电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|KIT208 BEHAV IOURAL INTERFACES

如果你也在 怎样代写虚拟现实Virtual Reality KIT208这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。虚拟现实Virtual Reality是一种模拟的体验,可以与现实世界相似或完全不同。虚拟现实的应用包括娱乐(特别是视频游戏)、教育(如医疗或军事训练)和商业(如虚拟会议)。其他不同类型的VR式技术包括增强现实和混合现实,有时被称为扩展现实或XR,尽管由于行业的新生,目前的定义正在改变。

虚拟现实Virtual Reality目前,标准的虚拟现实系统使用虚拟现实头盔或多投影环境来产生逼真的图像、声音和其他感觉,模拟用户在虚拟环境中的物理存在。使用虚拟现实设备的人能够环视人造世界,在其中移动,并与虚拟功能或物品互动。这种效果通常是由头戴式显示器组成的VR头盔创造的,在眼睛前面有一个小屏幕,但也可以通过专门设计的房间和多个大屏幕来创造。虚拟现实通常包含听觉和视频反馈,但也可能通过触觉技术允许其他类型的感官和力反馈。

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电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|KIT208 BEHAV IOURAL INTERFACES

电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|BEHAV IOURAL INTERFACES

For years (Fuchs, 1996), we have been using the term behavioural interfaces rather than using hardware interfaces or man-machine interfaces (MMI) to correctly differentiate between the two. In fact, the boom of special interfaces for virtual reality in the 90 s made it possible to anticipate a new approach of interfacing between a human and an artificial device. As we have already mentioned, it was not about establishing a communication between man and a machine (machine-tool, computer, etc.), which comes under MMI, but carrying out activities in a virtual world, by using, if possible, human behaviour in the real world. Hence our definition:

Behavioural interface depends on a device that uses the motricity or perceptions of man resulting from his behaviour in the real world.

Theoretically, the “sensory interfaces” are designed to transfer the sensory stimuli from computer to man while the “motor interfaces” are designed to transfer motor responses from man to computer. Some sensorimotor interfaces transfer motor responses and, in response, the sensory stimuli are sent by the computer (force feedback interfaces).

How should the interfaces transfer sensory stimuli and motor responses? and

How to use them for an effective behavioural interfacing?
Let’s first analyse the technical aspect of these questions. The hardware design of a behavioural interfaces starts with the choice of physical phenomenon that is be used. The quality criteria for the interface are similar to those of a measuring unit: technical and economical feasibility, as well as efficient metrological characteristics (accuracy, repeatability, resolution, bandwidth, response time, etc.). They are explained in detail in the chapters covering technical devices for each category of interface. In general, the metrological characteristics are efficient if they correspond to the nominal capacities of human senses or motor responses. In each chapter on interfaces, we will specify whether there are correspondences between the human capacities and technical characteristics of the interfaces. However, we can already state that the metrological characteristics of almost all interfaces, except for the audio interfaces, are much less than the rated human sensorimotor capacities. We can schematise the transmission of signals from a computer to the brain and vice versa. For example, in figure $2.3$ the computer transfers stimuli to the brain via eyes (vision), via skin receptors (touch) and receptors in the muscles (proprioception). In figure 2.4, man acts using his hand and by moving his eyes. It is thus necessary to design such interfaces on the basis of a suitable physical phenomenon. We can note the difference in design for the special case of “biosensors”, interfaces recording the efferent nervous activity. These special interfaces do not directly detect the human motor responses, but the biological signals of orders coming from the brain and reaching the corresponding ocular or skeletal muscles. Laboratories offer devices that measure the small differences of potential on the skin surface. These interfaces can be used only by specialists in the medical field.

电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|Transparency of an interface

An important point in the design of a behavioural interface is its transparency: It is the interface’s capacity to become transparent (not perceived) for the user when he is using that interface. This notion of transparency, which is important in virtual reality, can be studied at various levels.

Interface is transparent at the physical level if it does not physically disturb the user much or at all, mainly in his movements. To achieve this objective, the hardware interface designers use, if possible, the physical phenomena that make it possible to transfer Sensory Stimuli (SS) or Motor Responses (MR) without hardware support between man and the machine. This objective often directs the interface design to the suitable physical phenomena. For example, we can note that most of the location sensors use the physical principles without hardware support (light, electromagnetic fields, sound waves, etc.). Without hardware support, the interface can be farthest from the user to give him more freedom of movement: for example, for the SS of vision, the screen can be placed at a few centimetres (head-mounted display), at a few meters (computer screen) or at a few decametres (screen in a room). Hence, there can be two categories of hardware interfaces:

  • Interfaces that do not require hardware support (without hs) for transmission and
  • Interfaces that require hardware support (with hs) for transmission.
电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|KIT208 BEHAV IOURAL INTERFACES


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多年来(Fuchs, 1996),我们一直使用行为接口这个术语,而不是使用硬件接口或人机接口(MMI)来正确区分两者。事实上,90年代虚拟现实专用接口的蓬勃发展,使人们有可能预见到人类和人工设备之间接口的新方法。正如我们已经提到的,它不是关于建立人与机器(机床、计算机等)之间的通信(这属于MMI),而是通过在现实世界中使用人类行为(如果可能的话)在虚拟世界中进行活动。因此我们的定义是:

行为界面依赖于一种设备,该设备利用人在现实世界中的行为产生的动力或感知 从理论上讲,“感觉界面”的设计是为了将计算机的感觉刺激传递给人,而“运动界面”的设计是为了将人的运动反应传递给计算机。一些感觉运动接口传递运动响应,作为响应,感觉刺激由计算机发送(力反馈接口) 界面如何传递感官刺激和运动反应?和


电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考|接口透明度

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  • 不需要硬件支持(不带hs)的接口和
  • 需要硬件支持(带hs)的接口
电子代写|虚拟现实代写Virtual Reality代考

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