如果你也在 怎样代写对冲基金Hedge Funds FINE456这个学科遇到相关的难题,请随时右上角联系我们的24/7代写客服。对冲基金Hedge Funds是一种集合投资基金,交易相对流动的资产,并能够广泛使用更复杂的交易、投资组合构建和风险管理技术,以试图提高业绩,如卖空、杠杆和衍生品。
对冲基金Hedge Funds被认为是另类投资。他们使用杠杆和更复杂的投资技术的能力,使他们区别于零售市场上的受监管的投资基金,通常被称为共同基金和ETFs。它们也被认为有别于私募股权基金和其他类似的封闭式基金,因为对冲基金通常投资于相对流动的资产,并且通常是开放式的。这意味着它们通常允许投资者根据基金的净资产价值进行投资并定期提取资本,而私募股权基金通常投资于非流动性资产,并在若干年后才归还资本。然而,除了基金的监管地位外,对基金类型并没有正式或固定的定义,因此对什么能构成 “对冲基金 “有不同的看法。
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金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考|Agency Theory
Central to agency theory is the assumption that the corporation only exists to return value to its owners; any other functions, such as job creation or knock off benefits to communities and peer firms, represent by-products (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). Managers may be prone to shift their attentions away from shareholder value in order to maximize their personal prestige and returns (Jensen and Meckling, 1976). It has been argued that active investors, such as hedge funds, have a vital role in steering the firm back to its core purpose, and checking managerial excess (Klein and Zur, 2009). Hence, it could be argued that hedge funds are likely to promote superior returns (Klein and Zur, 2009).
There are two fundamental critiques of this point of view. First, it could be argued that there is always a tension between returning value to shareholders, and the reinvestment required to sustain the corporation into the medium or longer term (Clifford, 2008). It could further be argued that the malaise of manufacturing and excessive corporate debt in liberal market economies represents, in part, an over-focus on the short against the longer term (Berry, 2015). Against this, it could be considered that there remains considerable diversity in hedge fund investment horizons and there are many other investors that could be seen as excessively short term (Clifford, 2008). The second critique concerns the role of the corporation in society, and even among some proponents of agency theory, there is a level of inconsistency, for example, a willingness to see the corporation as possessing human like characteristics in a wide range of areas, such as political engagement, even while denying it when it comes to the need for high returns to shareholders.
In addition to general critiques of agency theory, there are applications of agency theory that argue for a more nuanced view. For example, Allen (2001) and a range of other scholars have argued that there are multiple sites of agency failure, and that a focus on tensions between investors and managers might ignore even more serious problems. For example, hedge fund managers are themselves agents of investors, many of whom may have different agendas to that which is pursued by hedge fund managers. For example, hedge fund managers may seek to promote returns, and to readily swop investments, to maximize their own incentives. However, pension funds might have an interest in stable returns over the longer term in the interests of their members (yet, there may, of course, be other agency failures, between pension fund managers and savers) (Engelen et al., 2011).
Section $1.6$ provides a more detailed look at different types of agency problems in hedge fund management.
金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考|Theories of Financialization
An even more diverse way of thinking about hedge funds is from a financialization perspective; articles informed by this theory may be encountered in a wide range of journals, from mainstream finance (e.g. Journal of Finance, see Basak and Pavlova, 2016) to radical political economy (e.g. Capital and Class, see Froud et al., 2002). What this literature has in common is that it holds that financial services have become much more prominent, particularly in liberal markets, and, indeed, that this has become a major engine of growth, and alternative investors constitute a prominent feature of this new reality. Where accounts vary is whether the rise of financial services, in general, and alternative investors, specifically, is a coherent phenomena, and whether financial services are, in their own right, capable of serving as the predominant engine of growth, even in the short term (Williams et al., 2000).From a geographic perspective, it has been suggested that specific alternative investors are more likely to be concentrated in particular locales than others, even though their influence is truly global (Engelen et al., 2010). Indeed, the literature on variegated capitalism suggests that forms of investor behavior may assume world ecosystemic dominance, even if there remains considerable diversity at local and regional level, reflecting persistent variations regulation and practice.
A second strand of thinking highlights the extent to which activity in the service sector in general, and financial service specifically, has supplanted traditional manufacturing in liberal markets, and, to a lesser extent, in many other developed economies. This reflects a decline of the traditional fordist or mass production paradigm, in the face of both lower cost and more flexible competitors from abroad. In its place, financial services has assumed a prominent role in reallocating and reengineering capital, and potentially serving as a new engine for national growth (Williams et al., 200o). A cross section of work has highlighted the complex and uneven consequences of this phenomenon (Engelen et al., 2010; Van der Zwan, 2014); periodic economic shocks would suggest that it has not provided the stability associated with the fordist era, and recent work has argued that this reflects fundamental differences from times when the main engine of growth was the generation and sale of services and goods.
Post-modern variations of this school of thought suggest that it reflects a shift in focus from the process of production and associated culture centered on the material world, to one based to a much greater level on subjectivities. Financialization is not just about material processes, but about presentation, with rhetoric and appearances assuming a greater role, as the boundaries of material reality shrink (Breu, 2017). However, it could be argued that at any time a significant proportion of economic life is socially constructed, and this is no different from times when financial services were less prominent. Indeed, the Covid-19 pandemic has shown that many areas of economic activity that were seen as peripheral proved indispensable, and the temporary suspension of others proved to have limited consequences.

金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考|Agency Theory
代理理论的核心是假设公司的存在只是为了向其所有者返还价值。任何其他功能,例如创造就业机会或为社区和同行公司带来好处,都是副产品(Jensen 和 Meckling,1976 年)。经理们可能倾向于将他们的注意力从股东价值上转移,以最大化他们的个人声望和回报(Jensen 和 Meckling,1976 年)。有人认为,对冲基金等积极的投资者在引导公司回到其核心目标和检查管理过剩方面发挥着至关重要的作用(Klein 和 Zur,2009 年)。因此,可以说对冲基金可能会带来更高的回报(Klein 和 Zur,2009 年)。
对这种观点有两个基本的批评。首先,可以说,在向股东返还价值与维持公司中长期维持所需的再投资之间总是存在紧张关系(Clifford,2008 年)。可以进一步认为,自由市场经济体中制造业的萎靡和过度的公司债务在一定程度上代表了对短期而非长期的过度关注(Berry,2015 年)。与此相反,可以认为对冲基金投资范围仍然存在相当大的多样性,并且还有许多其他投资者可能被视为过于短期(Clifford,2008)。第二个批评涉及公司在社会中的作用,甚至在代理理论的一些支持者中,也存在一定程度的不一致,例如,
除了对代理理论的一般批评之外,代理理论的一些应用也支持更细致的观点。例如,Allen (2001) 和其他一系列学者认为,代理失败的原因有很多,关注投资者和管理者之间的紧张关系可能会忽略更严重的问题。例如,对冲基金经理本身就是投资者的代理人,他们中的许多人可能有与对冲基金经理所追求的不同的议程。例如,对冲基金经理可能会寻求提高回报,并轻易放弃投资,以最大限度地提高自己的激励。然而,养老基金可能会为了其成员的利益而对长期稳定的回报感兴趣(当然,可能还有其他机构倒闭,
金融代写|对冲基金代写Hedge Funds代考|Theories of Financialization
从金融化的角度考虑对冲基金的一种更加多样化的方式。从主流金融(例如金融期刊,参见 Basak 和 Pavlova,2016 年)到激进的政治经济学(例如,资本和阶级,参见 Froud 等,2002),可以在广泛的期刊中看到以该理论为依据的文章。这篇文献的共同点是,它认为金融服务已经变得更加突出,尤其是在自由市场中,而且事实上,这已成为增长的主要引擎,另类投资者构成了这一新现实的一个突出特征。不同之处在于金融服务的兴起,一般来说,特别是另类投资者,是否是一个连贯的现象,以及金融服务本身是否,即使在短期内也能成为主要的增长引擎(Williams et al., 2000)。尽管他们的影响确实是全球性的(Engelen et al., 2010)。事实上,关于多样化资本主义的文献表明,投资者行为的形式可能会占据世界生态系统的主导地位,即使在地方和区域层面仍然存在相当大的多样性,这反映了监管和实践的持续变化。即使他们的影响是真正的全球性的(Engelen et al., 2010)。事实上,关于多样化资本主义的文献表明,投资者行为的形式可能会占据世界生态系统的主导地位,即使在地方和区域层面仍然存在相当大的多样性,这反映了监管和实践的持续变化。即使他们的影响是真正的全球性的(Engelen et al., 2010)。事实上,关于多样化资本主义的文献表明,投资者行为的形式可能会占据世界生态系统的主导地位,即使在地方和区域层面仍然存在相当大的多样性,这反映了监管和实践的持续变化。
第二种思路强调了服务业活动,特别是金融服务业在多大程度上取代了自由市场中的传统制造业,以及在较小程度上,在许多其他发达经济体中。这反映了传统福特或大规模生产模式的衰落,面对来自国外的低成本和更灵活的竞争对手。取而代之的是,金融服务在重新分配和再造资本方面发挥了重要作用,并有可能成为国家增长的新引擎(Williams 等,200o)。一个横截面的工作强调了这种现象的复杂和不均衡的后果(Engelen 等,2010;Van der Zwan,2014);周期性的经济冲击表明它没有提供与福特时代相关的稳定性,
这种思想流派的后现代变体表明,它反映了从以物质世界为中心的生产过程和相关文化的焦点转移到基于更高层次的主观性的转变。金融化不仅与物质过程有关,还与呈现有关,随着物质现实边界的缩小,修辞和表象发挥了更大的作用(Breu,2017)。然而,可以说,在任何时候,经济生活的很大一部分是社会建构的,这与金融服务不那么突出的时代没有什么不同。事实上,Covid-19 大流行表明,许多被视为外围的经济活动领域被证明是必不可少的,而其他领域的暂时中止被证明产生的后果有限。

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