如果你也在 怎样代写风险投资及私募股权Venture Capital and Private Equity RSM2057H这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。风险投资及私募股权Venture Capital and Private Equity从技术上讲,风险投资(VC)是私募股权的一种形式。主要区别在于,私募股权投资者更喜欢稳定的公司,而风险投资人通常在创业阶段进入。风险投资通常给予具有惊人增长潜力的小公司。
风险投资及私募股权Venture Capital and Private Equity是私募股权融资的一种形式,由风险投资公司或基金提供给被认为具有高增长潜力的初创企业、早期企业和新兴企业,或者已经显示出高增长(在员工人数、年收入、经营规模等方面)的企业。风险投资公司或基金对这些早期阶段的公司进行投资,以换取股权,或所有权股份。风险资本家承担着为有风险的初创企业融资的风险,希望他们支持的一些公司能够获得成功。由于初创企业面临高度的不确定性,风险投资的失败率很高。初创企业通常基于一种创新的技术或商业模式,它们通常来自高科技行业,如信息技术(IT)、清洁技术或生物技术。
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金融代写|风险投资及私募股权代写Venture Capital and Private Equity代考|Agency Problems
A principal-agent problem arises when a principal hires an agent under conditions of incomplete and asymmetric information. An agent is responsible for and takes actions that affect the financial returns to the principal. An agent may, however, have either pecuniary or nonpecuniary interests in taking actions that are against the interest of the principal. These potentially adverse actions of the agent are referred to as agency problems. Contracts can be designed to enable a principal to mitigate agency problems, but agency problems can never be fully eliminated (Farmer and Winter, 1986). The central issue considered in this book is how contracts in the context of venture capital and private equity finance can be designed to mitigate agency problems as best possible.
A common example of the principal-agent relationship is the employeremployee relationship. Because it is impossible to continually monitor the activities of an employee, the employee can do many things that are against the interests of his employer. For example, an employee might shirk responsibilities or not work as efficiently as possible when he is not being monitored. Employment contracts can be structured in a way to mitigate agency problems. For example, an employee who is on a fixed salary has a greater incentive to shirk responsibilities than an employee who is working on commission or who receives a performance bonus. Because many actions by employees are observable but not verifiable, it is not possible to write contracts that anticipate and address all aspects of an employer-employee relationship, and therefore agency problems will exist to some extent regardless of the structure of the contract. The key to writing a good contract is to recognize that contracts are by definition incomplete and that although every possible eventuality cannot be foreseen, agency problems that can be anticipated must be addressed while mitigating the capacity for other potential agency problems to develop.
The venture capital and private equity context is particularly interesting for investigating agency problems (Sahlman, 1990). Figure $2.3$ illustrates the agency relationships that exist in a typical (albeit simplified) venture capital context. Figure $2.3$ considers two limited partnership venture capital funds with two institutional investors (one for each fund). The venture capital funds have invested in the same entrepreneurial firm (a syndicated investment). The agency relationships in Figure $2.3$ are presented with the use of arrows whereby the direction of the arrow points to the agent from the principal. The figure actually shows eight distinct agency relationships among different principals and different agents.
金融代写|风险投资及私募股权代写Venture Capital and Private Equity代考|Moral Hazard
The term moral hazard most commonly refers to the prospect of an agent not exerting best effort (against the interest of the principal) in view of his diminished accountability. This effort will in turn affect the expected payoff of the principal. It is not possible to write a contract to enforce effort. Effort is potentially observable but not verifiable and therefore unenforceable (it would generally be implausible to sue someone for “lack of effort”). It is, however, possible to write contracts to incentivize effort. In a venture capital financing context, this is particularly important, as the effort of each party affects the expected value of the entrepreneurial venture.
Recall the different securities discussed earlier in this chapter. An agent’s (the entrepreneur’s or the venture capitalist’s) effort is an increasing function of her residual claim (share in the profits) to the venture. ${ }^8$ The intuition is straightforward. The entrepreneur and the venture capitalist take unobservable actions that affect the expected payoff to be divided between them. The effort of each agent yields a positive externality on the other party, but such effort is costly to both parties. As such, when bankruptcy is not expected, the entrepreneur’s [venture capitalist’s] effort into a venture is an increasing [decreasing] function of the relative amount of debt to common equity provided to the venture capitalist. A sharing rule that provides a greater equity share to the venture capitalist yields more [less] VC [entrepreneurial] effort. ${ }^9$ If the contracting objective is to mitigate moral hazard costs (and abstracting from all other possible contracting objectives and other types of agency problems) and the venture capitalist is not expected to provide effort, it makes sense to provide the venture capitalist with a fixed claim security (nonconvertible debt or nonconvertible preferred equity). If the venture capitalist is expected to provide effort, then it makes sense to provide the venture capitalist with at least some common equity or a convertible security that can be converted into common equity. In increasing function of the agent’s residual claim to the entrepreneurial venture.

金融代写|风险投资及私募股权代写Venture Capital and Private Equity代考|Agency Problems
当委托人在信息不完整和不对称的情况下雇佣代理人时,就会出现委托代理问题。代理人负责并采取影响委托人财务回报的行动。但是,代理人在采取有损委托人利益的行为时可能具有金钱或非金钱利益。代理人的这些潜在的不利行为被称为代理问题。可以设计合同以使委托人能够缓解代理问题,但代理问题永远无法完全消除(Farmer 和 Winter,1986 年)。本书考虑的核心问题是如何设计风险投资和私募股权融资背景下的合同,以尽可能地缓解代理问题。
金融代写|风险投资及私募股权代写Venture Capital and Private Equity代考|Moral Hazard
回想一下本章前面讨论的不同证券。代理人(企业家或风险资本家)的努力是她对企业的剩余索取权(利润份额)的递增函数。8直觉是直截了当的。企业家和风险资本家采取了影响他们之间分配的预期收益的不可观察的行动。每个代理人的努力都会对另一方产生正外部性,但这种努力对双方来说都是代价高昂的。因此,当预计不会破产时,企业家 [风险资本家] 对风险投资的努力是提供给风险资本家的相对于普通股的债务数量的增加 [减少] 函数。为风险投资家提供更大股权份额的共享规则会产生更多[更少]风险投资[企业家]努力。9如果合同目标是降低道德风险成本(并从所有其他可能的合同目标和其他类型的代理问题中抽象出来)并且风险投资家不期望付出努力,那么为风险投资家提供固定索赔担保是有意义的(不可转换债务或不可转换优先股)。如果期望风险投资家付出努力,那么为风险投资家提供至少一些普通股或可转换为普通股的可转换证券是有意义的。增加代理人对创业企业的剩余索取权的函数。

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