金融代写|财务分析与估值代写Financial Analysis and Valuation代考|BUSN3064 Anchoring Value on the Financial Statements

如果你也在 怎样代写财务分析与估值Financial Analysis and Valuation BUSN3064这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。财务分析与估值Financial Analysis and Valuation(也被称为财务报表分析或会计分析或财务分析)是指对一个企业、次级企业或项目的可行性、稳定性和盈利能力的评估。它是由专业人员使用比率和其他技术编写报告,利用从财务报表和其他报告中获取的信息进行的。这些报告通常被提交给高层管理人员,作为他们做出商业决策的依据之一。财务分析可以决定一个企业是否会。

财务分析与估值Financial Analysis and Valuation是是在行业和经济环境的背景下考察公司的业绩,以得出决策或建议的过程。继续或终止其主要业务或部分业务。制造或购买某些材料来制造其产品。购买或租用某些机器和设备来生产其产品。发行股票或通过谈判获得银行贷款以增加其营运资金。作出有关投资或借出资本的决定。做出其他决定,使管理层能够在开展业务的过程中对各种选择做出明智的选择。

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金融代写|财务分析与估值代写Financial Analysis and Valuation代考|BUSN3064 Anchoring Value on the Financial Statements

金融代写|财务分析与估值代写Financial Analysis and Valuation代考|Anchoring Value on the Financial Statements

Tenet 9 in Box $1.6$ embellishes Tenet $8:$ Anchor a valuation on what you know rather than speculation. Much of what we know about firms is found in the financial statements, so the maxim might read: Anchor a valuation on the financial statements. Financial statements contain information of varying quality and the accounting is sometimes suspect, but the information they contain is relatively hard information. Financial statements are based on accounting principles that largely exclude speculative information. They are audited. So, while the analyst always tests the quality of the information in the financial statements and organizes that information based on its perceived quality, financial statements are a good place to start when valuating firms.

Financial statements report two summary numbers, book value of equity and earnings. The book value of equity is the “bottom-line” number in the balance sheet; earnings is the bottom-line number in the income statement. The last two methods in Box $1.5$ anchor value on these summary numbers. The form of the valuation is as follows:
Value $=$ Anchor $+$ Extra value
That is, the analyst takes a particular measure in the financial statements as a concrete starting point and then goes about calculating “extra value” not captured by this measure. The anchor might be the book value of shareholders’ equity, so that
Value $=$ Book value $+$ Extra value
Here book value is the starting point, but the analyst realizes that book value is an incomplete measure of value, so he calculates extra value. In doing so, he calculates the intrinsic price-to-book ratio, the multiple of book value that the equity is worth. Valuation then comes down to the method of calculating value that is not in book value.
Alternatively, the anchor might be earnings, so that
\text { Value }=\text { Earnings }+\text { Extra value }
In this case, earnings is the starting point and the extra value yields the intrinsic priceearnings ratio, the multiple of earnings that the equity is worth. In both cases, the analyst starts with a hard number (in the financial statements) and adds an analysis of more speculative information.

金融代写|财务分析与估值代写Financial Analysis and Valuation代考|HOW TO USE THIS BOOK

The best way to tackle this book is to see it as an exercise in building a valuation technology. Think of yourself as an investor who wants to have the best methods to protect and enhance your investments. Or think of yourself as one of the professionals we have talked about, an investment analyst or CFO. This will give you focus. If you think in terms of an outside analyst, ask yourself: How would I build the best valuation product for my clients? How would I prepare a credible equity research report? If you think in terms of an inside analyst, ask yourself: How would I write a strategy document or an investment appraisal? You want an analysis that will be practical, but you want one that is also conceptually sound. And you want an analysis that is understandable and easy to use.

This focus will make you demand a lot of the book, and of yourself. It will help you develop your critique of investment products that are being offered by vendors. It will help you develop your critique of the accounting in published financial statements. And, yes, it will also help you critique the book!

There are three ingredients to a good technology: good thinking, good application, and good balance between cost and benefit. Use the book to develop good thinking about businesses and their valuation: The book takes pains to lay out the concepts clearly. Use the book to translate concepts into methods that work in practice: The book builds a practical technique, block-by-block, from the concepts. Much of the analysis can be built into a spreadsheet program, and you might build this spreadsheet as you go, a product to carry over to your professional life. The book gives directions as we proceed, and you will find the BYOAP (Build Your Own Analysis Product) feature on the Web page to be indispensable for this task. Use the book to get a sense of cost-benefit tradeoffs. When is more detail worth it? What do I lose by cutting corners? What “bells and whistles” are worth adding?

金融代写|财务分析与估值代写Financial Analysis and Valuation代考|BUSN3064 Anchoring Value on the Financial Statements


金融代写|财务分析与估值代写Financial Analysis and Valuation代考|Anchoring Value on the Financial Statements

信条 9 盒装1.6点缀宗旨8:将估值锚定在你所知道的而不是猜测上。我们对公司的大部分了解都可以在财务报表中找到,因此格言可能是:将估值锚定在财务报表上。财务报表包含质量参差不齐的信息,会计有时令人怀疑,但它们包含的信息是相对硬信息。财务报表基于主要排除投机信息的会计原则。他们被审计。因此,虽然分析师总是测试财务报表中信息的质量并根据其感知质量组织该信息,但财务报表是评估公司时的一个好起点。


 价值 = 收益 + 额外价值 

金融代写|财务分析与估值代写Financial Analysis and Valuation代考|HOW TO USE THIS BOOK



好的技术需要三个要素:好的思维、好的应用、好的成本和收益的平衡。用这本书来培养对企业及其估值的良好思考:这本书煞费苦心地清晰地阐述了这些概念。使用本书将概念转化为在实践中有效的方法:本书从概念中逐块构建实用技术。大部分分析都可以构建到电子表格程序中,您可以随时构建此电子表格,这是一种可以延续到您的职业生涯的产品。本书为我们提供了指导,您会发现网页上的 BYOAP(构建您自己的分析产品)功能对于这项任务是必不可少的。使用这本书来了解成本效益的权衡。什么时候值得更多细节?偷工减料会失去什么?哪些“花里胡哨”值得添加?

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