物理代写|半导体物理代写Semiconductor Physics代考|EEE6355 High-Field Properties

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半导体物理Semiconductor Physics的电导率值介于导体(如金属铜)和绝缘体(如玻璃)之间。它的电阻率随着温度的升高而下降;而金属的表现则相反。它的导电性能可以通过在晶体结构中引入杂质(”掺杂”)的方式进行有用的改变。当同一晶体中存在两个不同的掺杂区域时,就会产生一个半导体结。电荷载体(包括电子、离子和电子空穴)在这些结上的行为是二极管、晶体管和大多数现代电子产品的基础。半导体的一些例子是硅、锗、砷化镓和周期表上所谓 “金属阶梯 “附近的元素。继硅之后,砷化镓是第二种最常见的半导体,被用于激光二极管、太阳能电池、微波频率集成电路等。硅是制造大多数电子电路的一个关键元素。

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物理代写|半导体物理代写Semiconductor Physics代考|EEE6355 High-Field Properties

物理代写|半导体物理代写Semiconductor Physics代考|High-Field Properties

In the preceding sections we considered the effect of low electric field on the transport of carriers in semiconductors. In this section we briefly consider some special effects and properties of semiconductors when the electric field is increased to moderate and high levels.

As discussed in Section 1.5.1, at low electric fields the drift velocity in a semiconductor is proportional to the field and the proportionality constant is the mobility that is independent of the electric field. When the fields are sufficiently large, however, nonlinearities in mobility and, in some cases, saturation of drift velocity are observed. At still larger fields, impact ionization occurs. First, we consider the nonlinear mobility.

At thermal equilibrium the carriers both emit and absorb phonons and the net rate of exchange of energy is zero. The energy distribution at thermal equilibrium is Maxwellian. In the presence of an electric field the carriers acquire energy from the field and lose it to phonons by emitting more phonons than are absorbed. At moderately high fields, the most frequent scattering events involve in the emission of acoustic phonons. Thus, the carriers on average acquire more energy than they have at thermal equilibrium. As the field increases, the average energy of the carriers also increases and they acquire an effective temperature $T_e$ that is higher than the lattice temperature $T$. Balancing the rate at which energy is transferred from the field to the carriers by an equal rate of energy loss to the lattice, we obtain from the rate equation, for $\mathrm{Ge}$ and $\mathrm{Si}$ (semiconductors without transferred-electron effect): ${ }^3$
\frac{T_e}{T}=\frac{1}{2}\left[1+\sqrt{1+\frac{3 \pi}{8}\left(\frac{\mu_0 8}{c_s}\right)^2}\right]
v_d=\mu_0 \mathscr{E} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_e}}
where $\mu_0$ is the low-field mobility, and $c_s$ the velocity of sound. For moderate field strength when $\mu_0 \mathscr{E}$ is comparable to $c_s$, the carrier velocity $v_d$ starts to deviate from being linearly dependent on the applied field, by a factor of $\sqrt{T / T_e}$. Finally at sufficiently high fields, carriers start to interact with optical phonons and Eq. 78 is no longer accurate. The drift velocities for Ge and $\mathrm{Si}$ become less and less dependent on the applied field and approach a saturation velocity
v_s=\sqrt{\frac{8 E_p}{3 \pi m_0}} \approx 10^7 \mathrm{~cm} / \mathrm{s}
where $E_p$ is the optical-phonon energy (listed in Appendix G).

物理代写|半导体物理代写Semiconductor Physics代考|Recombination, Generation, and Carrier Lifetimes

Whenever the thermal-equilibrium condition of a semiconductor system is disturbed (i.e., $p n \neq n_i^2$ ), processes exist to restore the system to equilibrium (i.e., $p n=n_i^2$ ). These processes are recombination when $p n>n_i^2$ and thermal generation when $p n<n_i^2$. Figure 25 a illustrates the band-to-band electron-hole recombination. The energy of an electron in transition from the conduction band to the valence band is conserved by emission of a photon (radiative process) or by transfer of the energy to another free electron or hole (Auger process). The former process is the inverse of direct optical absorption, and the latter is the inverse of impact ionization.

Band-to-band transitions are more probable for direct-bandgap semiconductors which are more common among III-V compounds. For this type of transition, the recombination rate is proportional to the product of electron and hole concentrations, given by
R_e=R_{e c} p n .
The term $R_{e c}$, called the recombination coefficient, is related to the thermal generation rate $G_{t h}$ by

R_{e c}=\frac{G_{t h}}{n_i^2} .
$R_{e c}$ is a function of temperature and is also dependent on the band structure of the semiconductor. A direct-bandgap semiconductor, being more efficient in band-toband transitions, has a much larger $R_{e c}\left(\approx 10^{-10} \mathrm{~cm}^3 / \mathrm{s}\right)$ than an indirect-bandgap semiconductor $\left(\approx 10^{-15} \mathrm{~cm}^3 / \mathrm{s}\right)$. In thermal equilibrium, since $p n=n_i^2, R_e=G_{t h}$ and the net transition rate $U\left(=R_e-G_{t h}\right)$ equals zero. Under low-level injection, defined as the case where the excess carriers $\Delta p=\Delta n$ are fewer than the majority carriers, for an $n$-type material $p_n=p_{n o}+\Delta p$ and $n_n \approx N_D$, the net transition rate is given by
U &=R_e-G_{t h}=R_{e c}\left(p n-n_i^2\right) \
& \approx R_{e c} \Delta p N_D \equiv \frac{\Delta p}{\tau_p}
where the carrier lifetime for holes
\tau_p=\frac{1}{R_{e c} N_D},
and in $p$-type material,
\tau_n=\frac{1}{R_{e c} N_A} .

物理代写|半导体物理代写Semiconductor Physics代考|EEE6355 High-Field Properties


物理代写|半导体物理代写Semiconductor Physics代考|高场特性




热平衡时,载流子既发射又吸收声子,能量的净交换率为零。热平衡时的能量分布是麦克斯韦式的。在电场存在的情况下,载流子从电场中获得能量,并通过发射比吸收更多的声子而将能量损失给声子。在中等高的场中,最频繁的散射事件涉及声学声子的发射。因此,载流子平均获得比热平衡时更多的能量。随着场的增大,载流子的平均能量也随之增加,载流子获得的有效温度$T_e$高于晶格温度$T$。平衡能量从场转移到载流子的速率与相等的能量损耗到晶格的速率,我们从速率方程中得到,对于$\mathrm{Ge}$和$\mathrm{Si}$(无转移电子效应的半导体):${ }^3$
\frac{T_e}{T}=\frac{1}{2}\left[1+\sqrt{1+\frac{3 \pi}{8}\left(\frac{\mu_0 8}{c_s}\right)^2}\right]

v_d=\mu_0 \mathscr{E} \sqrt{\frac{T}{T_e}}
,其中$\mu_0$为低场迁移率,$c_s$为声速。对于中等场强,当$\mu_0 \mathscr{E}$与$c_s$相当时,载流子速度$v_d$开始偏离与应用场强的线性相关的因子$\sqrt{T / T_e}$。最后,在足够高的场下,载流子开始与光学声子相互作用,公式78不再准确。Ge和$\mathrm{Si}$的漂移速度越来越不依赖于应用场,接近饱和速度
v_s=\sqrt{\frac{8 E_p}{3 \pi m_0}} \approx 10^7 \mathrm{~cm} / \mathrm{s}



当半导体系统的热平衡条件受到干扰时(即$p n \neq n_i^2$),就会存在恢复系统平衡的过程(即$p n=n_i^2$)。这些过程是$p n>n_i^2$时的重组和$p n<n_i^2$时的产热。图25a显示了带到带电子-空穴复合。一个电子从导带跃迁到价带的能量是通过光子的发射(辐射过程)或通过能量转移到另一个自由电子或空穴(俄歇过程)而守恒的。前者是直接光学吸收的逆过程,后者是碰撞电离的逆过程

R_e=R_{e c} p n .
给出。术语$R_{e c}$,称为复合系数,与产热速率$G_{t h}$相关,由给出

R_{e c}=\frac{G_{t h}}{n_i^2} .
$R_{e c}$是温度的函数,也依赖于半导体的能带结构。直接带隙半导体在带到带转换中效率更高,其$R_{e c}\left(\approx 10^{-10} \mathrm{~cm}^3 / \mathrm{s}\right)$比间接带隙半导体$\left(\approx 10^{-15} \mathrm{~cm}^3 / \mathrm{s}\right)$大得多。在热平衡中,由于$p n=n_i^2, R_e=G_{t h}$和净跃迁速率$U\left(=R_e-G_{t h}\right)$等于零。在低水平注入下,定义为过量载流子$\Delta p=\Delta n$少于多数载流子的情况下,对于$n$型材料$p_n=p_{n o}+\Delta p$和$n_n \approx N_D$,净跃迁速率由
U &=R_e-G_{t h}=R_{e c}\left(p n-n_i^2\right) \
& \approx R_{e c} \Delta p N_D \equiv \frac{\Delta p}{\tau_p}
\tau_p=\frac{1}{R_{e c} N_D},
\tau_n=\frac{1}{R_{e c} N_A} .

物理代写|半导体物理代写Semiconductor Physics代考

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