物理代写|固体力学代写Solid Mechanics代考|PHY-558 Band filling: metals, insulators, semiconductors

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物理代写|固体力学代写Solid Mechanics代考|PHY-558 Band filling: metals, insulators, semiconductors

物理代写|固体力学代写Solid Mechanics代考|Band filling: metals, insulators, semiconductors

Before developing a theory more rigorous than the nearly free electron one, we address another important qualitative question which is inherently linked to the actual existence of a band structure, namely: how are the allowed states populated by electrons? To answer, it is useful to adopt the kind of band representation shown in figure 8.3.

Let us suppose that the crystal is in thermal equilibrium at temperature $T=0 \mathrm{~K}$ and that a total number $N_{\text {val }}$ of valence electrons are available: we want to elaborate a procedure for filling the allowed bands. In order to do so, we must operate under the Pauli principle: the maximum number of electrons that we can accommodate on each level is equal to double the degree of degeneracy of that $\operatorname{level}^3$, since only up to two electrons with opposite spin can correspond to the same quantum state labelled by the given pair of band index $n$ and wavevector $\mathbf{k}$. Accordingly, we start by placing the maximum possible number of electrons on the lowest level of the lowest allowed band. Having filled the first level, we pass to the second one of that same band, arranging the electrons with similar criteria as before. Then we proceed in the same way for all the other levels of the first band until it is completely filled. At this point, in order to place the remaining electrons, we have to pass directly to the second band, since no states are available in the forbidden gap separating the first band from the second one. By repeating the same procedure as in the previous case, the valence electrons are eventually used. As in the case of the free electron gas, the energy $E_{\mathrm{F}}$ of the highest occupied level in this $T=0 \mathrm{~K}$ condition will be referred to as Fermi level.

The intriguing point is that, if we consider the position of the Fermi level, only two possible cases are given: either (i) $E_{\mathrm{F}}$ falls within the last (that is: highest in energy) band or (ii) $E_{\mathrm{F}}$ coincides with the upmost level of the last band. The situation is pictorially summarised in figure 8.3. The two cases are inherently different since the last band is either partially or completely occupied and, therefore, according to the position of the Fermi level we distinguish between metals (first case) and non-metallic materials (second case). While this distinction could appear as mostly conventional, we can motivate it by a simple qualitative argument addressing the charge transport shifts the electron distribution similarly to the case of a free electron gas (see figure 7.9) simply because there are vacant states just above $E_{\mathrm{F}}$ : this generates a crystalline quantum state able to carry electric current. On the other hand, in the case of a totally filled last band an applied electric field is unable to promote electrons above $E_{\mathrm{F}}$ since the energy it provides is not large enough to bypass the energy gap: in this condition the material is an insulator. There are, however, solids whose energy gap between the last fully occupied band and the first empty one is sufficiently small that at any finite temperature some electrons are thermally excited to the upper band. The graphical rendering of the situation is reported in figure 8.4. These materials are, therefore, insulators at zero temperature and (poor) conductors at $T>0 \mathrm{~K}$ : they are named semiconductors.

物理代写|固体力学代写Solid Mechanics代考|The quantum (Sommerfeld) theory of the conduction gas

The main source of failure of the Drude theory lies in fact that the electrons have been treated classically. The next obvious step in improving our theory, is, therefore, to apply quantum mechanics to the conduction gas.Let us consider a metal specimen at zero temperature. Since its bulk properties do not depend on the shape, for mathematical convenience we will consider a cubic sample with side $L$ and faces normal to the $x, y$, and $z$ Cartesian axes. The singleparticle wavefunction for any (free and independent) electron of the conduction gas is obtained by solving the Schrödinger equation

-\frac{\hbar^2}{2 m_{\mathrm{e}}} \nabla^2 \psi(\mathbf{r})=E \psi(\mathbf{r}),
where $E$ is the electron energy. By imposing the Born-von Karman condition stated in equation (1.4), we easily get the normalised wavefunction
\psi_{\mathbf{k}}(\mathbf{r})=\frac{1}{L^{3 / 2}} \exp (i \mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r})=\frac{1}{\sqrt{V}} \exp (i \mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r}),
where $V=L^3$ is the system volume and the electron wavevector $\mathbf{k}$ has the following Cartesian components ${ }^{11}$
k_x=\frac{2 \pi}{L} \xi_x \quad k_x=\frac{2 \pi}{L} \xi_y \quad k_x=\frac{2 \pi}{L} \xi_z,
with $\xi_x, \xi_y, \xi_z=0, \pm 1, \pm 2, \pm 3, \ldots$ We stress that (i) the free electron wavefunction given in equation (7.23) has been labelled by $\mathbf{k}$ which plays the role of a quantum number for the crystalline states ${ }^{12}$, (ii) the wavefunction given in equation (7.23) does obey the Bloch theorem discussed in section 6.3: in this specific case we simply have $u_{\mathbf{k}}(\mathbf{r})=1$. The electron energy is
E=\frac{\hbar^2 k^2}{2 m_{\mathrm{e}}}=\frac{\hbar^2}{2 m_{\mathrm{e}}}\left(k_x^2+k_y^2+k_z^2\right),
a result which makes quite evident the function of quantum numbers associated with $k_x, k_y$, and $k_z$. By using the quantum mechanical operator $\hat{\mathbf{p}}=-i \hbar \nabla$, we easily obtain the electron momentum
\mathbf{p}=\hbar \mathbf{k},
and the corresponding electron velocity $\mathbf{v}=\hbar \mathbf{k} / m_{\mathrm{e}}$.

物理代写|固体力学代写Solid Mechanics代考|PHY-558 Band filling: metals, insulators, semiconductors


物理代写|固体力学代写Solid Mechanics代考|带填充:金属,绝缘体,半导体


让我们假设晶体在温度$T=0 \mathrm{~K}$处处于热平衡状态,总有$N_{\text {val }}$个价电子可用:我们想要详细说明一个填满允许带的程序。为了做到这一点,我们必须遵循泡利原理:我们在每一能级上所能容纳的最大电子数等于$\operatorname{level}^3$简并度的两倍,因为只有两个自旋相反的电子才能对应由给定的带索引$n$和波矢量$\mathbf{k}$标记的相同量子态。因此,我们首先把尽可能多的电子放在最低允许带的最低层上。填满第一层后,我们进入同一波段的第二层,按照类似的标准排列电子。然后我们用同样的方法处理第一个带的所有其他层,直到它完全被填满。在这一点上,为了放置剩下的电子,我们必须直接通过第二带,因为在第一带和第二带之间的禁止间隙中没有可用的状态。通过重复前面例子中相同的过程,最终使用了价电子。与自由电子气体的情况一样,在这个$T=0 \mathrm{~K}$条件下,最高占据能级的能量$E_{\mathrm{F}}$将被称为费米能级

有趣的是,如果我们考虑费米能级的位置,只给出了两种可能的情况:要么(i) $E_{\mathrm{F}}$落在最后一个(即:能量最高的)带内,要么(ii) $E_{\mathrm{F}}$与最后一个带的最高能级重合。这种情况如图8.3所示。这两种情况本质上是不同的,因为最后一个带要么被部分占据,要么被完全占据,因此,根据费米能级的位置,我们区分金属(第一种情况)和非金属材料(第二种情况)。虽然这种区别看起来很传统,但我们可以通过一个简单的定性论证来激发它,该论证解决了电荷传输改变电子分布的问题,类似于自由电子气体的情况(见图7.9),仅仅因为$E_{\mathrm{F}}$上方有空态:这产生了一个能够携带电流的晶体量子态。另一方面,在最后一个带完全充满的情况下,外加电场不能促进电子在$E_{\mathrm{F}}$以上,因为它提供的能量不够大,不足以绕过能量间隙:在这种情况下,材料是绝缘体。然而,有些固体的最后一个满带和第一个空带之间的能隙非常小,以至于在任何有限的温度下,一些电子被热激发到上面的带。该情况的图形呈现如图8.4所示。因此,这些材料在零温度下是绝缘体,在$T>0 \mathrm{~K}$处是(差)导体:它们被称为半导体

物理代写|固体力学代写Solid Mechanics代考|传导气体的量子(Sommerfeld)理论

德鲁德理论失败的主要原因在于电子被经典地处理了。因此,要改进我们的理论,下一步显然是将量子力学应用于传导气体。让我们考虑一个在零温度下的金属试样。由于其体积性质不依赖于形状,为了便于计算,我们将考虑一个三次样本,其边长为$L$,面垂直于$x, y$和$z$的笛卡尔轴。通过求解Schrödinger方程,得到了传导气体中任意(自由和独立)电子的单粒子波函数

-\frac{\hbar^2}{2 m_{\mathrm{e}}} \nabla^2 \psi(\mathbf{r})=E \psi(\mathbf{r}),
其中$E$是电子能量。引入式(1.4)所示的Born-von Karman条件,我们很容易得到归一化波函数
\psi_{\mathbf{k}}(\mathbf{r})=\frac{1}{L^{3 / 2}} \exp (i \mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r})=\frac{1}{\sqrt{V}} \exp (i \mathbf{k} \cdot \mathbf{r}),
其中$V=L^3$是系统体积和电子波矢$\mathbf{k}$有以下笛卡尔分量${ }^{11}$
k_x=\frac{2 \pi}{L} \xi_x \quad k_x=\frac{2 \pi}{L} \xi_y \quad k_x=\frac{2 \pi}{L} \xi_z,
with $\xi_x, \xi_y, \xi_z=0, \pm 1, \pm 2, \pm 3, \ldots$我们强调(i)式(7.23)中给出的自由电子波函数被$\mathbf{k}$标记,它扮演晶体态的量子数的角色${ }^{12}$,(ii)式(7.23)中给出的波函数符合第6.3节中讨论的布洛赫定理:在这种具体情况下,我们只需得到$u_{\mathbf{k}}(\mathbf{r})=1$。电子能量
E=\frac{\hbar^2 k^2}{2 m_{\mathrm{e}}}=\frac{\hbar^2}{2 m_{\mathrm{e}}}\left(k_x^2+k_y^2+k_z^2\right),
,这个结果很明显地说明了与$k_x, k_y$和$k_z$相关的量子数的函数。利用量子力学算符$\hat{\mathbf{p}}=-i \hbar \nabla$,我们很容易得到电子动量
\mathbf{p}=\hbar \mathbf{k},
和相应的电子速度$\mathbf{v}=\hbar \mathbf{k} / m_{\mathrm{e}}$ .

物理代写|固体力学代写Solid Mechanics代考

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