如果你也在 怎样代写断裂力学Fracture mechanics ENME667这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。断裂力学Fracture mechanics是研究材料中裂纹扩展的力学领域。它使用分析性固体力学的方法来计算裂纹的驱动力,使用实验性固体力学的方法来描述材料的抗断裂性。
断裂力学Fracture mechanics从理论上讲,尖锐裂纹尖端前方的应力变得无限大,不能用来描述裂纹周围的状态。断裂力学用于表征裂纹上的载荷,通常使用一个参数来描述裂纹尖端的完整载荷状态。许多不同的参数已经被开发出来。当裂纹尖端的塑性区相对于裂纹长度较小时,裂纹尖端的应力状态是材料内部弹性力的结果,被称为线性弹性断裂力学(LEFM),可以用应力强度因子{displaystyle K}K来描述。尽管裂纹上的载荷可以是任意的,但在1957年,G. Irwin发现任何状态都可以简化为三个独立的应力强度因子的组合。
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物理代写|断裂力学代写Fracture mechanics代考|The Griffith criterion
The first significant attempt to mathematically analyze the fracture phenomenon was carried out by Alan Arnold Griffith, who was an English engineer, graduated from the University of Liverpool, who worked for the Royal Aircraft Factory and later for Rolls Royce. In addition to his contributions to the study of fracture, Griffith also designed axial flow turbo engines for airplanes and was a pioneer in vertical takeoff and landing technology of fixed wing airplanes. He developed an expression to determine the fracture stress in very brittle materials such as glass, based on the balance between the rate of conversion of stored potential energy and the energy demand for the crack extension.
Griffith $^2$ proposed that as the crack grows, the elastic energy is converted into surface energy and since the elastic energy is supplied by the applied stress, he was able to determine the fracture stress, by the following analysis: Consider a plate with a central crack that is elastically strained as it is shown in Fig. 2.2.
According to Inglis, ${ }^3$ the elastic energy stored is
U=\frac{\pi \sigma^2 a^2}{E}
where $\sigma$ is the applied stress, $a$ is the crack size, and $E$ is the Young’s modulus. In a completely brittle fracture process (without plastic strain), the stored energy is fully converted into the surface energy $\left(\gamma_s\right)$ of the newly created fracture surfaces, one for each crack face.
Therefore, the energy change is
\Delta U=U+4 \gamma_s a
As the crack grows, the stored energy conversion rate has to be at least equal to the surface energy generation rate. Mathematically, this is expressed as
d \Delta U / d a=0
By substituting terms and solving for the stress, the Griffith’s equation for fracture stress is obtained.
\sigma=\sqrt{\frac{2 E \gamma_s}{\pi a}}
物理代写|断裂力学代写Fracture mechanics代考|The stress intensity factor (Irwin’s analysis)
George Rankine Irwin, born in El Paso, Texas on February 26, 1907, was a notable physicist graduated from the University of Illinois, USA. His career started in 1937 at the US Naval Research Lab working in the ballistics area, where, among several developments, he designed the first bulletproof vest. By 1946 , he was appointed to study the fracture problem of the Liberty ships. ${ }^4$ Irwin took over Griffith’s ideas and developed the linear elastic fracture mechanics (honoring Griffith, Irwin used the symbol $G$ to identify the energy release rate of a cracked body, a key parameter in fracture analysis). In 1967, he was appointed Boeing University professor at Lehigh University and in 1972, joined the University of Maryland. Irwin was the object of numerous awards and recognitions, among which stands out the Gold medal from The American Society for Metals. He passed away on October 1998. His fracture analysis is described as follows.
Upon loading a cracked body, the fracture surfaces undergo a displacement that can be classified into three basic modes, as shown in Fig. 2.3. Mode I involves the crack opening in a direction perpendicular to the fracture plane, and is termed the tensile opening. Mode II refers to the displacement of fracture surfaces on crack plane, but in opposite directions; it is referred to as sliding shear. Mode III involves the lateral displacement of the fracture planes and is termed tearing shear. The fracture modes can occur in single or combined ways, and even can feature the three modes altogether, which turns out to be too complicated to analyze. Fortunately, most practical cases correspond to Mode I, whereas Modes II and III are typical of torsional and shear loading.

. The Griffith criterion . The Griffith criterion . The Griffith criterion物理代写|断裂力学代写
第一次用数学方法分析断裂现象的重要尝试是由艾伦·阿诺德·格里菲斯(Alan Arnold Griffith)进行的,他是一名英国工程师,毕业于利物浦大学,曾在皇家飞机工厂工作,后来又在劳斯莱斯工作。除了对断裂研究的贡献,格里菲斯还设计了飞机轴流涡轮发动机,是固定翼飞机垂直起降技术的先驱。他根据储存的势能转化率和裂纹扩展所需的能量之间的平衡,提出了一个表达式来确定玻璃等极脆材料的断裂应力
Griffith $^2$提出,随着裂纹的扩展,弹性能被转化为表面能,由于弹性能是由施加的应力提供的,他能够确定断裂应力,通过以下分析:考虑一个具有中心裂纹的板,如图2.2所示,它被弹性应变。根据Inglis, ${ }^3$所存储的弹性能量
U=\frac{\pi \sigma^2 a^2}{E}
\Delta U=U+4 \gamma_s a
d \Delta U / d a=0
\sigma=\sqrt{\frac{2 E \gamma_s}{\pi a}}
George Rankine Irwin, 1907年2月26日出生于德克萨斯州的埃尔帕索,是一位著名的物理学家,毕业于美国伊利诺斯大学。他的职业生涯始于1937年,在美国海军研究实验室的弹道学领域工作,在那里,他设计了第一件防弹背心。1946年,他被任命研究自由舰的断裂问题。${ }^4$ Irwin继承了Griffith的思想,发展了线弹性断裂力学(为了纪念Griffith, Irwin使用符号$G$来识别断裂体的能量释放率,这是断裂分析中的一个关键参数)。1967年,他被任命为里海大学波音大学教授,1972年加入马里兰大学。欧文是众多奖项和认可的对象,其中最突出的是美国金属协会颁发的金奖。他于1998年10月去世。他的骨折分析如下:

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