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交换代数Commutative Algebra换元代数本质上是对代数数论和代数几何中出现的环的研究。在代数理论中,代数整数的环是Dedekind环,因此它构成了一类重要的换元环。与模块化算术有关的考虑导致了估值环的概念。代数场扩展对子环的限制导致了积分扩展和积分封闭域的概念,以及估值环扩展的公理化概念。
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数学代写|交换代数代写Commutative Algebra代考|Ideals and Divisibility
In this second chapter, we study deeper aspects of divisibility in rings. This question appeared historically when mathematicians – notably, in the hope of proving Fermat’s Last Theorem! – tried to make use of unique factorization in rings where it didn’t hold. Ideals are one device that was then invented to gain a better understanding of divisibility. In this context, there are two natural analogues of prime numbers, namely maximal and prime ideals.
I introduce maximal ideals in the general framework of possibly noncommutative rings; I then define the Jacobson radical. Matrix rings furnish interesting examples.
However, from that point on, the chapter is essentially focused on commutative rings. I define prime ideals and show their relations with nilpotent elements (via the nilpotent radical), or local rings. The set of all prime ideals of a commutative ring is called its spectrum, and it is endowed with a natural topology. The detailed study of spectra of rings belongs to the algebraic geometry of schemes, as put forward by Alexander Grothendieck. Although that is a more advanced subject than what is planned for this book, I believe that the early introduction of the spectrum of a ring allows one to add an insightful geometric interpretation to some constructions of commutative algebra.
Hilbert’s “Nullstellensatz” describes the maximal ideals of the ring of polynomials in finitely many indeterminates over an algebraically closed field. After proving it in the particular case of the field of complex numbers (by a short argument which some colleagues find too special), I show how this theorem gives rise to a correspondence between geometry and algebra. (The general case of the theorem will be proved in chapter 9; a few other proofs also appear as exercises in that chapter, as well as in this one.)
Another beautiful geometric example is given by Gelfand’s theorem, which describes the maximal ideals of the ring of continuous functions on a compact metric space.
数学代写|交换代数代写Commutative Algebra代考|Maximal Ideals
Definition (2.1.1). – Let A be a ring. One says that a left ideal of A is maximal if it is maximal among the left ideals of $\mathrm{A}$ which are distinct from $\mathrm{A}$.
In other words, a left ideal $\mathrm{I}$ is maximal if one has $\mathrm{I} \neq \mathrm{A}$ and if the only left ideals of A containing I are A and I. Consequently, to check that a left ideal $\mathrm{I} \neq \mathrm{A}$ is maximal, it suffices to show that for any $a \in \mathrm{A}-\mathrm{I}$, the left ideal $\mathrm{I}+\mathrm{A} a$ is equal to $\mathrm{A}$.
There is an analogous definition for the right and two-sided ideals.
These notions coincide when the ring A is commutative, but the reader should be cautious in the general case: When the ring A is not commutative, a two-sided ideal can be a maximal ideal as a two-sided ideal but not as a left ideal, or be a maximal ideal as a left ideal but not as a right ideal.
Examples (2.1.2). – a) The ideals of $\mathbf{Z}$ have the form $n \mathbf{Z}$, for some $n \in \mathbf{Z}$ (example 1.4.3). If $n$ divides $m$, then $m \mathbf{Z} \subset n \mathbf{Z}$, and conversely. It follows that the maximal ideals of $\mathbf{Z}$ are the ideals $p \mathbf{Z}$, where $p$ is a prime number.
Similarly, if $\mathrm{K}$ is a field, the maximal ideals of the ring $\mathrm{K}[\mathrm{X}]$ of polynomials in one indeterminate are the ideals generated by an irreducible polynomial. When $\mathrm{K}$ is algebraically closed, the maximal ideals are the ideals $(X-a)$, for some $a \in \mathrm{K}$.
b) Let $\mathrm{K}$ be a field and let $\mathrm{V}$ be a $\mathrm{K}$-vector space of finite dimension. In exercise 1.8.32, we asked to determine the left, right, and two-sided ideals of $\operatorname{End}_{\mathrm{K}}(\mathrm{V})$.
The left ideals of End(V) are the ideals IW, where $W$ is a vector subspace of $V$ and $I_W$ is the set of endomorphisms whose kernel contains W. For $W \subset W^{\prime}, I_W, \subset I_W$. Consequently, the maximal left ideals of End(V) are those ideals $I_W$ where $W$ is a line in $V$.
The right ideals of $V$ are the ideals $R_W$ where $W$ is a vector subspace of $V$ and $R_W$ is the set of endomorphisms whose image is contained in W. For $\mathrm{W} \subset \mathrm{W}^{\prime}, \mathrm{I}{\mathrm{W}} \subset \mathrm{I}{\mathrm{W}^{\prime}}$. Consequently, the maximal right ideals of End(V) are those ideals $R_W$ where $W$ is a hyperplane in $V$.
The only two-sided ideals of $\operatorname{End}(\mathrm{V})$ are ( 0$)$ and $\operatorname{End}(\mathrm{V})$, so that $(0)$ is the only maximal two-sided ideal of End(V).
c) A maximal left ideal of a ring is a maximal right ideal of the opposite ring.

数学代写|交换代数代写Commutative Algebra代考|Ideals and Divisibility
在第二章中, 我们研究了环中可分性的重深层次的方面。这个问题在数学家历史上出现过一一尤其是在莃望 证明费马大定理的时候!-试图在不成立的环中使用独特的因式分解。理想是一种后来被发明出来以更好地 理解可分性的设备。在这种情况下,素数有两种自然类似物,即极大理想和素理想。
我在可能非交换环的一般框架中引入极大理想; 然后我定义了 Jacobson 根式。矩阵环提供了有趣的例 $7 \circ$ 的关系。交换环的所有素理想的集合称为它的谱,它具有自然拓扑。环谱的详细研究属于格罗腾迪克提出的 方案的代数几何。虽然这是一个比本书计划的更高级的主题, 但我相信早期引入环的谱可以让人们对一些交 换代数的结构添加有见地的几何解释。
希尔伯特的“Nullstellensatz”描述了在代数闭域上的有限多个不定项中多项式环的最大理想。在复数领域的 特殊情况下证明了它(通过一些同事认为太特殊的简筥论证)之后,我展示了这个定理如何产生几何和代数 Z间的对应关系。(定理的一般情况将在第 9 章中证明; 其他一些证㫜也作为练习出现在该章以及这一章 中。)
另一个漂亮的几何例子是 Gelfand 定理,它描述了攽度量空间上连续函数环的最大理想。
数学代写|交换代数代写Commutative Algebra代考|Maximal Ideals
昰义 (2.1.1)。-让 $\mathrm{A}$ 是一个环。有人说 $\mathrm{A}$ 的左理想是最大的,如果它在 $\mathrm{A}$ 的左理想中是最大的 $\mathrm{A}$ 区别于
换句话说, 左理想 $\mathrm{I}$ 是最大的, 如果有 $\mathrm{I} \neq \mathrm{A}$ 如果包含 $\mathrm{I}$ 的 $\mathrm{A}$ 的唯一左理想是 $\mathrm{A}$ 和 $\mathrm{I}$ 。因此, 要检查左理想 $\mathrm{I} \neq \mathrm{A}$ 是最大的, 这足以证明对于任何 $a \in \mathrm{A}-\mathrm{I}$, 左理想 $\mathrm{I}+\mathrm{A} a$ 等于 $\mathrm{A}$.
当环 $A$ 可交换时, 这些概念是一致的, 但读者在一般情况下应谨慎: 当环 $A$ 不可交换时, 两侧理想可以是 作为两侧理想的极大理想, 但不能作为左理想理想, 或者是作为左理想但不是作为右理想的极大理想。
示例 (2.1.2)。- a) 的理想 $\mathbf{Z}$ 有表格 $n \mathbf{Z}$ ,对于一些 $n \in \mathbf{Z}$ (示例 1.4.3)。如果 $n$ 划分 $m$ ,然后 $m \mathbf{Z} \subset n \mathbf{Z}$, 反之亦然。由此可见, 最大理想 $\mathbf{Z}$ 是理想 $p \mathbf{Z}$, 在哪里 $p$ 是一个素数。
同样, 如果 $K$ 是一个场, 环的最大理想 $K[X]$ 个个不确定的多项式是由一个不可约多项式产生的理想。什么 时候 $\mathrm{K}$ 是代数封闭的, 最大理想是理想 $(X-a)$, 对于一毕 $a \in \mathrm{K}$.
b) 让K成为一个领域, 让 $V$ 做一个 $K$-有限维向量空间。在练习 $1.8 .32$ 中, 我们要求确定左、右和两侧的理 想 $\operatorname{End}_{\mathrm{K}}(\mathrm{V})$
$\mathrm{End}(\mathrm{V})$ 的左理想是理想 IW,其中 $W$ 是一个向量子空间 $V$ 和 $I_W$ 是核包含 $W$ 的自同念集合。对于 $W \subset W^{\prime}, I_W, \subset I_W$. 因此,End(V) 的最大左理想是那些理想 $I_W$ 在哪里 $W$ 是一条线 $V$.
正确的理想 $V$ 是理想 $R_W$ 在哪里 $W$ 是一个向量子空间 $V$ 和 $R_W$ 是图像包含在 $W$ 中的自同态集合。对于 $\mathrm{W} \subset \mathrm{W}^{\prime}, \mathrm{IW} \subset \mathrm{IW}^{\prime}$. 因此, End(V) 的最大右理想是那毕理想 $R_W$ 在哪里 $W$ 是一个超平面 $V$.
唯一的两面理想 $\operatorname{End}(\mathrm{V})$ 是 $(0)$ 和 $\operatorname{End}(\mathrm{V})$, 以便 $(0)$ 是 $\operatorname{End}(\mathrm{V})$ 的唯一极大双边理想。
C) 一个环的最大左理想是对面环的最大右理想。

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