数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian geometry代考|MATH5061 The Riemannian Structure of q-Deformed Examples

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黎曼几何Riemannian geometry的许多技术,或通常称为数字图片处理,是在20世纪60年代,在贝尔实验室、喷气推进实验室、麻省理工学院、马里兰大学和其他一些研究机构开发的,应用于卫星图像、有线照片标准转换、医学成像、可视电话、字符识别和照片增强。早期图像处理的目的是提高图像的质量。它的目的是为人类改善人们的视觉效果。在图像处理中,输入的是低质量的图像,而输出的是质量得到改善的图像。常见的图像处理包括图像增强、修复、编码和压缩。

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数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian geometry代考|MATH5061 The Riemannian Structure of q-Deformed Examples

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian geometry代考|The Riemannian Structure of q-Deformed Examples

Two standard $q$-Riemannian geometries have already been constructed in depth in Chap. 5 using quantum frame bundles, namely on the $q$-sphere $\mathbb{C}_q\left[S^2\right]$ and the quantum group $\mathbb{C}_q\left[S U_2\right]$, up to but not including the Ricci tensor. Here we complete their structure and tie up some loose ends.

For $A=\mathbb{C}q\left[S^2\right]$ with its standard 2D differential structure, the quantum metric was found in Proposition $2.36$ and the quantum Levi-Civita connection and its curvature in Example 5.79. The quantum metric dimension is the symmetric $q^2-$ integer (2) $q^2=q^2+q^{-2}$ and using (5.39) we can add to this the quantum trace $$ (\text { id } \otimes(,))\left(R{\nabla} \otimes \text { id }\right) g=\left(q^4-1\right)(2)q(2){q^2} \mathrm{Vol},
where $\mathrm{Vol}=e^{+} \wedge e^{-}$is the (non-geometrically normalised) volume form. We see that when $q^4 \neq 1$, we have a top curvature class not visible in the classical limit where it would be zero. Note that to compute the quantum dimension and trace it pays to work with $e^{\pm}$and extend (, ) and other maps to $\mathbb{C}q\left[S U_2\right]$, in which case we can effectively write the metric as $-q^2 e^{+} \otimes e^{-}-e^{-} \otimes e^{+}$suppressing the $D, \tilde{D}$ factors in the correct expressions. This example has the nicest possible properties in our theory, including $\nabla *$-preserving when $q$ is real and $\Omega^1 \in{ }_A \mathcal{G}_A$. We have already noted the quantum anti-symmetry of the Riemann curvature in Example $5.79$ (v). For the Ricci tensor, we now take a lift map of the form $i(\mathrm{Vol})=\alpha g{+-}+\beta g_{-+}$ using the notation of Proposition $2.36$ and with constant coefficients $\alpha, \beta$ which we will fix. We fix the overall normalisation by $\wedge i(\mathrm{Vol})=\mathrm{Vol}$ so as to split wedge, which from the proof of Proposition $2.36$ comes out as $\alpha-\beta=-q^{-2}$. We now similarly compute the trace on the left of the Riemann curvature in Example $5.79$ lifted by $i$, which comes out as
\text { Ricci }=-(2)q \beta g{+-}+q^4(2)q \alpha g{-+} .

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian geometry代考|Wave Operator Quantisation of $C^{\infty}(M) \times \mathbb{R}$

This section explores a shortcut to the full noncommutative Riemannian geometry, namely instead of trying to construct the quantum Levi-Civita connection, we can go straight to a proposed Laplace-Beltrami or wave operator $\Delta$ guided by other principles and the correct classical limit. This is a bit like Connes’ approach in $\$ 8.5$ where one goes straight to a proposed Dirac operator, except that we will not be guided by axioms but rather a point of view on the origin of wave operators in the first place out of noncommutative geometry. In fact, we have already seen for $\Omega^1\left(U\left(S u_2\right)\right)$ in Example $1.45$ and $\Omega^1\left(\mathbb{C}_q\left[S U_2\right]\right)$ in Proposition $2.62$ that one is sometimes forced by symmetries and a ‘quantum anomaly’ for differential structures to use a calculus of higher dimension than expected classically (in both examples the calculus is $4 \mathrm{D}$ not $3 \mathrm{D}$ ). In both cases, we define partial derivatives by $\mathrm{d} f=\left(\partial_i f\right) e^i+\frac{\lambda}{2}(\Delta f) \theta$ where the $e^i$ have a classical limit and there is an extra direction which in those examples is the inner element $\theta$ and which has a natural noncommutative 3D Laplacian $\Delta$ as its ‘partial derivative’. We also saw this phenomenon in Proposition $1.22$ going the other way from any 2 nd order operator $\Delta$ on a differential algebra $\left(A, \Omega^1\right.$, d) with respect to an ‘inverse metric’ $(,$, to a central extension generalised differential calculus $(\widetilde{\Omega}, \tilde{\mathrm{d}})$ on $A$. Here we adjoined an extra dimension $\theta^{\prime}$ with partial derivative $\lambda \Delta / 2$ in the expansion of $\tilde{\mathrm{d}}$.

Motivated by these examples and the general idea that the Laplacian is the partial derivative of an extra dimension in the quantum differential calculus, we describe in this section a particular application to the quantisation of any static ‘spacetime’ of the form $M \times \mathbb{R}$ where $M$ will be the spatial manifold and $\mathbb{R}$ is ‘time’. We look at specific applications in Chap. 9, while the general theory here could also have other geometrical applications. The idea is that $(M, g)$ is Riemannian and we use a Laplacian on $M$ to construct a generalised calculus of one dimension higher on $M$ with additional direction $\theta^{\prime}$. We then semidirect product by a noncommutative ‘time’ direction as a quantisation of $M \times \mathbb{R}$, extending both the algebra and the calculus, and read back the partial derivative for $\theta^{\prime}$ here as a quantum wave operator on this. We finally quotient out $\theta^{\prime}$ to have a noncommutative calculus of classical dimension on our quantization of $M \times \mathbb{R}$ and a wave operator as a remnant of the above process.

Thus, let $(M, g)$ be a Riemannian manifold with coordinate algebra $C^{\infty}(M)$ and classical exterior algebra $(\Omega(M), \mathrm{d})$. We let $($, ) be the inverse of the classical metric with Levi-Civita connection $\widehat{\nabla}$ and $\Delta$ a classical 2nd order operator with respect to it. We will also need an extension of $\Delta$ to 1-forms such that
\Delta(f \omega)=(\Delta f) \omega+f \Delta \omega+2 \widehat{\nabla}{\mathrm{d} f} \omega \ \Delta((\omega, \eta))=(\Delta \omega, \eta)+(\omega, \Delta \eta)+2(\widehat{\nabla} \omega, \widehat{\nabla} \eta) \ {[\Delta, \mathrm{d}] f=\operatorname{Ricci}{\Delta}(\mathrm{d} f)}
for all $f \in C^{\infty}(M)$ and $\omega, \eta \in \Omega^1(M)$ and for some tensorial operator which $\Omega^1(M)$ evaluated against its second leg). Here the inverse metric is extended to tensor products in the obvious way. In our case, we consider 2 nd order operators of the form
\Delta f=\Delta_{L B} f+\zeta(f), \quad \Delta \omega=\Delta_{L B} \omega+\widehat{\nabla}\zeta \omega $$ for all $f \in C^{\infty}(M)$ and $\omega \in \Omega^1(M)$, where $\Delta{L B}$ is the Laplace-Beltrami operator and $\zeta$ any classical vector field on $M$. Then the above holds with
\operatorname{Ricci}{\Delta}=\operatorname{Ricci}+\widehat{\nabla}\zeta-\mathcal{L}\zeta, $$ where we view Ricci as an operator and $\mathcal{L}\zeta$ is the Lie derivative along $\zeta$ (see (3.12)). We will later fix $\zeta$ in terms of a functional parameter below, but for the moment it is unspecified. We let $\zeta^{\sharp}$ be the 1-form corresponding to $\zeta$ via the metric. A further ingredient from the classical geometry on $M$ will be a conformal vector field $\tau$. This leaves the metric invariant up to scale and obeys the conformal Killing equation
\widehat{\nabla}\mu \tau_v+\widehat{\nabla}_v \tau\mu=(1+\alpha) g_{\mu v} ; \quad 1+\alpha=\frac{2}{n} \operatorname{div}(\tau)
in local coordinates, where $\tau_\mu=g_{\mu \nu} \tau^\nu$.

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian geometry代考|MATH5061 The Riemannian Structure of q-Deformed Examples


数学代写|黎曼几何代写黎曼几何代考| q- deformation Examples的黎曼结构


两个标准的$q$ -黎曼几何已经在第五章中使用量子框架束深入构建,即$q$ -球$\mathbb{C}_q\left[S^2\right]$和量子群$\mathbb{C}_q\left[S U_2\right]$上,直到但不包括里奇张量。在这里,我们完成了它们的结构,并解决了一些未解决的问题

对于具有标准二维微分结构的$A=\mathbb{C}q\left[S^2\right]$,在命题$2.36$中发现了量子度规,在例5.79中发现了量子Levi-Civita连接及其曲率。量子度量维度是对称的$q^2-$整数(2)$q^2=q^2+q^{-2}$,使用(5.39)我们可以在此添加量子轨迹$$ (\text { id } \otimes(,))\left(R{\nabla} \otimes \text { id }\right) g=\left(q^4-1\right)(2)q(2){q^2} \mathrm{Vol},
,其中$\mathrm{Vol}=e^{+} \wedge e^{-}$是(非几何规格化的)体积形式。我们看到当$q^4 \neq 1$时,我们有一个顶级曲率类在经典极限中是不可见的,在经典极限中它是零。注意,要计算量子维度并跟踪它,需要使用$e^{\pm}$并将(,)和其他映射扩展到$\mathbb{C}q\left[S U_2\right]$,在这种情况下,我们可以有效地将度量写成$-q^2 e^{+} \otimes e^{-}-e^{-} \otimes e^{+}$,在正确的表达式中抑制$D, \tilde{D}$因素。这个例子具有我们的理论中最好的属性,包括$\nabla *$—在$q$为实值和$\Omega^1 \in{ }A \mathcal{G}_A$时保留。在例子$5.79$ (v)中,我们已经注意到黎曼曲率的量子反对称性。对于里奇张量,我们现在采用$i(\mathrm{Vol})=\alpha g{+-}+\beta g{-+}$形式的升力映射,使用命题$2.36$的符号,并带有常数系数$\alpha, \beta$,我们将对其进行修正。我们通过$\wedge i(\mathrm{Vol})=\mathrm{Vol}$修正了整体的规范化,以便分割楔形,从$2.36$命题的证明可以得到$\alpha-\beta=-q^{-2}$。我们现在类似地计算示例$5.79$中黎曼曲率左侧的迹,由$i$提升,结果为
\text { Ricci }=-(2)q \beta g{+-}+q^4(2)q \alpha g{-+} .

数学代写|黎曼几何代写黎曼几何代考|波算子量化$C^{\infty}(M) \times \mathbb{R}$

本节探索了完全非交换黎曼几何的一个捷径,即,我们可以在其他原则和正确的经典极限的指导下,直接进入被提议的拉普拉斯-贝尔特拉米或波算符$\Delta$,而不是试图构建量子列维-奇维塔连接。这有点像Connes在$\$ 8.5$上的方法,在那里人们直接进入一个被提议的狄拉克算符,除了我们将不被公理引导,而是从非交换几何中首先对波算符起源的观点。事实上,我们已经看到,在例子$1.45$中的$\Omega^1\left(U\left(S u_2\right)\right)$和命题$2.62$中的$\Omega^1\left(\mathbb{C}_q\left[S U_2\right]\right)$中,人们有时迫于对称性和“量子异常”对微分结构使用比经典预期更高维的微积分(在两个例子中,微积分是$4 \mathrm{D}$而不是$3 \mathrm{D}$)。在这两种情况下,我们用$\mathrm{d} f=\left(\partial_i f\right) e^i+\frac{\lambda}{2}(\Delta f) \theta$定义偏导数,其中$e^i$有一个经典极限,还有一个额外的方向,在这些例子中是内元$\theta$,它有一个自然的非交换三维拉普拉斯算子$\Delta$作为它的“偏导数”。我们在命题$1.22$中也看到了这种现象,从微分代数$\left(A, \Omega^1\right.$, d)上关于逆度规$(,$的任何二阶算子$\Delta$,到$A$上的中心扩展广义微分$(\widetilde{\Omega}, \tilde{\mathrm{d}})$。这里我们在$\tilde{\mathrm{d}}$的展开中用偏导数$\lambda \Delta / 2$附加了一个额外的维度$\theta^{\prime}$。

在这些例子和拉普拉斯量是量子微分中一个额外维度的偏导数的一般思想的驱使下,我们在这一节中描述了任何形式$M \times \mathbb{R}$的静态“时空”的量化的一个特殊应用,其中$M$将是空间流形,$\mathbb{R}$是时间。我们将在第9章中看到具体的应用,而这里的一般理论也可以有其他几何应用。我们的想法是$(M, g)$是黎曼的,我们在$M$上使用拉普拉斯的,在$M$上构造一个更高一维的泛化微积分,附加方向为$\theta^{\prime}$。然后我们用一个非交换的时间方向做半直积作为$M \times \mathbb{R}$的量化,扩展了代数和微积分,然后读出$\theta^{\prime}$的偏导数作为这个的量子波算符。最后,我们商出$\theta^{\prime}$,得到了一个经典维数的非交换微积分$M \times \mathbb{R}$的量子化和一个波算符作为上述过程的残余

因此,设$(M, g)$是一个具有坐标代数$C^{\infty}(M)$和经典外部代数$(\Omega(M), \mathrm{d})$的黎曼流形。我们设$($,)是具有Levi-Civita连接的经典度规的逆$\widehat{\nabla}$和关于它的经典二阶算子$\Delta$。我们还需要$\Delta$到1-形式的扩展,例如对于所有$f \in C^{\infty}(M)$和$\omega, \eta \in \Omega^1(M)$以及$\Omega^1(M)$针对其第二分支评估的某些张量算符,
\Delta(f \omega)=(\Delta f) \omega+f \Delta \omega+2 \widehat{\nabla}{\mathrm{d} f} \omega \ \Delta((\omega, \eta))=(\Delta \omega, \eta)+(\omega, \Delta \eta)+2(\widehat{\nabla} \omega, \widehat{\nabla} \eta) \ {[\Delta, \mathrm{d}] f=\operatorname{Ricci}{\Delta}(\mathrm{d} f)}
。这里,逆度规以明显的方式扩展到张量积。在我们的例子中,对于所有$f \in C^{\infty}(M)$和$\omega \in \Omega^1(M)$,我们考虑形式为
\Delta f=\Delta_{L B} f+\zeta(f), \quad \Delta \omega=\Delta_{L B} \omega+\widehat{\nabla}\zeta \omega $$的二阶算子,其中$\Delta{L B}$是拉普拉斯- beltrami算子,$\zeta$是$M$上的任何经典向量场。那么上面的
\operatorname{Ricci}{\Delta}=\operatorname{Ricci}+\widehat{\nabla}\zeta-\mathcal{L}\zeta, $$成立,其中我们将Ricci视为一个算子,$\mathcal{L}\zeta$是沿着$\zeta$的李导数(见(3.12))。我们稍后将根据下面的函数参数修复$\zeta$,但目前它是未指定的。我们让$\zeta^{\sharp}$是通过度规对应于$\zeta$的1形式。来自经典几何的另一个成分$M$将是保形向量场$\tau$。这使得度规不变量符合比例,并在局部坐标中服从保形杀伤方程
\widehat{\nabla}\mu \tau_v+\widehat{\nabla}v \tau\mu=(1+\alpha) g{\mu v} ; \quad 1+\alpha=\frac{2}{n} \operatorname{div}(\tau)
,其中$\tau_\mu=g_{\mu \nu} \tau^\nu$ .

数学代写|黎曼几何代写Riemannian geometry代考

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