如果你也在 怎样代写断裂力学Fracture mechanics MECH3300这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。断裂力学Fracture mechanics是研究材料中裂纹扩展的力学领域。它使用分析性固体力学的方法来计算裂纹的驱动力,使用实验性固体力学的方法来描述材料的抗断裂性。
断裂力学Fracture mechanics从理论上讲,尖锐裂纹尖端前方的应力变得无限大,不能用来描述裂纹周围的状态。断裂力学用于表征裂纹上的载荷,通常使用一个参数来描述裂纹尖端的完整载荷状态。许多不同的参数已经被开发出来。当裂纹尖端的塑性区相对于裂纹长度较小时,裂纹尖端的应力状态是材料内部弹性力的结果,被称为线性弹性断裂力学(LEFM),可以用应力强度因子{displaystyle K}K来描述。尽管裂纹上的载荷可以是任意的,但在1957年,G. Irwin发现任何状态都可以简化为三个独立的应力强度因子的组合。
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物理代写|断裂力学代写Fracture mechanics代考|Charpy impact energy fracture toughness correlations
The Charpy impact energy is probably the most frequently used test to characterize the fracture strength, even though the Charpy absorbed impact energy is not a material property. The Charpy test consists of impacting a $10 \mathrm{~mm} \times 10 \mathrm{~mm} \times 50 \mathrm{~mm}$ square section bar containing a V-shaped notch with a hitter mounted on a pendulum bar, and measuring the energy absorbed by the test specimen after the impact. The absorbed energy $C v$ is proportional to the difference in heights of the pendulum, before and after the impact, as schematically depicted in Fig. 3.13.
The typical application of the Charpy test is for quality control to verify whether the material meets a minimal specified $C v$ and for the determination of the ductile-brittle transition temperature, which is the temperature where the $C v$ drastically falls to brittle fracture ranges. However, the simplicity and economy of the test have encouraged many efforts to use the Charpy impact energy values to estimate $K_{I C}$. The main limitation to obtain general $C v$ versus $K_{I C}$ correlations is because Charpy impact tests are carried out in uncracked specimens; thus, $C v$ includes both crack initiation and crack propagation components, whereas $K_{I C}$ is only related to crack propagation. The other difference is that the Charpy impact test is a high loading rate test whereas the $K_{I C}$ test is quasi-static.
One of the most widely used $C v$ and $K_{I C}$ correlation is the RolfeNovak-Barson presented in Appendix F of the API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007 standard, applicable in variety of structural steels at temperatures above the ductile-brittle transition, designated as “upper shelf,” which has the following form:
\left(K_{I C} / \sigma_o\right)^2=0.64\left[\left(C v / \sigma_o\right)-0.01\right],(M P a \sqrt{m}, M P a, J) \
\left(K_{I C} / \sigma_o\right)^2=5\left[\left(C v / \sigma_o\right)-0.05\right],(k s i \sqrt{i n}, k s i, f t-l b)
物理代写|断裂力学代写Fracture mechanics代考|Dynamic fracture and crack arrest
So far, the fracture behavior has been analyzed assuming a stationary crack (not propagating) to determine the energetic conditions that initiate the propagation of the crack, namely the crack instability. However, the behavior of a growing crack is different from that of a stable crack, mainly because the plastic zone of a propagating crack is at a high strain rate, which has a stress-strain behavior quite different from the quasi-static strain conditions from which the mechanical behavior of the plastic zone and the fracture process are analyzed.
Fig. $3.15$ schematically shows the effect of the strain rate on the stressstrain curve in uniaxial tension of a typical engineering metal alloy. As it can be seen, high strain rates increase strain hardening and reduce the ductility, but they also exert an influence on the fracture mechanism. Brittle materials that fracture by cleavage mechanism are very sensitive to the strain rate, reducing the fracture strength as the strain rate increases, whereas materials having ductile fracture mechanisms, such as microvoid coalescence, the increment of strain hardening, along with higher yield and tensile strength, at high strain rates result in higher fracture toughness. However, if the strain rate is high enough to inhibit dislocation slip-induced plastic strain, the effect is similar to that on brittle materials.
Roberts and Wells ${ }^5$ derived an equation to calculate the velocity of a propagating sharp crack that satisfactorily fits experimental data:
V=0.38 \sqrt{\frac{E}{\rho}}\left(1-\frac{a_0}{a}\right)
where $E$ is the young modulus, $\rho$ is the density, and $a$ is the instantaneous crack size. It is interesting to observe that the term $\sqrt{ }(E / \rho)$ is the speed of one-dimensional wave sound, indicating that the dynamic fracture mechanism is related to the shear wave speed. Substituting typical values for steel and taking $a_0<<a, V$ is around $1500 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$, which translates into strain rates over $10^3 \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$. Under such conditions, most high-strength metal alloys behave as if they were harder, therefore it may be expected that the dynamic fracture toughness be higher than the quasi-static value.

Charpy冲击能可能是表征断裂强度最常用的测试,尽管Charpy吸收的冲击能并不是材料的特性。夏比试验包括冲击一个$10 \mathrm{~mm} \times 10 \mathrm{~mm} \times 50 \mathrm{~mm}$方形截面杆,其中包含一个v形缺口,在摆杆上安装有一个撞击器,并测量冲击后被试验样品吸收的能量。所吸收的能量$C v$与钟摆在撞击前后的高度差成正比,如图3.13所示
Charpy测试的典型应用是用于质量控制,以验证材料是否满足最小规定$C v$,并用于确定韧性-脆性转变温度,即$C v$急剧下降到脆性断裂范围的温度。然而,该测试的简单性和经济性鼓励了许多人使用夏比冲击能值来估计$K_{I C}$。获得一般$C v$与$K_{I C}$相关性的主要限制是,夏比冲击试验是在未开裂的试件中进行的;因此,$C v$包含了裂纹萌生和裂纹扩展两部分,而$K_{I C}$只与裂纹扩展有关。另一个区别是Charpy冲击试验是一个高加载率试验,而$K_{I C}$试验是准静态的
使用最广泛的$C v$和$K_{I C}$相关性之一是在API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 2007标准附录F中提出的RolfeNovak-Barson,适用于各种温度高于韧性-脆性转变的结构钢,被指定为“上架”,其形式如下:
\left(K_{I C} / \sigma_o\right)^2=0.64\left[\left(C v / \sigma_o\right)-0.01\right],(M P a \sqrt{m}, M P a, J) \
\left(K_{I C} / \sigma_o\right)^2=5\left[\left(C v / \sigma_o\right)-0.05\right],(k s i \sqrt{i n}, k s i, f t-l b)
Roberts和Wells ${ }^5$推导出一个方程来计算扩展的锐角裂纹的速度,它很好地符合实验数据:
V=0.38 \sqrt{\frac{E}{\rho}}\left(1-\frac{a_0}{a}\right)
其中$E$是杨氏模量,$\rho$是密度,$a$是瞬时裂纹大小。有趣的是,$\sqrt{ }(E / \rho)$一词是一维波声速,说明动态断裂机理与剪切波速有关。用钢的典型值代替,取$a_0<<a, V$在$1500 \mathrm{~m} / \mathrm{s}$左右,这就转化为应变率超过$10^3 \mathrm{~s}^{-1}$。在这种条件下,大多数高强度金属合金表现得似乎更硬,因此可以预期动态断裂韧性要高于准静态韧性值

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