物理代写|振动力学代写Vibration Mechanics代考|M2021/2022 Basic Ideas of Study

如果你也在 怎样代写振动力学Vibration Mechanics M2021/2022这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。振动力学Vibration Mechanics是一种机械现象,即围绕一个平衡点发生振荡。这个词来自拉丁语的 vibrationem(”摇晃,挥舞”)。振荡可以是周期性的,如钟摆的运动,也可以是随机的,如轮胎在碎石路上的运动。

振动力学Vibration Mechanics可以是理想的:例如,音叉、木管乐器或口琴中的簧片、移动电话或扬声器的锥体的运动。然而,在许多情况下,振动是不可取的,会浪费能量并产生不需要的声音。例如,发动机、电动马达或任何机械装置在运行中的振动运动通常是不受欢迎的。这种振动可能是由旋转部件的不平衡、不均匀的摩擦或齿轮齿的啮合引起的。精心的设计通常会将不必要的振动降到最低。对声音和振动的研究是密切相关的。声音,或压力波,是由振动结构(如声带)产生的;这些压力波也可以引起结构(如耳鼓)的振动。因此,减少噪声的尝试往往与振动问题有关。

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物理代写|振动力学代写Vibration Mechanics代考|M2021/2022 Basic Ideas of Study

物理代写|振动力学代写Vibration Mechanics代考|Basic Ideas of Study

The above two problems have a logic relation. That is, solving Problem 1A serves for solving Problem 1B. Hence, it is necessary to account for the influence of gravitational acceleration $g$, tether length $L$, linear density $\rho A$ and lumped mass $m$ of satellite on the dynamics of the tethered satellite when establishing the dynamic model of the tethered satellite.

Even though the software of finite elements enables one to model and compute the natural vibrations of the above simplified model of the tethered satellite at ease, it is not feasible to compute them for all combinations of the four parameters of $g$, $L, \rho A$ and $m$ when each of them comes from many given values. For instance, the number of combination reaches $10^4$ if each parameter takes 10 values.

The elementary textbooks presented several methods of discretization, such as the lumped parameter method, Rayleigh method and Ritz method. Among them, Rayleigh method is simplest, but only predicts the fundamental natural frequency. Ritz method provides discrete models of lower dimensions and higher accuracy, but may give rise to the difficulty of assuming mode shapes for a tethered satellite.
Under the above limits, it is possible to work out the following way of study. The first step is to establish a discrete model of a tethered satellite by using the method of lumped parameters and then to analyze the influence of the four parameters $g$, $L, \rho A$ and $m$ on the dynamic equation of the tethered satellite. The second step is to establish a continuous model of a tethered satellite and study the computation of natural modes. The third step is to make a comparison between the results of two models and to discuss the influence of the four parameters on the natural vibrations.

物理代写|振动力学代写Vibration Mechanics代考|Background

Most elementary textbooks presented the basic principle of a vibration isolation system of single degree of freedom, including the influence of system damping ratio on the transmissibility of vibration isolation. In the design of a vibration isolation system of single degree of freedom, thus, it is desirable to have a large damping ratio to suppress the possible resonance in a resonant frequency band and to have a small damping ratio to reduce the transmissibility of vibration isolation in a higher frequency band. In practice, it is feasible to design and adjust the damping effect via a hydro-device.

In vehicle engineering, for example, engineers designed a kind of hydro-elastic vibration isolation system for vehicle engines to reduce the vibration transmitted from an engine to a vehicle body. The vibration isolation system has four hydro-elastic mountings to support an engine. Figure $1.4$ a shows the profile of a mounting ${ }^3$, where a represents the primary rubber, $\mathbf{b}$ represents two oil chambers connected through a set of orifices denoted by $\mathbf{c}, \mathbf{d}$ represents the secondary rubber, the deformation of which pushes oil back from the bottom oil chamber to the upper one. e represents an air chamber with a hole at lower steel case to provide an adequate air pressure. The intention of the design was to adjust the orifices to achieve ideal damping ratio of the vibration isolation system.

In the design stage, engineers simplified the vibration isolation system as a model in Fig. 1.4b, where $m$ represents the mass of the engine, $k_1$ associated with the upper left spring represents the volumetric stiffness coefficient of the oil in two chambers, $k_2$ with the bottom left spring represents the stiffness coefficient of the secondary rubber, $c_1$ with the left dashpot represents the damping coefficient of the lamination of oil passing through the orifices, $k_4$ with the right spring represents the stiffness coefficient of the primary rubber. The dashpot with $c_2$ and the spring with $k_3$ in serial constitute Maxwell’s fluidic component, which, together with the right spring with $k_4$, describes the viscoelastic behavior of the primary rubber.

物理代写|振动力学代写Vibration Mechanics代考|M2021/2022 Basic Ideas of Study



以上两个问题有逻辑关系。也就是说,解决1A问题是为了解决1B问题而服务的。因此,在建立系泊卫星动力学模型时,需要考虑卫星的引力加速度$g$、系泊长度$L$、线密度$\rho A$和集总质量$m$对系泊卫星动力学的影响

虽然有限元软件使人们能够轻松地模拟和计算上述简化的系系卫星模型的自然振动,但当$g$、$L, \rho A$和$m$四个参数的每个参数都来自多个给定值时,计算它们的所有组合是不可实现的。例如,如果每个参数接受10个值,则组合的数量达到$10^4$

小学教科书提出了几种离散化方法,如集总参数法、瑞利法和里兹法。其中,瑞利法最简单,但只能预测基频。Ritz方法提供了较低维数和较高精度的离散模型,但可能会给系留卫星的模态振型假设带来困难。在上述限制下,有可能得出以下的研究方法。首先采用集总参数法建立系留卫星的离散模型,然后分析了$g$、$L, \rho A$和$m$四个参数对系留卫星动力学方程的影响。第二步是建立系留卫星的连续模型,研究自然模态的计算。第三步是对两个模型的结果进行比较,讨论四个参数对自然振动的影响




例如,在汽车工程中,工程师为汽车发动机设计了一种水弹性隔振系统,以减少从发动机传递到车身的振动。隔振系统有四个水弹性支架来支撑发动机。图$1.4$ a显示了安装${ }^3$的外形,其中a代表初级橡胶,$\mathbf{b}$代表两个油腔,通过一组孔连接,$\mathbf{c}, \mathbf{d}$代表次级橡胶,其变形将油从底部的油腔推到上面的油腔。E表示空气室,在较低的钢壳上有一个孔,以提供足够的空气压力。设计的目的是调整孔板以达到理想的隔振系统阻尼比


物理代写|振动力学代写Vibration Mechanics代考

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