如果你也在 怎样代写焊接原理Welding Principle WLD270这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。焊接原理Welding Principle是一种连接材料的制造工艺,通常是金属或热塑性塑料,通过使用高热将部件融化在一起,然后让它们冷却,造成融合。焊接不同于低温技术,如钎焊和焊接,后者不熔化基本金属(母体金属)。
焊接原理Welding Principle除了熔化母体金属,填充材料通常被添加到接头处,形成一个熔融材料池(焊缝池),冷却后形成一个接头,根据焊缝结构(对接、完全渗透、圆角等),可以比母体材料更强。压力也可以与热量一起使用,或者本身就可以用来产生焊缝。焊接也需要某种形式的屏蔽,以保护填充金属或熔化的金属不被污染或氧化。许多不同的能源可用于焊接,包括气体火焰(化学)、电弧(电)、激光、电子束、摩擦和超声波。虽然通常是一个工业过程,但焊接可以在许多不同的环境中进行,包括在露天、水下和外太空中。焊接是一项危险的工作,需要采取预防措施,以避免烧伤、电击、视力损伤、吸入有毒气体和烟雾,以及暴露在强烈的紫外线辐射下。
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物理代写|焊接原理代写Welding Principle代考|Tank and Pressure Vessel Construction
The growth of cities and towns has increased both the number and the size of tanks needed for the storage of water, oil, natural gas, and propane. The increase in the number of automobiles, trucks, and aircraft has increased the need for storage facilities for petroleum products. In addition, our space and missile programs have created the need for the storage of oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen in large quantities. The fertilizer industry requires volume storage facilities for ammonia. The basic materials for many industries, supplying such diverse products as tires, fabrics, soap, and food products, are stored in pressure vessels. Tanks and vessels of all types have become one of the principal applications of welding.
Welding replaced riveting in the fabrication of pressure vessels approximately 65 years ago, Figs. 2-32 and 2-33. This improved the service performance of a pressure vessel through the elimination of two common areas of service failure in riveted vessels: leakage and corrosion around rivets.
The construction and maintenance costs of both welded tanks and pressure vessels are also reduced. Less material is used in the construction of a welded vessel. A riveted joint develops a strength equal to only 80 percent of the tank plate, whereas a welded joint develops a strength 20 to 30 percent greater than the plate. It is, therefore, possible to reduce the plate thickness and still obtain the same design strength by welding. Some of the heavier pressure vessels, 3 to 5 inches in thickness, cannot be fabricated in any other way because it is impossible to rivet plates of this thickness with any degree of success. In addition, there is further saving because it is unnecessary to punch the plates and caulk the seams of a welded joint. Maintenance costs of welded tanks are practically negligible, and the joints are permanently tight, Figs. 2-34 and 2-35.
One of the leading pressure vessel manufacturers points to the following seven factors in support of welded construction.
Elimination of thickness limit of about 23/4 inches for successful riveting, and elimination of leakage at high pressure
Elimination of thickness limit for forge and hammer welding, which was about 2 inches
Elimination of caustic embrittlement in riveted boiler drums
Economy in weight through higher joint efficiency and elimination of butt-straps and rivets
A reduction in size to meet the same service requirements
Greater flexibility of design, permitting uniform, or at least gradual, stress distribution
Elimination of all fabricating stresses in the completed vessel by heat treatment
物理代写|焊接原理代写Welding Principle代考|History of Steel
The ancient Assyrians are credited with the first recorded use of iron about 3700 в.с. Since the use of iron in making weapons gave them an advantage over other nations, they became the most powerful nation of their time. From about 1350 в.C. to A.D. 1300 all of the iron tools and weapons were produced directly from iron ore.
Low carbon iron was first produced in relatively flat hearth furnaces. Gradually the furnaces were increased in height, and the charge was introduced through the top. These shaft furnaces produced molten high carbon iron. Shaft furnaces were used in Europe after A.D. 1350. The modern blast furnace is a shaft furnace.
Accurate information about the first process for making steel is not available. Tools with hardened points and edges have been found that date back to 1000 to 500 в.с. Early writers mention steel razors, surgical instruments, files, chisels, and stone-cutting tools several hundred centuries before the Christian era.
Prior to the Bessemer process of making steel, only two methods were used. The cementation process increased the carbon content of wrought iron by heating it in contact with hot carbon in the absence of air. The crucible process consisted of melting wrought iron in crucibles to which carbon had been added. Both of these processes were known and used by the ancients.
During the Middle Ages both the cementation and crucible processes were lost to civilization. The cementation process was revived in Belgium about the year A.D. 1600, while the crucible process was rediscovered in England in 1742 . The crucible process eventually came to be used chiefly for making special steels. The cementation process was highly developed and was also used extensively in England during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This process is still used to a limited extent. The crucible process has been replaced by the various electric furnace processes for making special alloy steels and carbon tool steels.

焊接罐和压力容器的建造和维护成本也降低了。在建造焊接容器时使用的材料更少。铆接接头的强度仅相当于罐体板的80%,而焊接接头的强度则比罐体板高20 – 30%。因此,通过焊接可以在减小板厚的同时获得相同的设计强度。一些较重的压力容器,3到5英寸厚,不能用任何其他方法制造,因为不可能以任何程度的成功铆接这种厚度的板。此外,还可以进一步节省,因为不需要冲孔板和填塞焊接接头的接缝。焊接储罐的维护成本几乎可以忽略不计,并且接头永远紧密,如图2-34和2-35所示
没有关于炼钢第一工序的准确资料。带有硬化点和边缘的工具已经被发现,可追溯到1000年至500年. exe。早在基督教时代几百年前,早期的作家就提到了钢制剃须刀、外科手术器械、锉刀、凿子和切割石器

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