物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|KIN289 Stages of the Testing Process

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物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|KIN289 Stages of the Testing Process

物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|Stages of the Testing Process

The first step in testing is to decide what test you should use. The Internet now makes it easy to search for existing tests. This is very helpful because it enables us to not only locate existing tests, but also to search for evidence supporting their use. Important questions to ask yourself at this point are: “What construct do I want to test?” “Who do I plan to test?” “What is my purpose in administering this test?” and “What decisions do I hope to make using these test scores?” When searching the Internet, search engines such as Google, Yahoo, and Bing work perfectly well. It is important to bear in mind that (1) not all sources of online information are trustworthy and (2) not everyone may call the construct by the same name that you are familiar with.

In terms of trustworthiness, look for information that was generated by impartial and informed organizations, such as universities and professional bodies. The latter include the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), the Society of Health and Physical Educators (SHAPE-America, formerly known as AAHPERD), and the National Athletic Trainers’ Association (NATA). When entering search terms, familiarize yourself with alternative names for the constructs you are interested in testing. For example, aerobic fitness is described by many alternative terms-the terms cardiovascular and cardiorespiratory are often used instead of aerobic, and endurance is often used instead of fitness. Body fatness may also be called body composition, physical activity may also be called exercise, concussion may also be called traumatic brain injury, and so on. In psychological measurement, the “jingle-jangle fallacies” refer to the fact that two tests with similar names may not measure the same construct (the jingle fallacy), and, conversely, two tests with very different names may not test different constructs (the jangle fallacy). Essentially, do not assume that the name of a test is proof that it measures a certain construct. For example, the Attitude Toward Physical Activity Inventory (ATPA; Kenyon, 1968) does not measure what we typically mean by “attitude” (a positive or negative disposition toward something). Instead, it is designed to assess people’s motives for participating in physical activity (e.g., to experience the beauty or artistry of movement, to meet people and maintain friendships, to experience the element of thrill, or to improve health and fitness). The characteristics you should look for in selecting a test are presented in a later section of this chapter.

物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|Test Preparation

Having selected an appropriate test, the next step is to prepare for testing. The goal is to be confident that our preparation is adequate and that the test administration will proceed smoothly. Pretest planning is all of the preparation that occurs before test administration. It involves a number of tasks: knowing the test, developing test procedures, developing directions, preparing the individuals to be tested, planning warm-up and test trials, securing equipment and preparing the test facility, making scoring sheets, estimating the time needed, and practicing the test.

Whenever you plan to administer a test for the first time, read the directions or test manual several times. This is the best way to avoid overlooking small details about procedures, dimensions, necessary equipment, and the like. Once you are familiar with the test, develop procedures for administering it. These may be described in the existing test manual, but often you will need to consider the specific constraints of the situation, such as how many testers you have, how much time is available, what equipment can be used, and other factors specific to each testing situation. These include selecting the most efficient testing procedure, deciding whether to test all the individuals together or in groups, and determining whether one person will do all the testing or pairs of individuals will test each other. If you plan to administer several performance tests on the same day, consider the optimal order to present the tests. Resting measures should be administered first, as well as collection of any demographic information. This helps to put the participant at ease and allows you to introduce yourself and assess the participant’s readiness for being tested. Do not give consecutive tests that tire the same muscle groups. Also, plan to administer very fatiguing events, such as distance runs or other maximum exertion tests, last. If a questionnaire is extremely long, plan to give the test-taker a small break in the middle to avoid “questionnaire fatigue.” Be familiar with the exact scoring requirements and units of measurement. If you have never administered a specific test before, try one or two practice administrations before the actual test. This is a good way not only to see what changes and additions to the procedures must be made, but also to train testing personnel.

物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|KIN289 Stages of the Testing Process




在可信度方面,寻找由公正和知情的组织产生的信息,如大学和专业团体。后者包括美国运动医学学院(ACSM)、健康和体育教育协会(SHAPE-America,前身为AAHPERD)和全国运动教练协会(NATA)。在输入搜索词时,要熟悉您感兴趣的结构的替代名称。例如,有氧健身有许多替代术语——心血管和心肺经常被用来代替有氧,耐力经常被用来代替健身。身体肥胖也可以称为身体成分,身体活动也可以称为运动,脑震荡也可以称为创伤性脑损伤,等等。在心理测量中,“叮当谬论”指的是两个名称相似的测试可能测量不了同一个构念(叮当谬论),相反,两个名称非常不同的测试可能测试不了不同的构念(叮当谬论)。本质上,不要假定测试的名称是它度量某个结构的证明。例如,体育活动态度量表(ATPA;Kenyon, 1968)并没有衡量我们通常所说的“态度”(对某事的积极或消极倾向)。相反,它的设计目的是评估人们参与体育活动的动机(例如,体验运动的美感或艺术性,结识朋友并维持友谊,体验刺激因素,或改善健康和健身)。在选择测试时应该注意的特征将在本章后面的部分中介绍

物理代写|运动学代写Kinesiology代考|Test Preparation





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