金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考|LAWS70420 Hedge Funds and Management Expenses: Impact of the New US Tax Law

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对冲基金Hedge Funds被认为是另类投资。他们使用杠杆和更复杂的投资技术的能力,使他们区别于零售市场上的受监管的投资基金,通常被称为共同基金和ETFs。它们也被认为有别于私募股权基金和其他类似的封闭式基金,因为对冲基金通常投资于相对流动的资产,并且通常是开放式的。这意味着它们通常允许投资者根据基金的净资产价值进行投资并定期提取资本,而私募股权基金通常投资于非流动性资产,并在若干年后才归还资本。然而,除了基金的监管地位外,对基金类型并没有正式或固定的定义,因此对什么能构成 “对冲基金 “有不同的看法。

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金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考|LAWS70420 Hedge Funds and Management Expenses: Impact of the New US Tax Law

金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考|Hedge Funds and Management Expenses: Impact of the New US Tax Law

There is plenty of evidence of the main differences between the role of management fees in mutual funds and hedge funds. While the negative impact on mutual funds is uncontroversial, hedge funds face reductions in their ability to impose a higher management fee due to the impact of declining performance and competition from other investment strategies. For hedge funds, compensation usually derives from two main sources-the so-called ‘two and twenty’ arrangement. First, hedge fund managers are typically entitled to receive $20 \%$ of the profits generated by each of the funds, the carried interest. A second source of compensation for fund managers is the annual management fee, usually $1.5 \%$, although traditionally $2 \%$ (Braun and Roche, 2019). Over recent years, hedge funds have seen a decline in their fee levels.

Following a US Treasury Review in 2018 , changes to the US Tax Code resulted in a new focus on funds’ expenses, such as the deduction of management fees. Investors were quick to understand the implications of the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017. A major focus of the reform was the elimination of management fees and other expenses as miscellaneous itemized deductions, to the extent that they exceed $2 \%$ of their adjusted gross income.

So how has the industry responded to the new law? As predicted, the competitive industry environment and tax law changes led to increased pressures on hedge fund managers. On the one hand, a record number of hedge funds have closed as managers have struggled to retain assets. On the other hand, investors were already demanding more information about funds’ expense ratio and disclosure of expenses allocated to the fund. It is already clear that there is a greater focus on fund expenses. While some fund managers may reduce the expense allocation, others are considering applying a cap on fund expenses (Steinbrugge, 2019). While we have attempted to shed light on the particular investment strategies that managers might use in response to changes in the asset management industry, it may be too early to precisely identify which strategies are likely to lead to a competitive advantage for some fund managers. Overall, regulation has increased the hurdles for the hedge fund industry, which may also affect the launches of new funds.

金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考|The General Case for Hedge Funds for Investors

Investors are attracted to investment strategies that can generate uncorrelated returns with the equity and bond markets over longer horizons. By employing dynamic strategies, long/short strategies or investments in less-liquid asset classes, correlation with the traditional portfolios can be low. This can add benefits to an investor’s portfolio based on diversification; these types of strategies can perform in turbulent times, when equity markets and/or bond markets are down.

To verify the extent to which hedge funds are able to provide these characteristics, we investigate in Table $2.1$ the performance of the general hedge fund index. To prevent reliance on a specific methodology of a data provider, we use three different indices for robustness. We split the sample into two periods-the most recent decade, 2010-2019, and the previous decade, 2000-2009-to put our conclusions into perspective.

Table $2.1$ confirms the positive investment performance of hedge funds in the periods 2000-2009 and 2010-2019. However, there is an important difference between the two periods. In the sub-period 2000-2009, all hedge fund indices have had returns higher than the equity or bond market. The positive alphas in this period, although not significantly different from zero, indicate that hedge funds have delivered a different source of performance than a constant exposure of equity and bonds. While the alphas are not statistically significant, these are economically meaningful given the short sample period. Therefore, investors adding hedge funds to their traditional bond equity portfolio would have benefited.

金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考|LAWS70420 Hedge Funds and Management Expenses: Impact of the New US Tax Law


金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考| Hedge Funds and Management Expenses: Impact of the New US Tax Law




金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考| The General Case for Hedge Funds for Investors


为了验证对冲基金能够提供这些特征的程度,我们在表格中进行了调查2.1一般对冲基金指数的表现。为了防止依赖数据提供者的特定方法,我们使用三种不同的指数来实现稳健性。我们将样本分为两个时期 – 最近的十年,2010-2019年,以及前一个十年,2000-2009年 – 以正确看待我们的结论。


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