电子代写|编译器代写Compilers代考|CSC412 Data Elements

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电子代写|编译器代写Compilers代考|CSC412 Data Elements

电子代写|编译器代写Compilers代考|Data Elements

One of the basic building blocks of a programming language is the set of primitive data elements to which operators can be applied, and out of which more complex data structures can be built. This section introduces the typical data elements provided by most programming languages. The next section discusses methods of grouping these data elements into data structures and the following section discusses the operators which can be applied to these data elements.

There is considerable variation among programming languages in the sets of basic data elements. The ones commonly found are the following.

Numerical data. These include integers, reals, complex numbers, and multiple precision versions of these types.

Logical data. Most languages have a logical (Boolean) data type and/or a bit string data type. Either can be subjected to the logical operations (and, or, not).

Character data. Some languages permit characters and strings of characters as a data type. These strings may be of fixed length or, in more versatile languages, their length may vary during computation.

Pointers. These are data elements whose values are other data elements. While the syntax may vary, the general idea is that we may write statement $P:=\operatorname{addr}(X)$ to mean that $P$ will now point to $X$, that is, $P$ ‘s value will be the variable $\mathrm{X}$. We may then write $\mathrm{Y}:=* \mathrm{P}$ to mean that the value of $\mathrm{Y}$ is to become the value of the object pointed to by $\mathrm{P}$ (X in this case). Pointers are useful in allowing the programmer to create his own data structures, although their indiscriminate use can make programs hard to read or debug, just as the indiscriminate use of goto’s does.

Labels. In some languages, data whose value is a statement or position in the program is permitted.

We assume that the reader is familiar with the use and usual computer implementation of these basic data elements. Figure $2.3$ shows some of the data types that may be defined in four common programming languages.

电子代写|编译器代写Compilers代考|Identifiers and Names

On the logical level, each programming language manipulates and uses objects (or values), which are data elements such as integers or reals, or are more complex items such as arrays or procedures. It is customary to view the computer as consisting of an abstract store, consisting of cells in which a value of any type may be kept. Each cell has a name, which is usually a variable of the programming language. Each name, in turn, is denoted by an identifier, which is a string of characters. The set of legal identifiers varies from language to language; letters followed by sequences of letters and/or digits is typical. The same identifier may denote different names at different places in the program or at different times during execution. For example, WINK may be an identifier found in declarations in several different subroutines, and in each subroutine a different name is denoted by WINK.

The distinction between identifiers and names may appear subtle and, in fact, we shall often refer to identifier WINK as a name if the particular name denoted by this instance of WINK is understood or irrelevant. However, there are times when the distinction must be made, for example, when we discuss scopes of names in Section 2.10.

Each name possesses a value and attributes. On the logical or abstract level, a value is the contents of the placeholder with that name. This value may be numerical, or it could be an input-output relationship if the name is a procedure, for example. The attributes of a name determine the possible values that the name may have, the operations that may be applied to the value, and the effect of those operations. We shall discuss the important kinds of attributes shortly.

On the implementation level, a name is represented by a portion of the computer’s memory, a bit, byte, word, or several words. This location contains a sequence of bits indicating the value of the name, and sometimes a data descriptor (or dope vector), which indicates how the bit string is to be decoded. The data descriptor is necessary for data whose size, shape, or type changes while the computer is running. Examples are variable length character strings and arrays whose size is adjustable.

It is important to note that a name may represent different locations at different times as the program is running. For example, a recursive procedure in which an integer NUM is declared may have several instances of NUM in memory at once during the running of the program. The name NUM refers to the location of the most recently activated instance.

电子代写|编译器代写Compilers代考|CSC412 Data Elements


电子代写|编译器代写compiler代考|Data Elements





逻辑数据。大多数语言都有逻辑(布尔)数据类型和/或位字符串数据类型。两者都可以服从逻辑操作(and, or, not)


指针。这些数据元素的值是其他数据元素。虽然语法可能有所不同,但总的思想是,我们可以编写语句$P:=\operatorname{addr}(X)$来表示$P$现在将指向$X$,也就是说,$P$的值将是变量$\mathrm{X}$。然后我们可以写$\mathrm{Y}:=* \mathrm{P}$,这意味着$\mathrm{Y}$的值将成为$\mathrm{P}$(在本例中是X)所指向的对象的值。指针在允许程序员创建自己的数据结构方面很有用,尽管不加区分地使用它们会使程序难以读取或调试,就像不加区分地使用goto一样



电子代写|编译器代写Compilers代考|Identifiers and Names





在实现层,名称由计算机内存的一部分表示,如位、字节、字或几个字。该位置包含指示名称值的位序列,有时还包含指示如何解码位串的数据描述符(或dope vector)。对于在计算机运行时其大小、形状或类型发生变化的数据,数据描述符是必需的。例如可变长度的字符串和大小可调的数组



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