如果你也在 怎样代写博弈论Game theory ECON7062这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。博弈论Game theory在20世纪50年代被许多学者广泛地发展。它在20世纪70年代被明确地应用于进化论,尽管类似的发展至少可以追溯到20世纪30年代。博弈论已被广泛认为是许多领域的重要工具。截至2020年,随着诺贝尔经济学纪念奖被授予博弈理论家保罗-米尔格伦和罗伯特-B-威尔逊,已有15位博弈理论家获得了诺贝尔经济学奖。约翰-梅纳德-史密斯因其对进化博弈论的应用而被授予克拉福德奖。
博弈论Game theory是对理性主体之间战略互动的数学模型的研究。它在社会科学的所有领域,以及逻辑学、系统科学和计算机科学中都有应用。最初,它针对的是两人的零和博弈,其中每个参与者的收益或损失都与其他参与者的收益或损失完全平衡。在21世纪,博弈论适用于广泛的行为关系;它现在是人类、动物以及计算机的逻辑决策科学的一个总称。
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经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|Games in Strategic Form
In this chapter we start with the systematic development of non-cooperative game theory. Its most basic model is the game in strategic form, the topic of this chapter. The available actions of each player, called strategies, are assumed as given. The players choose their strategies simultaneously and independently, and receive individual payoffs that represent their preferences for strategy profiles (combinations of strategies).
For two players, a game in strategic form is a table where one player chooses a row and the other player a column, with two payoffs in each cell of the table. We present a number of standard games such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma, the Quality game, Chicken, the Battle of the Sexes, and Matching Pennies.
The central concept of equilibrium is a profile of strategies that are mutual best responses. A game may have one, several, or no equilibria. As shown in Chapter 6, allowing for mixed (randomized) strategies will ensure that every finite game has an equilibrium, as shown by Nash (1951). An equilibrium without randomization as considered in the present chapter is also known as a pure Nash equilibrium.
A strategy dominates another strategy if the player strictly prefers it for any fixed strategies of the other players. Dominated strategies are never played in equilibrium and can therefore be eliminated from the game. If iterated elimination of dominated strategies results in a unique strategy profile, the game is called dominance solvable. We illustrate this with the “Cournot duopoly” of quantity competition. (In Section $4.7$ in Chapter 4, we will change this game to a commitment game, known as Stackelberg leadership.)
经济代写|博弈论代考Game theory代写|Prerequisites and Learning Outcomes
This is a first core chapter of the book. The previous Chapter 2 has introduced the concepts of strategies and equilibrium for the special congestion games and is therefore useful but not a prerequisite. We deal mostly with finite sets. You should be thoroughly familiar with Cartesian products $S_1 \times \cdots \times S_N$ of sets $S_1, \ldots, S_N$. The Cournot game on intervals is analyzed with basic calculus.
After studying this chapter, you should
- know the components of a game in strategic form: strategies, strategy profiles, and payoffs;
- be able to write down and correctly interpret tables for two-player games;
- understand the concept of an equilibrium, use this term correctly (and its plural “equilibria”), and know how it relates to strategies, partial strategy profiles, and best responses;
- be familiar with common $2 \times 2$ games such as the Prisoner’s Dilemma or the Stag Hunt, and understand how they differ;
- know the difference between dominance and weak dominance and why dominated strategies can be eliminated in a complete equilibrium analysis but weakly dominated strategies cannot;
- know the Cournot quantity game, also when strategy sets are real intervals;
- understand symmetry in games with two players and more than two players.
这是本书的第一个核心章节。前面的第二章已经介绍了特殊拥堵对策的策略和均衡的概念,因此是有用的,但不是先决条件。我们主要处理有限集。你们应该非常熟悉笛卡尔积$S_1 \times \cdots \times S_N$和集合$S_1, \ldots, S_N$。利用微积分基础分析了区间上的古诺对策。学习完本章,你应该
- 了解策略性游戏的组成部分:
- 理解均衡的概念,正确使用这个术语(以及它的复数形式“均衡”),并知道它如何与策略、部分策略概要和最佳对策相联系;
- 熟悉常见的$2 \times 2$游戏,如囚徒困境或猎鹿,
- 知道优势和弱优势之间的区别,以及为什么劣势策略可以在完全均衡分析中被淘汰,而弱劣势策略不能被淘汰;
- 知道古诺数量对策,当策略集是实区间时也是如此;
- 理解两个参与者和两个以上参与者博弈中的对称性
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