球副总裁李开复表示,整个互联网是一个美丽的云,互联网用户需要轻松连接任何设备,访问任何信息,自由创建内容,并与朋友分享。云计算是以开放的标准和服务为基础,以互联网为中心,提供安全、快速、方便的数据存储和网络计算服务,使互联网“云”成为每一个网民的数据中心和计算中心。云计算实际上是谷歌的商业模式,谷歌一直在努力推广这一概念
.云计算 .云计算 .云计算 .云计算 云计算的起源可以追溯到John McCarthy在1961年提出的效用计算的概念。他提到:“如果我所倡导的这种计算机成为未来的计算机,那么有一天,计算机可能被组织成像电话系统一样的公共设施……计算机设施可能成为一个新的重要产业的基础。”包含云计算的最初思想。在$1990 \mathrm{~s}$后期,Salesforce率先为企业提供远程定制服务。2002年,亚马逊开始运营Amazon Web Services (AWS)平台,为企业提供远程定制存储、计算资源和业务功能等服务。2006年,谷歌的CEO埃里克·施密特(Eric Schmidt)提出了“云计算”的概念。

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